Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Myles Power | Did the Titanic Really Sink? The Olympic Switch Theory Debunked
In the early hours of April 15th, the British passenger liner RMS #Titanic, owned by the White Star Line, collided with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. At the time, some believed the ship to be “practically unsinkable” because of her system of watertight compartments, of which four could be flooded and the ship would still remain afloat. However, the iceberg tore a series of holes along the side of the hull, flooding six compartments, which sealed the ships fate. Less then three hours after the collision, Titanic would lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean…or did it? There is a rather fascinating and compelling #ConspiracyTheory that Titanic was switched with her sister ship, Olympic, and was purposefully sank as part of an insurance scam!
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Did the Titanic Really Sink? The Olympic Switch Theory
Intro Music by Michael 'Skitch' Schiciano
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Myles Power | The Great Non-GMO Project Verification Swindle
Did you ever wonder why products with the Non-GMO Project label don’t say “contains zero GMOs” or “GMO-free”? It’s because the company doesn’t want to mislead the consumer!!!
According to the Non-GMO Project’s own project standards, a product can be contaminated with up to 5% and still have a Non-GMO Project Verified label slapped on the side of it. Call me crazy, but surely the amount of GMOs allowed in a product with a label that says “Non-GMO Project Verified” should be zero! The fact that there is an allowance means that Non-GMO Verified doesn’t mean non-GMO!
The Non-GMO Project Verification is a scam, in my opinion. It’s predatory marketing disguised as a grassroots movement relying on, and amplifying, the ignorance of its own consumers. It survives by distorting science and promoting a false narrative that GMOs pose a real health risk. The company ignores the scientific consensus on GMOs, opting instead to promote fantasies from people who, if they had their own way, a large chunk of the world’s population would be wiped off the face of the planet and autistic children would be getting bleach enemas from cultists. The fact that the label doesn’t necessarily mean that the product is GMO-free is as deceptive as putting a “does not contain human” label on soylent green. The label is meaningless, and is just a way to scare consumers into paying a premium!
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Additional information
The Non-GMO Project EXPOSED!!!
Is Glyphosate “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” ?
Intro Music by Michael 'Skitch' Schiciano
Yaron Brook Show: Interview with Actor Mark Pellegrino
Yaron interviews Mark Pellegrino -- accomplished actor, Objectivist, OAC student and founder of the #AmericanCapitalistParty. http://Www.theamericancapitalistparty...
See also:
Like what you hear? Become a Patreon member, get exclusive content and support the creation of more videos like this! or support the show direct through PayPal:
Want more? Tune in to the Yaron Brook Show on YouTube ( Continue the discussions anywhere on-line after show time using #YaronBrookShow. Connect with Yaron via Tweet @YaronBrook or follow him on Facebook @ybrook and YouTube (/YaronBrook).
Want to learn more about Objectivism? Check out ARI at
Jim Browning | The $3 million scam call center
Ever wondered what a scammer sees when they work inside their call center? Ever wonder how much they earn?
Mathnet | Broadway Song (w/lyrics)
From the exciting and musical conclusion of The Case of the Unkidnapping.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Jim Browning | SCARE-WARE!! ReImage scam (Part 1)
I disagree with the lack of regulation as the cause of the scareware. It is the government not doing their job to fight fraud not an excuse to mix economy and State.
Judge Faith - Cupcake Wars; Big Bear, Small Crash (Season 1: Episode #31)
Cupcake Wars; Big Bear, Small Crash - The owner of a cupcake shop wants her money back for an event that was cancelled due to a snowstorm; Two women got into an accident in a tourist town and each says the other is to blame
The Rubin Report: Objectivism on Happiness
Dave Rubin
Host of The Rubin report
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Yaron Brook
Chairman, Ayn Rand Institute
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Onkar Ghate
Senior Fellow, Ayn Rand Institute
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Tuesday, February 26, 2019
PBA Bowling Indianapolis Open 02 24 2019 (HD)
This show was televised on Fox Sports. The USBC, PBA, and Fox own the all the rights, I do not. This upload is for those that don't have that channel available and would like to watch the show.
Come Dine with Me 31/01/2017 All in One: Lowestoft
Come Dine with Me
All in One: Lowestoft
Battling it out in Lowestoft, Suffolk, for the £1,000 cash prize are feisty host Julia, aspiring pop star Simon, competitive Jo and Julia.
