Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Objectivism for beginners in Philosophy (a primer for newcomers to philosophical thinking)
This is intended as an article for people whom know nothing or at least very little in regards to broader philosophy in general. It will be both an intro to philosophical thinking as well as an introduction specifically to Objectivism. There is no intention in the reader coming out of the article a new Objectivist by any means. In fact, in order to actually be able to give yourself said title you would need to be able to see the philosophy is grounded in reality and only take on the label following seeing it is correct in reality or not. Objectivism is not a faith like a religion it is a reality based philosophy and thus for the title to be truthful you need to see the truth in its principals first.
Let us start with the first region of philosophy and that is the domain of metaphysics or the nature of reality. All philosophies have something to say about the nature of reality and different ones say different things. Some are coherent with reality and others are in fact incorrect about the nature of reality. However, metaphysics is this crucial aspect of our worldview. We all have such a worldview even if it is not explicit we pick up ones implicitly from others around us. Such is the fact with all philosophical thinking. We all have one even if it is just copying the thinking of those around us. (Even if that view is dead wrong.)
Metaphysics means asking yourself the crucial question does reality even exist? Is there a reality and if so what is its properties? What comes first consciousness or existence? Some people will answer reality is subjective. Some people like myself will say reality is objective and external to our consciousness.
Existence does exist outside of just our wants and desires. The real world is outside there and reality itself exists regardless of ones wishing it did not. If I jump at a wall I will no go through it like a character in a work of fiction where the laws of nature need not apply. Reality is in other words objective and not subjective. Things outside you exist as they do irregardless of what you would like them to be. The role of your consciousness is to look out at existence and learn how to navigate in your current environment using your reason/facts/knowledge of your environment. Consciousness is not primary existence is primary and your means of survival in your current environment is your reason. The fact that we are an animal that has the ability to be rational as its main differentiating factor from other species of Apes in the Animal Kingdom.
Reason brings us to the second level in philosophical thinking epistemology or how one gains knowledge of existence or reality. Reason is our means of taking facts about the world and integrating them together in a concise whole. It is our means of using logic to guide our lives as opposed wanting the facts to change to match what you wish them to be. Other philosophies will come to different conclusions, but, they would be wrong. We cannot just act on mere whim and not think through our actions. This level is all about knowledge and whim is not knowledge. Nor is instincts which were evolved in a different environment. Reality is primary and thus reason is our primary means of long term survival.
This brings us to the third level or aspect of philosophy. Ethics what ethics would or should one live by and many different philosophies with give you different answers. However, following the hierarchy nature of philosophical thinking will bring you to your ethical destination. As the reality is that we all have our own mind and must live our own lives. As we need to take certain actions in order to live. Mainly we need to pursue certain things to live we all have values we need. We need to act to gain and keep them. However, it is the individual that needs to pursue values to live there is no collective mind or collective stomach. Thus the ethical attribute of philosophy in accordance with the level below it would be rational long term flourishing of each individual person. AKA nurturing the self AKA "Rational Long Term" Selfishness or Rational Egoism.
This does not mean one condones throat cutting or harming other people or their property. Nor does it mean that one condones using other people as your means to an end. The exact opposite as all minds are individual only individuals truly exist. Society is just a bunch of individuals living together that come together for various reasons. However, in the end we are all individual minds, individual souls if you wish to use such terminology. Which means it is immoral to use others and instead each individual mind that exists on the Earth is an end in themselves to pursue their own happiness in life. The only ethical social system is where no-one is sacrificing others to themselves nor sacrificing themselves and their values to others. All actions are taken as mutual exchange to mutual benefit and voluntary. The initiation of removal of consent, the initiation of coercion on other people is banned in an ethical social system.
This leads to the next branch which is social or political systems. Only one is constantly coherent with the previous levels of philosophy in my view. However, lots of other philosophies will and do come up with other views other than my own. The important part is that it is in the hierarchy at a different level and not primary, but, a conclusion based on broader philosophical considerations. The only social system consistent with a world where you are left alone to live as you see fit is a Genuine free market AKA Capitalism. This is because it is a social system that lets peaceful live as they see fit and in which all property is privately owned. Meaning you are able to keep the fruits of your labor and any rightful and just property you have obtained by creating it or trading it with other people.
The final area of philosophy is aesthetics or art. Many people will come to many different conclusions based on their broader philosophical outlooks. This is simply a beginner primer in philosophy and Objectivism. There is no obligation or duty on your part to agree with Objectivism based on this outline. However, I do hope this at least makes you realize the importance of philosophy in all of our human lives on this Earth.