Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, April 16, 2017

What is happening in Chechnya is disgusting and in defense of the Gays.

Lately, I have been having quite the outburst of Straight Male Pride on this blog. In doing so it could be misconstrued that I am somehow not in favor as well of gay lifestyles. After all the Cultural Warriors would have you think if someone has straight pride they must be also anti-gay somehow as well. To top it off for some I have talked at length about the fluidity of human sexual orientation which once again will set off alarms to some people.

Well, I am not against Gays in anyway I just happen to not be one. I defend the right of all adults to have whatever sort of consensual relations they wish to have irregardless of their gender/sex. So, I defend such lives even though I do have issues with the actual LGBT community. Recently it has come to my attention that Chechnya has built Concentration Camps for gay men to be tortured and captured. This is absolutely intolerable and it is the sort of thing GBLT folk should be complaining about.

This is something where I can agree with the broader LGBT community that this needs to be stopped. The question is how do we stop such things? Are we going to actually use the Military or contracted Mercenaries outsourced to take out the facility runners? What all is the West to do exactly? I wish I know after all we cannot go to war over it. I mean we could, but, what would the outcome be? Would it be beneficial or lead to things being even worse? Part of me the Warrior Spirit if you will wants to gather the troops and/or planes and fuck them up big time. However, where would that lead?

I seriously do not know what the West can do about this? Well, I sure know what we did during the last Holocaust. We fucking squashed the creators of those camps and eliminated the threat to the people being put into the camps. We should ideally rid this Cancer off the planet, How can we do that without having unwanted consequences? I wish I knew. I know I want to go all out on the entire population involved in this concentration camp plan. Eliminating all of them and turning them into plant food where they will be of more use to existence. My protector of my manhood is just itching to rid this vermin from the world. The fact they are gays matters not straight camps would be just as bad.