Come Dine with Me 26/08/2011 Costa Del Sol Special
Come Dine with Me
Costa Del Sol Special
The culinary competition ventures abroad to the sunny Costa del Sol. Mekala Hodgson starts off the Spanish week with a very un-Spanish menu. Next up, well-bred, bilingual Greg Van Praagh attempts to wow with some complicated cookery, sun-worshiping retiree John Morton intends to host an evening of entertainment and hilarity, and fun-loving Mandy Strutton tries a Thai menu.
Judge Faith - Roomie Regrets; Wavering Warranty (Season 3: Full Episode #4)
Roomie Regrets; Wavering Warranty - One roommate was constantly late on rent, causing them to break the lease; A woman buys a used car but wants her money back after it breaks 48 hrs later
A Plea for Voluntaryism | Auberon Herbert
A Plea for Voluntaryism
by Auberon Herbert
Download and read
Monday, February 25, 2019
Judge Faith - Ratchet Neighbors (Season 2: Full Episode #72)
A landlord claims his tenant caused damage and didn't pay rent - she says he was rude and made living there unbearable.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Never Played: Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD (Blind)
Rachel returns to the world of Spira in a state of Eternal Calm. Yuna gets an extreme makeover as the world rebuilds. Mike tries his best for Rachel to reach that elusive 100% completion. Gullwings go!
Harry Binswanger | Logic; The Method of Reason
Atlas Shrugged has been aptly described as “a hymn to logic.” But today what one finds in logic textbooks are sterile, formalistic diversions from real-life issues. This course, in contrast, will focus on the most personally important — and most neglected — topic in logic: concepts. It is proper conceptualization, not facility with syllogisms, that makes the difference between clarity and confusion, rational and irrational functioning, adhering to reality and wandering through dreamland. Drawing on Ayn Rand’s revolutionary identifications in logic, these five classes focus on the proper formation, definition, maintenance, and use of concepts. Emphasis will be given to working on practical exercises. The course is based on the material in chapters six and seven of How We Know, with class exercises to practice applying the principles to concrete cases.
ARI offers educational experiences, based on Ayn Rand's books and ideas, to a variety of audiences, including students, educators, policymakers and lifelong learners. ARI also engages in research and advocacy efforts, applying Rand's ideas to current issues and seeking to promote her philosophical principles of reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism. We invite you to explore how Ayn Rand viewed the world — and to consider the distinctive insights offered by ARI's experts today.
ARI offers educational experiences, based on Ayn Rand's books and ideas, to a variety of audiences, including students, educators, policymakers and lifelong learners. ARI also engages in research and advocacy efforts, applying Rand's ideas to current issues and seeking to promote her philosophical principles of reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism. We invite you to explore how Ayn Rand viewed the world — and to consider the distinctive insights offered by ARI's experts today.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Come Dine with Me 02/11/2010 All in One: Hull
Come Dine with Me
All in One: Hull
Battling it out in Hull are no-nonsense housewife Beccy Harrison, DJ Paul Green, glam marketing girl Eve Clark, and amateur dramatics director Mark Daniels.
Yaron Brook | The Morality of Capitalism, a Private Lecture for Radley Students
In this talk, Yaron Brook delves into the morality of finance, free markets, savings, insurance and using debt to fund consumption. Through this talk, Brook will explore the pursuit of capitalist motives and why it is indeed moral to be Capitalist.
Hosted by Radley in Oxfordshire, UK on February 14, 2019. For more about Radley, see
Radley is a full boarding school for boys aged 13-18 and set in a beautiful 800-acre estate, just three miles from Oxford. We offer an environment for boys to grow in self-confidence, thrive academically, and make the most of an enormous range of opportunities.
Like what you hear? Become a Patreon member, get exclusive content and support the creation of more videos like this! or support the show direct through PayPal:
Want more? Tune in to the Yaron Brook Show on YouTube ( Continue the discussions anywhere on-line after show time using #YaronBrookShow. Connect with Yaron via Tweet @YaronBrook or follow him on Facebook @ybrook and YouTube (/YaronBrook).
Want to learn more about Objectivism? Check out ARI at
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Zeo Panel - RangerStop 6 - Austin St. John, Walter E. Jones, & More!
This is the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Zeo Panel from RangerStop 6 (2018), Featuring: Austin St. John, Walter E. Jones, Karan Ashley, Catherine Sutherland, Nakia Burrise, Audri Dubois, & Michael O'Laskey (Young Rocky).
LA Comic Con (2018) - 25th Reunion Power Rangers Panel
LA Comic Con (2018) - 25th Reunion Power Rangers Panel
This is the Power Rangers Panel from the 2018 LA Comic Con. The panel consisted of the original Power Rangers from 25 years ago when it all started!
