Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, November 9, 2018

Sexual Tribalism

In the newer editions of The New Left The Anti industrial revolution there is the inclusion of a newer set of essays. One of those essays is called "gender tribalism." Which talks about the tribalism of feminism the idea for this articles name comes from that essay.                                                           

I used too be on the board of directors for our local Pride group as a full supporter of GLBT individual rights. However, that was years ago now. I noticed even back at that time a very worrying sense of collectivism and of tribalism among GBL people in the group and on the board. There was a sense in which their Pride came not from the content of their character, but, from their group affiliations. It seemed that some people thought being GLB came almost with a sharing of the same mind it was quite creepy really. It got to the point at one time that even your choice of music was enough to remove your GBL card and to consider you an anomaly.

Since those days the collectivism and tribalism around sexuality seems to have gotten worse and not better. Now you have Social Justice Warriors whom seem to treat themselves like GBL peoples own personal Gestapo. You have people whom think that merely having a single thought that does not fall in line with their views is the same as screaming to beat up gays in the streets. It is not uncommon for example for the Log Cabin Republicans in the USA or Conservative Party of Canada supporters to be viewed as self-hating gbl people for being of a different world view. The assumption is that what these people share is more than just whom they sleep with. As if somehow political or other non-sexual traits can and should be part of a GBL persons sexual identity.

These people are not helped by newspaper articles about studies detailing how GBL people are somehow biologically determined to share traits outside of the sexual. It is for them far too easy to go from study says X and then interpret it as study says Y. Ludicrous claims that have surfaced in the mainstream media linking everything from vocal fluidity to hair-whirls in people to their sexual orientation or preferences only make matters worse for GBL people that do not fall into these traits. The idea of the gay gene far from being a saving grace also fuels the biological determinism fire that GBL people need to be a certain way or are a certain way by nature in order to be considered truly gay or bi or lesbian enough for the tribe to accept.

It also fuels assumptions about men and women that are not GBL, but, have some trait. It fuels a denial of their stated sexual identity. Are you straight or even Mostly straight and have a certain speaking pattern? Do you have certain mannerisms about you? Then you must be a freaking gay or lesbian and be in denial, and, if you deny that you are just proving their point they will think. The idea that sexuality is a collective and tribal attribute is anti-metaphysically given facts, The facts of the law of identity. A thing is itself and not everyone else, but, is and can only be metaphysically itself. Or you cannot be A and not A at the same time and in the same respect. AKA the mind belongs to the individual and not anyone else.

This denial of the law of identity a core concept of human reason and logic helps fuel the idea that GBL is a collective or tribe. As opposed to just individual people with individual minds that can have many different views on issues and interests outside of the shared trait of sexual attraction and preferences. It turns things into an us vs them scenario where how we treat people is drowned out by them belonging to a different tribe from ours. It is in fact a first step to the complete dehumanization of whole groups of people that are different from us. Sexual tribalism is very dangerous and it needs to be stopped now. Before it is too late and someone gets seriously hurt.