Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The West needs to "Man Up, "Grab Their Balls" and defend our rights from Islam.

I was scrolling through my Facebook and listening to Blaire White on Youtube when I heard about the London Bridge attacks. One of the things on my Facebook feed is an image spread by Amy Peikoff about The West waking up and fighting back. The meme was one to which I completely agree and it awoke my passion for this subject. You see I am not a fan of how The West is dealing with the Islamic threat. It seems to me there is a serious lack of fortitude from our governments. With being afraid to be considered Islamaphobic by on lookers they refuse to do everything needed to win this War.

We are at a war and it is the dismissing of this which is leading us to be in the state we are in. Before one can fight a proper war one must name the enemy. One must then go to work methodically figuring out and then executing the way to eliminate the threat that exists. How to destroy and remove the threat from existence. Much like we did with WWII and eliminating the Nazis. I am not a pacifist when it comes to matters of self-dense of our individual rights. So, first we need to address the elephant in the room we are in a war that Islam started and it is against Islam. We name the enemy and then work to eradicate it.

The West is acting like someone whom knows how to expertly use a handgun and does not shoot the rapist about to rape ones partner. If you started trying to break into my home and violate the rights of myself I would shoot you. Shoot you too death if you refused to stop threatening me and my household. That is what I would do if I was trained in and owned a firearm. If I had a partner and/or kids at home I would be even more this persons worst nightmare. I would expect the centralized government we get taxed to pay for would do the same towards its own citizens.

In this instance no matter how pink my shoes or the legs of my glasses there is no doubt my mind is a masculine one and testosterone flows through my veins. I would defend the other people in my life whom I respect if I had the training and was in the situation to need to with a fierceness that would be the perpetrators worst nightmare. I would destroy the threat and eliminate it if it was a present one. That does not mean kill, but, to be honest if in self defense I killed and took life I would not respond by breaking down. I would not respond that way if the decision was the safety of an innocent or an attacker getting what is coming to them. I would be happy and filled with joy not at the death of this person, but, at the remaining life of the innocent I saved from destruction.

This is also the passion I expect and demand fervently from the government in protecting the innocent from Islam and its threat on all of Non-Islam. This is a clash of civilizations one being actually a civilized more modernized and secularized post-enlightenment non-theocratic world that does believe in rights. The other does not acknowledge individual human rights and wants to control the world in a One World Islamic State where no decent is allowed at all. A world view in which we are all slaves. When you have people wanting to enslave you via force to join their cause you fight back or be destroyed yourself.

We need to do to Islam and all its supporters financial or logistically what we did to Hitler and the Nazis in WWII. As well as what we did to Hitlers supporters we need to go after both groups. We need to completely eliminate the threat before it spreads like stopping a fire before it spreads to destroying the entire forest of trees. We need to stop this madness and I thought the Ariana Grande attack that just happened would have been enough to finally make the testosterone flow in our government and my fellow Westerners. Western men need to speak up and demand their governments act on their behalf for them to protect them with the expertise and weaponry at their disposal. Act as their protector which is what the government is supposed to be the centralized protector of our individual rights.

If Western men and women did not look at the previous attack and demand the government go full Hard On on these sick bastards I do not know what ever will. Now we have a new London Bridge Terror attack already and no one is taking the decisive action to stop the slaughter of The West at the hands of barbarians that have not even evolved to the point of the Western Standard of the delusional creationist or anti-HIV pond-scum. The Islamists and their supporters are literally the barbarians at the gates of the West and they need to be stopped. They need to be cut down and eliminated. The men and women in the military our guardians internationally. The men and women locally in our police and courts. These protectors need to grow some balls or add some steel to their ovaries and start fighting back.

I am especially sorry to see the State of Western men whom keep clamoring on about Islamophobia instead of saying Theocratic Islam watch out. You cannot anymore continue to kill our people. You will not go near the hair on the head of our lovers, friends and neighbors. We will not let you win we will fight for the continued existence of the defense of our rights irregardless of any sort of trait either immutable or not. The Western culture means a culture of individual thinking, individual rights and equality under the law. Any Country that agrees with these values is our Allie in this War Islam has against post-enlightenment culture. Let us be ever present and protect ourselves as well as others around us.

Western men need to get their testicle juice back in this war. They need to tap into their primal man and fight the barbarians too the death literal and figuratively the threat against us. Men need to stop being pussies on the playground crying when it comes to this issue and demand more of their fellow brothers and sisters. Women also need to stand up and fight as well. Women need also to take on the archetype of the protector and warrior that men naturally have taken over the centuries. Both of the sexes need to be in this together and push the government to take action and squish the threat we face out of existence.