Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Saturday, April 22, 2017
The Alt-Right is Completely and totally Alt-Wrong.
Most of my politics based articles on this site have been going against the regressive left and I have not really tackled my views of the alt-right movement. I want to let it be known I am no fan of the movement which is filled with people whom make race and nation to be some sort of supernatural and more than human characteristic to put faith in.
It is in fact not a rightist or right-wing movement at all with its huge combination of protectionist anti-free trade nationalism and also hordes of White Supremacists. Not too mention the people that are in fact National Socialists whom are in no way on the right at all. They try to lay claim to being on the right when they are not and in fact like the so-called religious right which is in fact left theocracy.
Any form of ideology which paints race as putting one group above another is very dangerous and also insane. People whom are against the regressive left should not be swayed into supporting a collectivist so-called right. The actual philosophical right, rightist or right-wing is individualism and voluntarism. It is methodologically individualist which is not the same as some sort of atomistic rejection of co-operation and groups. Or of generalized actual biological or psychological trends within our species. It simply means individuals, individual thinking and individual rights are the cornerstone of rightist ideologies and philosophy VS collectivism on the left.
The so-called Alt-Right hates individualism and voluntarism. They are a group of nationalistic and protectionist anti-right ideologies which dare call themselves right when they are in fact on the collectivist left. Race is not the cornerstone of ideology such an idea is a vile evil no worse than the feminists and their hate of men. Individualism comes first and from that comes individual thinking and the rights of each of those individuals irregardless of color, creed, lack of creed, sex, orientation or anything else that is meaningless to the content of ones character.
The regressive left is a vile movement with too much power, but, we must guard against the likes of the Alt-Right gaining power too. This does not mean alt-right members deserve to be punched in the face as the regressive left say either. Instead there needs to be a cultural change and push through words, through philosophy and the intellect. Force is the enemy of reason and truth removing alt-right members rights is the enemy of the very reason needed to work towards the better future we really can have.