Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, April 29, 2017

No, Bill Nye your cartoon is not enlightened it is cringe filled stereotypical bullshit.

There has a big ruhaha on Youtube lately with Bill Nye's new Netflix series "saves the world." I have to throw my hat into this ring as well. I need to speak up against this bullshit that Bill Nye is spitting out at his viewers. I am especially referring to two different episodes, but, the issue on Youtube is only the sexuality/gender episode. I will speak about this episode first and then look toward my second episode to discuss too.

In the gender/sexuality episode Bill Nye does several things are not scientific at all. First off he says that chromosomes have nothing to do with your sex and gender. Which is is just blatantly wrong wrong. Chromosomes and hormones in your Moms womb in fact do determine ones gender which is in accordance 98% of the time with ones sex. There are only two genders and Transsexuals are not a third gender they are suffering from Gender Dysphoria a mental disorder and medical condition. The APA acknowledges that this in their writings on how to work with Trans folks.

From here he moves onto talking nonsense about how people in other Countries like Japan embracing K-Popp is somehow symbolic of how gender does not exist in biology. This is complete idiocy and fashion trends do not disprove biology or innateness of ones gender identity in people. It does not disprove the TRUTH that 98% of humans will never have gender disorders and their identity is self-affirmed by nature of their puberty. Me changing my clothes does not make my balls and cock fall off and a vagina magically appear. It does not change ones gender identity to change something like that.

Nor does it make someone feel so much body dysmorphia over their gender that they need therapy, or hormones or Sex-Reassignment. It does not show Gender is not binary male and female. It does not show there are more than 2 or that biological sex/gender is a spectrum as he continue to go on about as if it was science. Nor is a different sexuality a different gender identity or a "spectrum of biological sex." Bill Nye and his entire team keep mistaking sexuality being able to have three options with there being 3 genders.

Yes, there are three things that you can generally fall into sexually, more hetero, more right down the middle no preference bisexual and more homosexual. With bisexual also itself having places one can fall within, but, people can have all kinds of preferences. This has nothing to do with your gender or sex being fluid. Sexual Orientation having a fluid component is not evidence of gender or biological sex being fluid the two are not connected at all. However, the pinnacles of this insanity is ice cream, ice cream conversion therapy and an Neapolitan orgy.

In the cartoon a "vanilla" ice cream talks about his views that Vanilla is the most natural of ice creams and that all ice cream should be vanilla. He is surrounded by other flavors of ice cream whom disagree with his point of view. However, after trying to make the case that ice cream conversion therapy does not work to Vanilla the "two things at once" shows up. This ice cream cone then proceeds to peer pressure Vanilla into being an a Neapolitan orgy with them. Stating that no one wants to be just one thing. As if being Vanilla was the bad thing not the pressure which they now did right back to him.

This is followed by the insanely cringe of Rachel Bloom singing a song about her sex junk and her Vagina having a voice. In which she once again conflates gender and sexuality. In which she too pressures and in fact uninvited rips the pants off the only Male character in her performance. Converting him to I guess bisexuality I am assuming even though he has not interest in it and his character protests her sining her song. Indicated the minds behind this show not only want to say bisexuality is OK, or homosexuality is OK, but, same-sex-attraction is a requirement.

Sorry, but, this is not kosher as they say. Bisexuals and homosexuals do not get to tell heterosexuals that they are not cool enough unless they sleep with them. They do not get to push their lifestyle, their sexual identity, their bedroom onto others. While the Ex-Gay movement parodied in the Vanilla sketch is fraught with nonsense that does not mean what they believe in any better. In fact, it is the same thing reversed. It is the belief that heterosexuality can be changed and that everyone needs to be bi or else. Sorry, but, heterosexuals do not need to be with other people of their same sex/gender in order to be full human beings. Most humans are heterosexual and will not be interested in bi or gay behavior. You do not get to collectivize and throw an entire sexuality under the bus.

I am going to go even further and say you do not get to "coerce" and pressure even an "Ex-Gay" that did take conversion therapy into being gay or bisexual. If someone did actually get a personal psychological benefit from the therapy (as bunk as it is) if they ended up cultivating a true loving and sexually active relationship with a member of the opposite sex they should be left the fuck alone. I have long taken the view that any mentally sane "ex-gay" is simply someone whom was Bi the entire time and not truly homosexual. That they should not be assumed to be unhappy and mentally scarred. The people whom go after happy "ex-gays" sicken me just as much as those that go after the 'gay."

I am against the Social Justice idea that gays and non gays are in some perpetual war. That straights, "ex-gays," present heterosexuals and homosexuals, bisexuals are at war. That one side must win or the other will which means some sort of oppression. As if in the West GBLT people are somehow oppressed people when they are not. Most people are not bigots and hell bigots have rights people. You have the right to be as racist, sexist, anti-gay as you want. That is all called toleration that two groups of people can live together despite highly different views in a state of a somewhat stable peace. As long as they are not calling for violence leave peoples minds alone to think what they wish.

Or are you going to call for rounding up every Evangelical Christian, Orthodox Jew or Catholic? After all they all have serious issues with homosexuality and gay marriage. So, that means they would be anti-gay and would say to live heterosexual lives irregardless of same sex attractions. They would be the Vanilla in this situation. Are you going to coerce them into an orgy of deviant hedonism? If so, then you are vile trash that I want nothing to do with. I will tolerate you, but, I will not support nor accept you as being decent people. What is worse is this plays into the biggest fear heterosexuals have of gays and bis. That they are trying to convert you and they are abusers. Leave people alone that have issues with the gays. Laugh at them, but, do not try to shut them up.