Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, August 31, 2018

Evolutionary Psychology is descriptive and not prescriptive

Lately, I have tackled the idea that evolutionary psychology is somehow unscientific or some form of modern day determinism. I have also been pointing out how some Objectivists seem to be running away from the truth and reality when it comes to the subject of how much of human nature is baked into us. Not all, but, definitely way too many people whom take Objectivism for their personal philosophical outlook also run from the reality of the Sociobiological aspect of our human nature.
This is because they think it derails the idea that we can be a rational or irrational person based on self-regulation.

However, there is nothing in accepting the evolutionary psychology aspect of human nature that says we have no reason or we cannot be a rational animal through forms of self-regulation or "free will." Just because we have way more baked into us than Ms. Rand thought due to how long ago she lived when it comes to matters of human psychology does not make reason not real. Evolutionary Psychology or Sociobiology does not say anything about us not being able to be rational or basing our choices on reason over faith or the lack of "will." It does say we have a greater proportion of our desires, tendencies and traits from a mix between various forms of biology and our environment based on our nature.

This does not say anything about us not having any sense of free will or self-regulation. Nor does it say we do not have the ability to work, work, work on our self-regulation of our mind to better take control of our reason. It does not say we cannot be a rational animal, that we have no reason and that we should follow anything in particular that is baked into us. Objectivism is a moral/ethical code, metaphysics, epistemology, politics and aesthetics. Evolutionary Psychology simply says evolutionary caused desires and more expansive amounts of our traits is true. It does not say we do not have reason or should not use it over our "evolved instincts and drives."

Nowhere in evolutionary psychology does any sociobiologist ever say we are not living beings that act to gain and keep values. In fact, quite the opposite it shows we do based on our human nature very much acquire through a mixture of biology, environment, and our ideas values which we live to fulfill. Humans like all animals do have needs and desires. We obviously do act to gain and keep those values. This is part of our human nature in which Sociobiology is completely agreeing with Objectivism on human nature in fact. It is not either pro or anti Objectivism though in nature; it just so happens it agrees with this Objectivism statement about human nature.

The fact that a lot of our values; our desires are part of our human nature and baked into us does not change the fact that we have them and work to gain or keep them. However, this is really beyond the point because Sociobiology or Evolutionary Psychology is descriptive it is not prescriptive. It does not tell you how you should or anyone else should live. It tells you nothing about what broader things you should believe about the Universe or existence. It does not touch on broader principles that philosophy talks about. It does not tell you how you obtain knowledge, anything else about the nature of the Universe, what ethics or morals you should act within and definitely does not prescribe any certain political system.

Nor does it tell you if acting on your longer term evolved psychology is good for the agent it evolved in within a new environment which it did not evolve in. The fact that one evolved a sex drive which might be different between the sexes does not say that men should act on their sex drive simply because they are horny. If one literally thinks you should only act on baked on instincts they would need to argue rape is OK because there was a built in drive for power or spreading your seed being acted on in the agent. Quite the opposite, some instincts and drives are destructive for all involved the agent and those the agent is acting on in complying with those drives.

Something being a gut feeling does not make it in accordance with reality and thus "rational." Many times to act in ones self-interest long term requires not acting on irrational drives based in our biological history. Evolutionary Psychology being true can make us realize what "tendencies" in our nature we should work to "not listen to" when doing so would be to not be living in the world as it is now. Our psychology evolved in a different time and a different place. Just because something is baked in does not make it good at all. Sociobiology or Evolutionary Psychology is descriptive of what is baked in, why we had it in the past and where it came from. It is not prescribing we have no way of regulating our instincts to make us more able to be a rational animal. Nor that reason is impotent at all.