You'll see Walter Jones, Karan Ashley, David Felding, and Austin St. John.
Hope you enjoy this blast from the past!
Be Humble and Kind!
Friday, February 22, 2019
The Penultimate defense of the proper left and right.
I recommended anyone that is considering dropping the left-right spectrum and the defense of rightist as individual rights read Craig Biddle's recent essay in The Objective Standard. They are committing numerous fallacies by making it seem that saying rightist is freedom and individualism is incorrect or to be shunned. As Craig Biddle correctly points out it is the very nature of any political spectrum to have a rights side and an authoritarian side. We need to explain and provide proper definitions for the right Vs the left hand pole not pretend there is no left and right poles to a political spectrum.
As Craig Biddle points out so eloquently in his article;
One way in which people commit this fallacy is by assuming that we can abandon the left-right political spectrum and speak strictly in terms of a statism-capitalism spectrum or a collectivism-individualism spectrum without correcting misconceptions about the left-right spectrum. That may sound great—until we think about it, reflect on the broader context, and realize that a two-pole spectrum by its very nature has a left side and a right side.10 No matter which words we place on the opposite ends, the spectrum will still have a left side and a right side; thus, people will still think about it and refer to it in terms of left and right.11
This is 100% correct that there is not a single spectrum that exists that does not have two poles a left and a right pole of the spectrum. The idea that the Nolan Chart or multi-axis Charts are the answer is factually obliterated in Craig's other masterful work, "The Muddy Waters of The Nolan Chart."
We need to define the essentials objectively and properly; then make our home without shame on the side that is "right." Which is the Right of the spectrum on the side of individual rights and non-initiation of coercion or consent based societies. It is Capitalism the social system; the only moral social system; the Political Right on which classical liberals, constitutional republicans, Objectivists, Laissez-Fairest, et cetera reside. One needs to defend their rightness on the spectrum as well as in matters of facts. The political right represents the morally proper system of social interaction. As visualized and clarified on the below spectrum.
Sunny Lohmann presents a masterful explanation of Objectivists and Objectivism.
It is always nice to come across explanations of Objectivism and Objectivists that is easily understood by the average Joe or Janet. Often time describing Objectivism is left to Objectivist based intellectuals whom might use terms or phrases misunderstood by people. They will often put forth amazingly elegant, but, yet, hard to follow essays on the subject that will be not as acceptable to the general public. However, this article from 2013 by Sunny Lohmann explains things in such a cut and dried way no one can misunderstand it. (Well, unless you intentionally cut off knowledge.)
"Objectivists are, to put it simply, people who have studied Ayn Rand and her philosophy, Objectivism, to such a degree that they understand its essentials, have decided the philosophy is true, have attempted to live by it..."
"Objectivism is a closed and complete system of thought, so agreement is actually possible. It’s the same as a person saying, I’ve read and agree with the philosophy of Aristotle, except that it’s Ayn Rand we agree with. What it means to be an Objectivist is that you philosophically understand and accept that reason is your only means of knowledge, and you resolve to honestly use reason and logic to the best of your ability in and for your life. That’s pretty much it. Done. Normal, yet exceptional."
She also takes on misconceptions as well masterfully such as that Objectivism is too dogmatic or that it is too absolute. That one is somehow a snobbish Elitist for being an Objectivist.
Many Objectivists have studied works and thinkers from the entire history of human thought in depth and can compare and contrast the ideas of Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Rand, and many others. How many of you can do that with your own philosophy? How many of you can even explain your own philosophy top to bottom? We have worked hard to explicitly identify our own philosophy and we’re proud of it. We think we are right and we’ve earned that. Good for us!
If you are walking around thinking you are wrong, then shame on you and go crack some books, preferably Ayn Rand books, because the greatest thing that Ayn Rand gave me, that Objectivism gave me, was total certainty that I am right about all the things that really matter – and the ability to prove it!
She continues in this vein as she puts to rest also like a complete mistress of the digital pen that Objectivists are Cultists that blindly follow anything because Ms. Rand said it.
Since Objectivists regard being rational (objective) as the height of virtue, what you are witnessing is not blind following. What you are witnessing are men with CERTAINTY. We KNOW Ayn Rand was right because we have put it to a rigorous and extensive process of thought, backed up by, and I mean this literally, direct perceptual evidence. Therefore we tend to think our ideas are more obvious and commonsensical than they are. It is as though we can say, “See that rock over there? Therefore, Objectivism is totally correct.” WE understand each step to get from “rock” to “capitalism is the only moral social system,” but we’re probably not always great at recognizing that others don't and so we don't communicate as well as we might.
