Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Friday, March 2, 2018
Alpha Male is it worth reclaiming or is it dead and buried? A 2nd anniversary discussion
One of my first posts 2 years ago was on the term Alpha and if it was real. Was there any substance to the Alpha Male at all and if so should it be embraced or be looked at with indifference. I also went onto talk about different peoples interpretations of what an Alpha Male was. I explained how there was different interpretations. Some are more credible than others and some are just bunk. From there I went onto link to some videos which made the Alpha out to seem not like a douche, but, just a cool and confident dude.
That was almost two years ago now and I have not really talked about it much since that time. However, I did make a couple of posts about Alpha maleness that I was finding within myself at the time. I talked about the Prom Pride event that I attended with a great rush of what I called at the time Alpha Male confidence. I talked about how nice the night was and so forth. I also wrote another article as well reflecting on the idea that to be Alpha was to put on an act. In that same article I said it was the exact opposite and that I know because I was an Alpha Male. That as an Alpha I always was myself confidently wherever I went and that confidence was the alpha trait itself.
I have not used the term alpha male in an article to describe me since that time. I also only mentioned it once since then in my article critiquing PUA Mystery and his VH1 show. The term alpha really does depend on context and it could be a good or bad term. It could mean a douche or it could just mean a confident, assertive and aiming for the best male/female. It is a term used by PUA types and it is also a term used by people like Arron Moreno of Alpha M. productions. It is also used my motivational speakers and dating coaches as well. There are lots of people that use it and do not mean what some think it means.
The question is about the state of the word as a whole. Is it worth saving it by embracing it and reclaiming it? Or should it be buried and dead on arrival? I already talked about whether macho and machismo could be reclaimed or rescued as just meaning male pride not douches. Can Alpha Male be similarly rescued from the bunk versions and the douche dynamics? Just like macho and machismo requires context in order to be deemed acceptable to rescue, so, does the term alpha irregardless of which gender is being alpha.
If by Alpha Male you mean a member of the male sex/gender simply confidently being their best selves it is a term that could be quite useful. For example; I was on the top of the world with esteem and self love as I walked down the street in a total Alpha mood on cloud nine. It can or could be quite useful for internally labeling your condition at the time. It would be useful also for self-motivation. For example; I am going to the gym to Alpha out (AKA get the best work out possible). Or in matters of body language as a way to differentiate confident and give no fucks language over shrugged shoulders.
If you are not using it to reference douche behavior I see no problem with men or women considering themselves or embracing the label of being their own Alpha in their own life. Not in the sense of walking over others. However, in the sense of being The King or Queen of their own Castle and Kingdom within. Not in a sense of being better than other people, but, in a sense of owning their own objective value as a person. I think there is a place for the word in our vocabulary where it does not mean being a bastard nor a bitch. That does not mean Non-Alpha should be seen as not good either. Beta is too often used as a term to mean a man that is not worthy of human compassion without worth.
I think the terms Alpha Male and Female are useful and do serve a purpose. Even if it is just as a term for a man or woman at their personal best. I think Arron Moreno and others are on the forefront of an Alpha which is not douche based. I welcome the New Alpha Revolution in the masculinity and manliness sphere. All hail the new doucheless Alpha Males you have my deepest respect and good on you. I guess the question you might be wondering is would I qualify for being in that same camp?
The answer would be I can be. I can be in that camp, but, I admit I have been going through some shit the last few months. We are all only human and no one can be in Beast mode all the time to try to be would be inhumane to yourself.
When I am at my best and give no fucks I would be considered one of the newer, good guy Alphas with a gentle side. I have been Alpha a lot in the past, but, just not lately. I have been way too hard on myself over little things and my social anxiety has come back a little. I will work at it though I will get my Mojo back over time. I will get back to that give no fucks kindly King of my Kingdom Chris again. I will beast out once more someday. I will be my own Alpha and be the best me I can be once more. I will relearn that self-love I held so dear. I will be The Alpha Male of my own life and be the man in control of me and my own destiny.