Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sex Derangement Syndrome is not the same as being a Never Trumper; Contra Bob Metz

Yesterday I decided to give a listen to the latest episode of Just Right Radio to see what Bob Metz was up too lately. Turns out he is still at it when it comes to defending Trump as some sort of rightist worthy of praise for being so pure in his Capitalism. However, anyone that has followed him will realize that if anything he is a Nationalist Socialist. He is fully in support of government literally having an Iron Hand of subsidization control over the economy and he is against free trade as well as immigration. He is thus both a Nationalist and he is anti-free markets determining whom gets money free(d) from picking winners or losers through force. This makes him pro-government having control level powers over peoples property as long as they are in industries he has a personal interest in. Government ownership of the means of production is the exact definition of Socialism.

The so-called Alt-right which is made up of actual and literal Nazis supported Trump not out of a mistake of understanding. They supported him because he like them is against protection of individual rights of people whom he deems unworthy of such protection whom just happen to be in groups he has issues with. This is not rightist it is in fact if anything on certain metrics extreme left; even more left than the "leftist" within the Democratic Party that he ran against. Much like Alt-Right is simply another way of saying not right, but, left. Yet, Bob Metz makes it seem like to be against Trump is the same as denying sex/gender differences have a biological basis.

The two things are the complete opposite. To be against Trump and his Trade War anti-Globalism bullshit is to be in favor of the reality of what free trade means in essentials. To be against the fact that sex is biological and that we can see differences before socialization is even possible in recently born babies is to deny reality. Thus the two arguments are not the same at all, but, in fact the polar opposites of the fact/fiction divide. It appears once again Bob Metz has swallowed the Trump Train Kool-aide and is riding it to the last. He ironically while claiming to be rightist is supporting a leftist and anti-Capitalism President. Yet, he claims to be a fighter for the facts in the matter. I do not think he is immoral, but, instead ignorant. Much like he was ignorant in his blatant bashing of Alan Small during the last election.