Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The Dangerous Trumpism takeover of The Republican Party and the death of constitutional-classical liberal conservatism
At one time to be a Republican meant to be for limited government, prosperity and equality of rights under the law. It meant to be in other words to be a Classical Liberal. Being a Republican Conservative meant to want to conserve the Bill of Rights and Constitution. To maintain and conserve government at its most realistically limited amount. To be a Republican meant to be pro the Republic of the United States for which it stands. It meant to be very similar to what the eventually existing libertarian and Objectivist politics would be; albeit not as radical or extreme persay.
A good day to explain The Republican Party and its past is that it was very similar to Maxime Bernier's wing of The Conservative Party of Canada. There are more Quasi-Republican's in the modern Conservative Party here in Canada than seems to be in the after Trump Republican Party. When you have Republicans on Fox News singing the praises of Trump wanting to apply Tariff's to trade we are in a twilight zone world where Republicanism and the Republican Party has been thrown on its head.
One of the things that at least in recent history those whom are center left, moderate, center right and right-wing have all agreed on is free trade is good and the freer the better. That Globalization and Free Trade are good. No matter how we argue about taxation with people on the left or argue about regulations with people whom are not as pure capitalist as the libertarians. All of us have realized the truth that free trade and global capitalism is good. Even if we disagree on again the use of government force through various means. We all agreed that Free Trade is good and worth it.
Republicans in the US though have always been some of the strongest proponents of free trade and of trade deals. They were pro-NAFTA, and most even supported the TPP prior to Trumpism winning that debate. To see that Republicans seem to be collectivizing around Trumps anti-free trade, pro-protectionist and Nationalism on crack vision is very troubling. I was under the impression Republican's were fighting off being a collective that was OK with Trumpism. However, everywhere I look I see Republicans drinking the Kool-aide and forgetting why they are Republicans.
I have not seen many of them talk about limited government lately except maybe Rand Paul and the Freedom Caucus. The fact that the Tariff's are not having as much blow back as there should be is quite troubling and it seems the Republican Party has lost its way. It no longer supports Republicanism even anymore. Instead it has become a soup of people whom are collectivists, but, whom hate the left for various reasons on place of a defined view with real principles or integrity.
This is very dangerous because one needs to know what they stand for. It is not enough to know what you are against you need to stand for something in it's place. If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything. I fear Republican and limited government forms of conservatism is being overgrown by a horror of tribalism and a new collectivism calling itself "the conservative movement." A collectivism built around anything not left which is in fact standing for nothing at all. Very easy to manipulate by any Charismatic leader that claims to be conservative no matter how horrid.