Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, April 29, 2017

No, Bill Nye your cartoon is not enlightened it is cringe filled stereotypical bullshit.

There has a big ruhaha on Youtube lately with Bill Nye's new Netflix series "saves the world." I have to throw my hat into this ring as well. I need to speak up against this bullshit that Bill Nye is spitting out at his viewers. I am especially referring to two different episodes, but, the issue on Youtube is only the sexuality/gender episode. I will speak about this episode first and then look toward my second episode to discuss too.

In the gender/sexuality episode Bill Nye does several things are not scientific at all. First off he says that chromosomes have nothing to do with your sex and gender. Which is is just blatantly wrong wrong. Chromosomes and hormones in your Moms womb in fact do determine ones gender which is in accordance 98% of the time with ones sex. There are only two genders and Transsexuals are not a third gender they are suffering from Gender Dysphoria a mental disorder and medical condition. The APA acknowledges that this in their writings on how to work with Trans folks.

From here he moves onto talking nonsense about how people in other Countries like Japan embracing K-Popp is somehow symbolic of how gender does not exist in biology. This is complete idiocy and fashion trends do not disprove biology or innateness of ones gender identity in people. It does not disprove the TRUTH that 98% of humans will never have gender disorders and their identity is self-affirmed by nature of their puberty. Me changing my clothes does not make my balls and cock fall off and a vagina magically appear. It does not change ones gender identity to change something like that.

Nor does it make someone feel so much body dysmorphia over their gender that they need therapy, or hormones or Sex-Reassignment. It does not show Gender is not binary male and female. It does not show there are more than 2 or that biological sex/gender is a spectrum as he continue to go on about as if it was science. Nor is a different sexuality a different gender identity or a "spectrum of biological sex." Bill Nye and his entire team keep mistaking sexuality being able to have three options with there being 3 genders.

Yes, there are three things that you can generally fall into sexually, more hetero, more right down the middle no preference bisexual and more homosexual. With bisexual also itself having places one can fall within, but, people can have all kinds of preferences. This has nothing to do with your gender or sex being fluid. Sexual Orientation having a fluid component is not evidence of gender or biological sex being fluid the two are not connected at all. However, the pinnacles of this insanity is ice cream, ice cream conversion therapy and an Neapolitan orgy.

In the cartoon a "vanilla" ice cream talks about his views that Vanilla is the most natural of ice creams and that all ice cream should be vanilla. He is surrounded by other flavors of ice cream whom disagree with his point of view. However, after trying to make the case that ice cream conversion therapy does not work to Vanilla the "two things at once" shows up. This ice cream cone then proceeds to peer pressure Vanilla into being an a Neapolitan orgy with them. Stating that no one wants to be just one thing. As if being Vanilla was the bad thing not the pressure which they now did right back to him.

This is followed by the insanely cringe of Rachel Bloom singing a song about her sex junk and her Vagina having a voice. In which she once again conflates gender and sexuality. In which she too pressures and in fact uninvited rips the pants off the only Male character in her performance. Converting him to I guess bisexuality I am assuming even though he has not interest in it and his character protests her sining her song. Indicated the minds behind this show not only want to say bisexuality is OK, or homosexuality is OK, but, same-sex-attraction is a requirement.

Sorry, but, this is not kosher as they say. Bisexuals and homosexuals do not get to tell heterosexuals that they are not cool enough unless they sleep with them. They do not get to push their lifestyle, their sexual identity, their bedroom onto others. While the Ex-Gay movement parodied in the Vanilla sketch is fraught with nonsense that does not mean what they believe in any better. In fact, it is the same thing reversed. It is the belief that heterosexuality can be changed and that everyone needs to be bi or else. Sorry, but, heterosexuals do not need to be with other people of their same sex/gender in order to be full human beings. Most humans are heterosexual and will not be interested in bi or gay behavior. You do not get to collectivize and throw an entire sexuality under the bus.

I am going to go even further and say you do not get to "coerce" and pressure even an "Ex-Gay" that did take conversion therapy into being gay or bisexual. If someone did actually get a personal psychological benefit from the therapy (as bunk as it is) if they ended up cultivating a true loving and sexually active relationship with a member of the opposite sex they should be left the fuck alone. I have long taken the view that any mentally sane "ex-gay" is simply someone whom was Bi the entire time and not truly homosexual. That they should not be assumed to be unhappy and mentally scarred. The people whom go after happy "ex-gays" sicken me just as much as those that go after the 'gay."

