Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, November 16, 2018

International Men's Day mixed message solute to men. Celebrating "Other"ism under the name of helping men.

I have been weary of International Men's Day the past couple of years now. Not because I am against the concept of the day I am all for men having a day just like women do. I have been weary that what they seemed to be celebrating was not men as people, but, instead as some sort of collective man or much like International Women's Days a gender tribalism. Men are great not because of they in themselves are great folks. They are great because so many of them are "Other"ist somehow and "Sacrifice" for other men or women or children.

This year the theme is leading the way, but, leading the way to what? The matter of whether the man is literally killing themselves out of a feeling to fit said role is not even mentioned. It is assumed a man is a human doing and not just a human being and this is good; but we do need to help them despite their being human doings and not human beings. However, what if a man just wants to live his life, flourish and be happy? Such a man might not sacrifice or lead in the sense meant by the people at International Men's Day. However, what would such a movement think of men/boys wanting to just enjoy life and not be assumed to be part of some sort of Patriarchal Conspiracy against women? Not through "sacrificing" like an animal on an alter for other men anymore than for the women that hold notions of radical feminist hysteria.

In the past it has had themes like Father's and their "sacrifices to their family." Which is not really caring about men, but, saying we care only if you have a family; or wants to have one. What if you are not a father? It seems like men need to be giving up their values or they are not worth helping or celebrating. This is because being a man is still it seems based on being a human doing; doing something not just being a man. A man just enjoying life and not seeing their worth as coming from giving up their higher level values for a non-value or a lesser value. A proper International Men's Day would take into account men of all lifestyles and not dismiss or not understand whole swaths of men.