She points out as well that some people just have a second-handed cultist attitude about any philosophy they have and with life in general.
We may also get a bad rap for this because SOME people have brought their dogmatic mentalities to the application of philosophy, including a philosophy that says you MUST think for yourself and be independent-minded (Objectivism), which is kinda the opposite of blind following. If you ever hear an Objectivist say to you, “It’s true because Ayn Rand said it’s true," you are dealing with one of these types. Back away while making loud noises, and if they still come at you, drop to the floor and play dead.
Her final nail in the coffin of the Objectivist hate-factory is the idea that Objectivism or Objectivists hate charity.
This is by far the number-one most misunderstood thing about Objectivists and Objectivism.If Objectivists are against charity, why is their preeminent organization, The Ayn Rand Institute, a non profit, which functions on, you guessed it, charitable contributions?
Objectivists are not against charity, compassion, generosity or any of those things. What we are against is the idea that your virtue, whether or not you are a good person, rests on ANY of those activities. Can you be a good person on a deserted island? Yes......
Charity etc. is only “bad” in our book if it is a sacrifice of a greater value to a lesser value. We are against human sacrifice (goats are okay). If your wife needs a kidney and you can give her your kidney to save her, but instead you give it to your neighbor, that’s sacrificing your wife to your neighbor. That’s bad. If you want to write a novel and your day job means you can only write on Sundays and you take Sundays to go feed the homeless instead, that’s sacrificing your productive purpose, your long term happiness, to a stranger’s full belly. That’s bad.
Taking care of YOUR life and YOUR values in a rational fashion, since reason is your means of survival, is what it means to be a good person, according to Objectivism.
With that said, if you want to have positive relationships with other people in life, you should probably be compassionate and generous toward your loved ones—to those whom YOU VALUE—and that comes quite naturally for most people. If not, you might be a psychopath, and so probably not an Objectivist"
This is an amazingly well written article about Objectivism and Objectivists. I find it helps put to rest in an understandable way much of the misconceptions and outright lies spread about the philosophy of Objectivism. My hats off to Sunny for doing such a wonderful job presenting the philosophy for what it is and not what people want to make of it. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
Thursday, February 21, 2019
The Unbearable Loneliness of Being Right on the Internet - Live at Skepticon Australia 2017
Captain Disillusion creator Alan Melikdjanian frantically lectures a skeptical audience on how to never make any mistakes as a YouTuber.
Recorded at City Recital Hall in Sydney, Australia, during Skepticon 2017. Footage courtesy of Think, Inc.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Why the “born this way” argument doesn't advance LGBT equality | Dr. Lisa Diamond | TEDxSaltLakeCity
"Lady Gaga has said it. The Pope has said it. But are people really born gay? Lisa Diamond, a professor of psychology and gender studies, deconstructs the ""born this way"" argument and shows why it doesn't advance LGBT equality.
About the speaker:
Lisa Diamond is an author and professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah. Lisa Diamond is Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies at the University of Utah. She studies the expression of sexual attractions and sexual identity over the lifetime, and the influences of early life experiences on later sexual development. Dr. Diamond is known for her research on sexual fluidity, which describes the capacity for individuals to experience shifts in their pattern of same-sex and other-sex attractions over time. Dr. Diamond is co-editor of the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology and is a fellow of two divisions of the APA. Dr. Diamond has published over 100 articles and book chapters, and has been invited to present her research all over the world. She has received awards from the Developmental Psychology and LGBT Psychology Divisions of the APA, the American Association of University Women, the International Association for Relationship Research, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
My week has gone fast, but, good.
This week has been good so far. My new medications are really helping me keep an even keel. I am also continuing to use my mindfulness practices my Social Worker recommended I incorporate into my lifestyle as well. I have been told next month I will be getting a psychiatrist from my last visit to the ER. I will ask them for more assistance with a Cognitive Behavior Therapy regimen. As well as whatever else they would recommend to make sure I can be living a happy life.
My goal is to live a flourishing life even if it is just 10% more flourishing than I was. My main point in living is my own personal happiness. I will try whatever has been scientifically and rationally proven to work to keep myself sane and living a good life. It seems like this week has gone by extra quickly due to the fact that Monday was a holiday. It is Thursday tomorrow already and I hope the rest of the week I am just as good. Here is hoping.
