Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Is Manhood a label or a descriptor of a a reality?

Two posts ago I did an article on the differences between proper descriptors and labeling yourself or others. That descriptors are actually the way to accurately describe something as it is in reality. Based on what something is found to be in its nature. Which means based in reason and rational faculties. Not just based on something given to you or taken upon yourself because of your feelz on the matter. Instead it is what it is that is a descriptor.

In that article I ended with a question on whether manhood was a descriptor or a label. Whether there is any such thing as a definition of manhood and was it the same thing as masculinity. In this article I will talk about stage one of this question which is what defines manhood. Is that the same thing as masculinity or no? First thing comes first and that is the definition of manhood. What would be a descriptor of manhood?

the state or period of being a man rather than a child.
"boys in the process of growing to manhood"
synonyms:maturity, sexual maturity, adulthood
"the transition from boyhood to manhood"

The above is taken from Merriam-Webster Dictionary and it states clearly a proper descriptor for a man. As well as manhood in general. Manhood has its roots in being a matured and adult man (grown up) VS a child or boy. One can do much with this definition of manhood and they do not need to be some machismo filled Jock type. Although I want to say that Jocks can be in general just as great of men as non-jocks are.

This is not going to turn into a "one good man" narrative feeding article. I refuse to go that route.with this site. This is not going to be a site that bashes certain types of men for the sake of promoting others. That to me would be the least manly thing I could ever do! No bashing other men and their manhood here this is a space that looks at men positively.

By the above definition of men I would argue that any man that is a decent and grown up/mature individual is clearly all man. So, is clearly on their Journey called Manhood. It is an ongoing journey for all of us men. It might never have an end and it can be very fluid and dynamic. Or it can be rigid and static. It all depends on the man as each man is a little different. Even when men are also very similar; all men are ultimately individuals.

To me manhood is clearly a descriptor and not a label. Manhood is a real thing and all men on different levels go through it or are living it. Now, one could say to me that does not put to rest whether terms like manly or masculine are labels or descriptors. I would agree it does not do anything for either the terms manly or masculine as such at all. However, maybe if we continue to look into what is manly or not. Or what is masculine or not we can get a more better look at those two terms.