Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Alex Jones was not censored you do not have a right to an audience.

There is many a talk about Alex Jones among people online as somehow being a martyr for free speech. However, this incorrect and does not understand the 1st amendment. You have the right to free speech without interference of government, but, not to use ones property against their will. Private enterprises get to control what happens on their property; as long as said control is not itself infringing others rights in itself. There was no rights infringed in this case.

There is no need to #FreeAlex as he is free and his show can be found on his own website. He has simply moved to a new platform which is fine with streaming him and he is free as a pig in the pile of shit his stream spews. He is not locked up (that would be an infringement of his rights.) Certain platforms simply said no thank you to his content. Meanwhile others picked him up happily supporting his mindless and delusional vomit of a broadcast. Bitshoot is now broadcasting his stream and he is safe from any harm.

I repeat he is free and streaming as we speak he does not need his rights defended he has them. He is enacting those rights as I type this on a new platform better suited to allowing his content. Nothing rights infringing happened in this matter and if you are a fan you still have access to his brain melting cesspool of mind killing intellectual herbicide. You are free to continue to consume his cow shit of a broadcast, but, listener beware.