I am against the Social Justice idea that gays and non gays are in some perpetual war. That straights, "ex-gays," present heterosexuals and homosexuals, bisexuals are at war. That one side must win or the other will which means some sort of oppression. As if in the West GBLT people are somehow oppressed people when they are not. Most people are not bigots and hell bigots have rights people. You have the right to be as racist, sexist, anti-gay as you want. That is all called toleration that two groups of people can live together despite highly different views in a state of a somewhat stable peace. As long as they are not calling for violence leave peoples minds alone to think what they wish.

Or are you going to call for rounding up every Evangelical Christian, Orthodox Jew or Catholic? After all they all have serious issues with homosexuality and gay marriage. So, that means they would be anti-gay and would say to live heterosexual lives irregardless of same sex attractions. They would be the Vanilla in this situation. Are you going to coerce them into an orgy of deviant hedonism? If so, then you are vile trash that I want nothing to do with. I will tolerate you, but, I will not support nor accept you as being decent people. What is worse is this plays into the biggest fear heterosexuals have of gays and bis. That they are trying to convert you and they are abusers. Leave people alone that have issues with the gays. Laugh at them, but, do not try to shut them up.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Reach for being your best and not perfect.

The world needs you to be the individual mind you are and not to be perfect we are all only humans.

The Alt-Right is Completely and totally Alt-Wrong.

Most of my politics based articles on this site have been going against the regressive left and I have not really tackled my views of the alt-right movement. I want to let it be known I am no fan of the movement which is filled with people whom make race and nation to be some sort of supernatural and more than human characteristic to put faith in.

It is in fact not a rightist or right-wing movement at all with its huge combination of protectionist anti-free trade nationalism and also hordes of White Supremacists. Not too mention the people that are in fact National Socialists whom are in no way on the right at all. They try to lay claim to being on the right when they are not and in fact like the so-called religious right which is in fact left theocracy.

Any form of ideology which paints race as putting one group above another is very dangerous and also insane. People whom are against the regressive left should not be swayed into supporting a collectivist so-called right. The actual philosophical right, rightist or right-wing is individualism and voluntarism. It is methodologically individualist which is not the same as some sort of atomistic rejection of co-operation and groups. Or of generalized actual biological or psychological trends within our species. It simply means individuals, individual thinking and individual rights are the cornerstone of rightist ideologies and philosophy VS collectivism on the left.

The so-called Alt-Right hates individualism and voluntarism. They are a group of nationalistic and protectionist anti-right ideologies which dare call themselves right when they are in fact on the collectivist left. Race is not the cornerstone of ideology such an idea is a vile evil no worse than the feminists and their hate of men. Individualism comes first and from that comes individual thinking and the rights of each of those individuals irregardless of color, creed, lack of creed, sex, orientation or anything else that is meaningless to the content of ones character.

The regressive left is a vile movement with too much power, but, we must guard against the likes of the Alt-Right gaining power too. This does not mean alt-right members deserve to be punched in the face as the regressive left say either. Instead there needs to be a cultural change and push through words, through philosophy and the intellect. Force is the enemy of reason and truth removing alt-right members rights is the enemy of the very reason needed to work towards the better future we really can have.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Antifa strikes again against a Free Speech event at Berkley with bricks, bottles, fists and M-80s.

Once again it was a stormy day in Good Old USA as Antifa attacked attendees at a free speech event at Berkley. They threw bottles, bricks, fists and M-80 devices at the attendees. They hit people and attacked people over the head with bricks/bottles. They were there not for protesting and not for discussion, but, instead went to engage in violence against people they did not agree with. Anyone that was at this free speech event must not be allowed to live in peace. Oh no, Lauren Southern is some sort of Neo-Nazi scum or something.

Once again the Police were cucks and stood by doing nothing while the attendees ended up defending themselves from the rioters and the looters. Berkley Police also did jack shit to help the attendees at the event as well. People in the US are going insane with Trump Derangement Syndrome and thinking it is OK to attack anyone whom is not on the street protesting the President. Donald J. Trump is your fucking Commander and Chief whether you like that or not. Get over it and get on with life.

Trump has done nothing to show he is a White Supremacist or hate women. He has done nothing to show he is against LBGTQIA Alphabet Soup. He has if anything been too leftist for me if anything and some of his views are way too anti-Capitalist/Nationalist. However, none of the reasons rioters give for hating on Trump are legitimate reasons. The peaceful anti-trump people whom also have issues with him never act like this. Only the far left engages in violence to get their way with the Administration. Critics of Trump on the right have been doing so peacefully and not interfering with people around them.


