Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Monday, November 19, 2018
The war from Islamo-fascists is very real and to deny it is exactly what they want from their victims.
Let me start by saying I am not as some will call me a Neoconservative nor am I a neoliberal as others will call me. I am if anything closer to a Classical Liberal politically and I used too at one time be a registered Libertarian Party of Canada member. However, there was always something that I found myself at odds with when it came to policy discussions of others within the party. That was the issues related to the Governments Foreign Policy.
I supported the Canadian involvement in Afghanistan; however, the party was and still is for removing Canadian troops from all Countries and for a full non-intervention or isolationist foreign policy. I support the complete removal of the ISIS threat; for the complete elimination of this horrific threat to all of our lives. The Libertarian Party was for doing nothing saying trying to stop the threat would cause the threat that already existed. I understood the Government had a role in protecting us from these sorts of threats and eliminating them where possible. The Libertarian Party due to its many pacifists, moral subjectivists and anarchists was against us having any foreign policy other than doing nothing at all.
They are not the only ones with their head in the sand though. Many modern liberals are also in the dark on these matters. Regressives on the left really do not want to do anything for some reason. Some due to them just hating anything military and others due to ignorance. For those whom are just ignorant I am talking to you here. I am not talking to the nihilists that just hate the Canadian Forces. Islamo-facsists like ISIS want to either eliminate us or enslave us to their oppressive ideologies which preach complete submission to their doctrines. This is not something you can ignore anymore than whatever you dislike about reality in other matters stops existing because you ignore it or close your eyes to existence outside of you.
If you like your civil rights then you need to always make sure there are not threats to them. Your right to life is being threatened by these sorts of groups if they are not tackled. The government that is protecting our individual rights to life, liberty, property and pursue our happiness is a good and moral one. It is the moral job of your government to protect you and the Islamic war of Terror being fought against us is a real genuine threat. One of the roles in the world that moral governments should do and should be doing now. If either the Libertarian or the Regressive left's Foreign Policies ever got enshrined we would all be in deep trouble and the government would be immoral ignoring actually governing in one of the areas where it should.
Government is needed and it is.... "aghast many Libertarians" is good! A Government that is governing properly and only active in areas needed to protect a free society. A Military is a needed and good thing in any free nation. It has a role to protect us from those that would do us harm. It has a role in finding threats and taking the needed actions to protect the innocent. Policing is needed for a free society freedom does not equal a free for all.. anarchism is not liberty, but, another form of might makes right. Or in the case of anarcho-capitalism riches buy might which makes right as well. A police-less and prison-less world is a world of oppressive Tyranny just as much as a Police State.
This idea that the worst threat is always the Government in our Countries erases from Libertarians and Regressive Leftist's sights that there are real threats outside The State. It does not mean Governments should be granted rights to due "anything." It means that there are some threats even more dangerous "at this time" to Canadians and others than our own States. The sort of world we would live in if Islamo-Fascists win this War will make every State the Western World has ever known look like Utopian ideals. That is if we were not all dead in graves. Islamism is a force of the sort of oppression that many of the No-State or Military do nothing types project onto the very functions of the government that is working to save them from said oppressors. It is a moral and reality inversion of the most vile and most hideous. Those that are blind remain so at their own risk.