Objectivism for beginners in Philosophy (a primer for newcomers to philosophical thinking)
This is intended as an article for people whom know nothing or at least very little in regards to broader philosophy in general. It will be both an intro to philosophical thinking as well as an introduction specifically to Objectivism. There is no intention in the reader coming out of the article a new Objectivist by any means. In fact, in order to actually be able to give yourself said title you would need to be able to see the philosophy is grounded in reality and only take on the label following seeing it is correct in reality or not. Objectivism is not a faith like a religion it is a reality based philosophy and thus for the title to be truthful you need to see the truth in its principals first.
Let us start with the first region of philosophy and that is the domain of metaphysics or the nature of reality. All philosophies have something to say about the nature of reality and different ones say different things. Some are coherent with reality and others are in fact incorrect about the nature of reality. However, metaphysics is this crucial aspect of our worldview. We all have such a worldview even if it is not explicit we pick up ones implicitly from others around us. Such is the fact with all philosophical thinking. We all have one even if it is just copying the thinking of those around us. (Even if that view is dead wrong.)
Metaphysics means asking yourself the crucial question does reality even exist? Is there a reality and if so what is its properties? What comes first consciousness or existence? Some people will answer reality is subjective. Some people like myself will say reality is objective and external to our consciousness.
Existence does exist outside of just our wants and desires. The real world is outside there and reality itself exists regardless of ones wishing it did not. If I jump at a wall I will no go through it like a character in a work of fiction where the laws of nature need not apply. Reality is in other words objective and not subjective. Things outside you exist as they do irregardless of what you would like them to be. The role of your consciousness is to look out at existence and learn how to navigate in your current environment using your reason/facts/knowledge of your environment. Consciousness is not primary existence is primary and your means of survival in your current environment is your reason. The fact that we are an animal that has the ability to be rational as its main differentiating factor from other species of Apes in the Animal Kingdom.
Reason brings us to the second level in philosophical thinking epistemology or how one gains knowledge of existence or reality. Reason is our means of taking facts about the world and integrating them together in a concise whole. It is our means of using logic to guide our lives as opposed wanting the facts to change to match what you wish them to be. Other philosophies will come to different conclusions, but, they would be wrong. We cannot just act on mere whim and not think through our actions. This level is all about knowledge and whim is not knowledge. Nor is instincts which were evolved in a different environment. Reality is primary and thus reason is our primary means of long term survival.
This brings us to the third level or aspect of philosophy. Ethics what ethics would or should one live by and many different philosophies with give you different answers. However, following the hierarchy nature of philosophical thinking will bring you to your ethical destination. As the reality is that we all have our own mind and must live our own lives. As we need to take certain actions in order to live. Mainly we need to pursue certain things to live we all have values we need. We need to act to gain and keep them. However, it is the individual that needs to pursue values to live there is no collective mind or collective stomach. Thus the ethical attribute of philosophy in accordance with the level below it would be rational long term flourishing of each individual person. AKA nurturing the self AKA "Rational Long Term" Selfishness or Rational Egoism.
This does not mean one condones throat cutting or harming other people or their property. Nor does it mean that one condones using other people as your means to an end. The exact opposite as all minds are individual only individuals truly exist. Society is just a bunch of individuals living together that come together for various reasons. However, in the end we are all individual minds, individual souls if you wish to use such terminology. Which means it is immoral to use others and instead each individual mind that exists on the Earth is an end in themselves to pursue their own happiness in life. The only ethical social system is where no-one is sacrificing others to themselves nor sacrificing themselves and their values to others. All actions are taken as mutual exchange to mutual benefit and voluntary. The initiation of removal of consent, the initiation of coercion on other people is banned in an ethical social system.
This leads to the next branch which is social or political systems. Only one is constantly coherent with the previous levels of philosophy in my view. However, lots of other philosophies will and do come up with other views other than my own. The important part is that it is in the hierarchy at a different level and not primary, but, a conclusion based on broader philosophical considerations. The only social system consistent with a world where you are left alone to live as you see fit is a Genuine free market AKA Capitalism. This is because it is a social system that lets peaceful live as they see fit and in which all property is privately owned. Meaning you are able to keep the fruits of your labor and any rightful and just property you have obtained by creating it or trading it with other people.
The final area of philosophy is aesthetics or art. Many people will come to many different conclusions based on their broader philosophical outlooks. This is simply a beginner primer in philosophy and Objectivism. There is no obligation or duty on your part to agree with Objectivism based on this outline. However, I do hope this at least makes you realize the importance of philosophy in all of our human lives on this Earth.
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