What is happening in Chechnya is disgusting and in defense of the Gays.

Lately, I have been having quite the outburst of Straight Male Pride on this blog. In doing so it could be misconstrued that I am somehow not in favor as well of gay lifestyles. After all the Cultural Warriors would have you think if someone has straight pride they must be also anti-gay somehow as well. To top it off for some I have talked at length about the fluidity of human sexual orientation which once again will set off alarms to some people.

Well, I am not against Gays in anyway I just happen to not be one. I defend the right of all adults to have whatever sort of consensual relations they wish to have irregardless of their gender/sex. So, I defend such lives even though I do have issues with the actual LGBT community. Recently it has come to my attention that Chechnya has built Concentration Camps for gay men to be tortured and captured. This is absolutely intolerable and it is the sort of thing GBLT folk should be complaining about.

This is something where I can agree with the broader LGBT community that this needs to be stopped. The question is how do we stop such things? Are we going to actually use the Military or contracted Mercenaries outsourced to take out the facility runners? What all is the West to do exactly? I wish I know after all we cannot go to war over it. I mean we could, but, what would the outcome be? Would it be beneficial or lead to things being even worse? Part of me the Warrior Spirit if you will wants to gather the troops and/or planes and fuck them up big time. However, where would that lead?

I seriously do not know what the West can do about this? Well, I sure know what we did during the last Holocaust. We fucking squashed the creators of those camps and eliminated the threat to the people being put into the camps. We should ideally rid this Cancer off the planet, How can we do that without having unwanted consequences? I wish I knew. I know I want to go all out on the entire population involved in this concentration camp plan. Eliminating all of them and turning them into plant food where they will be of more use to existence. My protector of my manhood is just itching to rid this vermin from the world. The fact they are gays matters not straight camps would be just as bad.

Queer Kids Stuff is dangerous misinformation and Transsexualism is not trendy.

I have been seeing quite a few of the Youtubers that I watch responding to the series Queer Kids Stuff. I can see why this is and I am also quite worried about it as well. Especially her pushing the idea that to be Trans is some trendy thing and pushing the idea of gender pro-nouns of children. The last thing one needs is to confuse young people about gender and have them thinking they are Trans when they are not.

I brought this up in my last article about gender actual transsexual people have a medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. It was previously called Gender Identity Disorder and that is basically what it is in terms of an actual description of what the issue is with these folks. They have medical condition surrounding their gender identity which is based on feeling they are in the wrong body,

We do not know exactly what the full cause is for this yet, but, evidence keeps coming in about it from various studies. It is not trendy it is not just a "I say I am this." It is a medical condition/mental illness that is extremely debilitating to the sufferer. To push the idea that biological gender does not exist and thus removing the debilitation of actual sufferers of this condition is barbaric and horrendous. Queer Kids Stuff is trying to say Trans is something you just say you are not something you suffer with.

If there was no such thing as Gender Dysphoria in our future I would be very happy. My hope would be we can figure out the causes and figure out a way to stop people from ever having such a medical condition to begin with. If we can stop the suffering of these people that would be the ideal. However, we are way far away from such a thing and we should not be pushing to kids Trans identity as being hip and cool. As thinking you are in the wrong body as some sort of norm. We do not want to indoctrinate little kids into having all the same symptoms of legitimate Dysphoria and make more people to have Gender disorders of some kind.

I also have issues with this current trend of so-called Trans Children. The majority of people whom have Gender identity issues get over it by the time they are through their natural puberty and do not end up with life long Dysphoria. A good deal of these ex-Trans kids turn out to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and in some cases even heterosexual. Although most of these GID kids end up being GB or L. The remaining T is those whom are not comfortable and have continued GID after puberty whom have not been able to deal with their issues using other forms of therapy.

Kids do not need to know anything at all about being Queer as kids. There is a time and place for this information and I would leave it off until Sex-Ed class age in Junior High to talk about homosexuality, transsexualism, bisexuality taught along side heterosexual sexual education. Kids do not need to know this sort of information at all this Queer Kids Stuff is geared at 3-7 year olds for Mother Fuckers sake! Kids do not need to be sexualized like that it is perverse and gross. Queer Kids Stuff is going to do more harm than good and it will wreck peoples understanding of the actual Trans experience as well.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Defending my Manhood and Grabbing My Balls

What is in a word? What is in a definition? What is in a name? These things often comes to mind when contemplating being in-tune with oneself to reconnect with yourself.

I am first and foremost me, but, who am I? I am Christopher Matthew Murphy that is whom I am. However, Who is Christopher? What is in a name yet again comes to be the question.

