Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Journey Rules of The Road #2 : Your manhood is not commanded by others

A lot of people think that to be a man means to need to conform to what others want from you. Usually to what women want being the biggest thing. However, some also try to make themselves as carbon copies of other men as well. They think that all you need to do is be what others want and that makes you more manly or something. Whether it is trying to give women what they want or trying to please male peers.

I would counter that this is not the origin of an authentic expression of a persons manhood. It is not authentic to just do whatever someone else wants. It is not authentic to try and "fake it" hoping you will one day "make it" into the perfect man all the women want and the other men envy. It is faking reality and is downright vile. It is lying to everyone around you and putting on an act. No, real and authentic manhood is what needs to be shown.

Your manhood cannot be some memorized routine or pattern of tactics. That is putting on a show and often a very bad one. No, your manhood shines when you express yourself your own way. When you are the man you are and not the man others would want you to be. To live for your own sake and not for that of women or other men.

For example; if you love Pink and you are male admit it. Do not hide it to try and be more "manlier." If you love going to half decently made Rom-Coms admit it. If your voice is not the deepest in the world do not try to force it to be deeper. Just speak and see what happens. In other words; just be yourself. It does no good to try and fake a reality that does not exist. The other people around you will tell you are putting on an act.

You are in charge of your manhood and not those around you. Whether that is women or other men matters not. You are in charge of defining your manhood and not these external sources. Never let other people in charge of what Allen Frantzen calls "your manworld." Or as Rollo Tomassi says about putting women in charge of your world and your manhood.

"Regardless, whatever your reasons, women should only ever be a complement to a man’s life, never the focus of it. When you start living for a woman you become that woman."
Whatever you do on the manhood journey do not make it about women or other men. This is about at its core accepting yourself, embracing it and bringing out the best attributes you can with the deck you have been given. It is never about faking whom you are to please others or build up Mancred.

Some people will not be pleased no matter how great of a fellow you are. Some will not admit that perfection is bullshit and we are all only humans. Only naked upright talking Apes with Free Will. Demanding a man be something only found in Romance Novels and not real life. Demanding that man be moist robots and not just people.

Rule #2 : Just be the best you there can be and that is being the best man you can be! That is embracing and authentically expressing your manhood.