Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Journey Rules of the Road #3 : Ones sexual orientation does not remove ones manhood from them.

There is a very much bullshit view that ones sexual orientation actually has anything to do with ones sense of being a man. I see this view often due to the fact that so many of the people one sees shown as being not-straight tend to fall into certain stereotypes. I am not going to say there is 0 links between orientation and other things, but, there is way too much thinking that everyone falls into this same mold.

A man is a man; whether he likes women or men or both. Just because one might be different from other men does not make them any less of a man. Your orientation will not come up in this blog at all. If you are straight fine, if you are gay fine and if you are bisexual that is wonderful. This is a blog about men being able to embrace their manhood and do it their way. It has 0, zilch and nothing to do with whom you pair bond or fuck.

I will state here; getting it out of the gate and over with that I fall into the third category above. However, that does not remove my Mancred or take away my Man Card. It does not make this blog any less of a credible blog for men to read on topics of interest within it. Allen Frantzen whom was mentioned in Rule #2 is gay, but, I did not mention it as it did not matter. I do not judge people based on their orientation nor do I even mention it unless it is relevant.

Nor does ones orientation equal being less masculine of a man either. As I said Allen is gay, but, he is a masculine fellow. He is not a macho Jock or anything, but, he does box on a regular basis at his local gym. He also writes a blog dedicated to "becoming a masculine man." I happen to read his blog; even when I do disagree with him I still respect him as a good figure within the Interwebz. Also, Jack Donavon; author of "The Way of Men" is also in a committed long term relationship with another man.

What I find most interesting about Allan Frantzen's site is that by his definition I am a fairly masculine man; using his definition. Of course I can hear him right now talking to me saying, "the only way to emasculate you would be to castrate you." He wrote a marvelous article on no man being "effete or effeminate" because that biologically requires removing a man's genitals through cutting. That no man should ever be compared to a woman, but, instead just called a weaker man for example.

In fact; I would fall right in line with a "grab your balls man." According to Allen's definition of such I would be one. Although; The Art of Manliness site does not put me outside of the "manly" definition either. Neither of these sites use the sort of Mucho Macho definition of manly. In fact the majority of self-accepting and not "victim-complexioned" gays and bis would fall into manly on these sites.

On a side note according to a few different sources on YouTube I hit a number of check marks on the Alpha Male category too. Something I personally did not see coming at all. Mind you I noticed a bit of that "fake it till" sort of vibe coming from some of these folks and there might be a slight lack of authenticity going on for some of them. The point is though that men are men irregardless of orientation.