He is 30 years young and very tall. He is a good man and sometimes maybe too good for his own good. He has had many mini adventures over the years and faced hardships. He has had to deal with run ins with drug abusive ex's and being the protector of people that could have been his own downfall.

He provides for himself and also assists others he deems in need of his provision as well. Usually in the form of helping those he loves when they need it. This is not provision given to just anyone, anywhere and any when. This is a provision to those whom respects him back and for whom he feels intense bonds. He also is courageous having faced many of his fears in life to gain immense confidence in the end.

He is a fighter for those he loves. He is willing to do anything that is not sacrificing his own life for those whom he loves. He wants all of those whom he loves to be safe, secure and able to live their bliss. He wants them to have an amazing life, but, not at the expense of his own amazing life. He wants for nothing more than to know those he loves are always healthy and happy in life. Yet, he is not willing to sacrifice his own happiness and health for their sake. He wants them to get what they want, but, not if it ever means destroying what he himself holds dear. He wants people both to have a thick skin, but, also is willing to be the shelter in a storm. With the hopes that those others would shelter him too when the weather was unbearably rough in life.

He is a lover to those whom are worthy of his loving, tender and passionate embrace. He is not a prude nor easy. When he sees how valuable and worthy you are he will be quick to show it. In many different ways depending on your ties to him.

He is not unemotional, but, he is his emotions master not his emotions the master of him. He feels loss and he has great depths of grief when bad things happen. However, do not expect him to break down unless he trusts you entirely with all his mind and soul. Even then he will never show it in public and only in private. He is not one to bawling in a crowd, but, is not afraid to cry to himself or with close people he loves. He is not afraid to be vulnerable and even need help at times. However, he remains strong at all times in the face of all of the adversity of life. Stoicism is an underrated beautiful form of emotional mastery that too many people seek to destroy in men.

He refuses to be less than human, but, also refuses to act like a weak victim of life. He insists on seeing he is human and able to be a victim, but, refuses to play the victim in life no he is a survivor of anything he faces. He does not deny when he is a victim, but, simply refuses to personalize life itself as a slight against his person. The universe and existence is not against him and he keeps this at heart at all times and in his head.

He refuses to be a Eunuch because life can be tough. However, refuses also to bury himself for the sake of that same tough world. He both refuses to not have his balls and also does not put up with people not accepting humanity in those balls.

He refuses to be seen as anything other than the man he is, but, also refuses to be painted into a corner or with a broad brush because of being that man. He is all man and refuses to be painted as anything other than that. Liking a certain color or watching a certain form of entertainment, listening to a certain song does not castrate him of his manhood. He both refuses to not be accepted as all man, but, also refuses to be expected to not do this or that because of being a man as well.

He refuses to have anyone else attempt to remove his man-card for silly reasons. He refuses to not be seen for the beautiful work of masculine art he is to the world and in this existence. He is confident even when his body is panicking. He is strong even when his brain wants to make him be cowardly and weak. He thrives and strives through all odds in his way even if it is a roaring fire itself almost consuming him in death. Nothing will be able to stop him from living his life his way following his own souls call to action. He might not always protect, provide and procreate in traditional ways, but, he does it often. The 3 Ps of manliness exude from him in different ways every day.

He is not a maybe, a kinda of man. He is all man. He is not some non-binary or gender-queer snowflake. He is all man his own man. His own way and not the way everyone necessarily
expects him to be. However, he is all man. He is not a mixture between masculine virtue and something else. He is masculine virtue through and through. He is a good man, no, a great man. He is a grab your balls man for 2017. He is neither ball-ess nor a douche.

Most important of all he is just himself and does not fake things to be seen as more of a man. Yes, he has pink framed glasses, but, no that is not meterosexual or "queer." Yes, he does have the entire "Fifty Shades Trilogy," but, that is not "feminine." Yes, he does own the entire first Season of "Melrose Place." However, it is not like he has watched it in years (literally) and even if he did that does not remove his man-card. Yes, he has a Pink tie, but, that is not unmanly.

He is not "effete," but, simply is his own man. Unless you took a knife to his genitals you cannot make him less of a man. Unless you drained him of his testosterone you would not make him less manly and less of a work of masculine beauty. He is all man and is masculine. He is a great man and no one can tell him differently and one day one lucky woman will get to see how great he really will be to that one lucky ever loving woman.

He loves himself, I love myself and you will never take that from me. I own my own man-world and I grab my balls. My balls are all mine and no one else is going anywhere with them over my dead body. Cheers world!