Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, June 12, 2017

The stigma of Right-Wing and right leaning LGBT among Pride is bullshit!

A while ago I wrote about how I had issues with LGBT politics and also certain ways they acted in general. I wrote about the toxic nature of the broader Pride movement and their attitudes being horrible. I wrote about how there was a consistent world view that was quite bad in tone. I am not taking that back in the slightest with this article. You see the Pride movement is largely publicly made up of the type of people I mentioned I could not stand. So, my not being a fan is not based on the people whom are within that category collectively. However, instead is based on general trends I saw over the years.

That being said I wanted to throw some light on the often over looked group within the group. That being the right-wing and right leaning lgbt groups and individuals whom are often left out. While the loudest and shrillest wackados are given the loud speaker to spread the message of acceptance. There is quite a fair number of right leaning and non-Social Justice Warrior lgbt folks out there. Some of them have their own organizations and some of them just stand alone. However, you would never know it based on the stereotypical version of an lgbt person you get shown or run into. For example; I have both identified as the g and b in the past. However, I came out as being on the right while still using the g.

This is not what most people think of when they think of a gay person. Someone whom is as far right as you can get within Canadian politics. Yet, there I was a staunch Rightist and a registered member of the Libertarian Party of Canada. I was a minarchist in a strange land and yet there I was. Over the years my sexual self identification has changed. Yet, my politics has not and is still the same as it was back then. I am for liberty and freedom in person and economic matters. I do not use the term libertarian usually due to the connotations it has from some of the more fringe elements of the movement. However, libertarian, classical liberal or political Objectivist are the 3 closest words to my views on things.

However, I am not alone. Although I am even further right than most right leaning lgbt outside of the Libertarians themselves there are other right leaning individuals and organizations out there which blow the lid off the not wanting to talk about rightist lgbt peoples. This is why when criticizing LGBT I will tend to use the term Pride instead. Or sometimes Gay Fascists or Big Gay or other words. I want to distinguish between non-leftist lgbt and SW lgbt from just the standard individual lgbt person which can be either good or bad. I have issues with the ideas held in the head of a lot of lbgt people. I have issues with their philosophies and with certain things they do with their life. That does not mean their love life.

However, a reasonable lgbt person can be reasoned with just like anyone else. The question is how to find them when so many are unreasonable and toxic individuals. I am going to list some links in this article to right leaning organizations and non-SJW organizations of lgbt people to show some examples for my readers. The idea that lgbt is owned by the left needs to stop. LGBT and LGBT allies whom are right leaning, or even apolitical need to come out of the closet and be heard. The Social Justce and loud lefties need to stop putting lgbt and lgbt allies back into the closet because they do not agree with our politics.

LGBTory lists its core political beliefs as supporting limited government and personal and economic freedoms, opposing despotic governments and terrorist groups that persecute minorities including LGBT people, and supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners.

The (Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) is an organization that works within the Republican Party to advocate equal rights for LGBT people in the United StatesLCR acts under the statement: "We are loyal Republicans. We believe in limited government, strong national defensefree markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin Republicans represents an important part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government and personal freedom." 

The Outright Libertarians is a specific caucus or group within the US Libertarian Party that is made up of LGBT and allies. I do not agree with all of their views, but, they still exist.  

Here is the Wikipedia article containing links to information about various different right-wing lgbt groups (here listed as Conservative) in the broader world wide stage. 

Here is a good article containing comments on lgbt and more links to groups from a libertarian prospective.  
According to an FAQ from The Atlas Society (formerly The Objectivist Center):
While many conservatives believe that homosexuality should be outlawed and many liberals believe that homosexuals should be given special rights, Objectivism holds that as long as no force is involved, people have the right to do as they please in sexual matters, whether or not their behavior is considered by others to be or is in fact moral. And since individual rights are grounded in the nature of human beings as human beings, homosexuals do not deserve any more or less rights than heterosexuals.[13]
Objectivist psychotherapist Michael J. Hurd supports gay marriage as falling under the rights of individuals to associate voluntarily. Unlike Rand, however, he does not view homosexuality as immoral, stating that "a gay marriage... though unconventional and highly controversial, can be a loving and highly satisfying union between two individuals."[14][15]
Objectivist psychologists Ellen Kenner and Edwin A. Locke expressed opinions similar to those of Hurd.[16][17]
Chartered affiliates of the Objectivist Party, a minor political party in the United States, have adopted platforms opposing government-sanctioned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, favoring legalization of same-sex marriage, and favoring elimination of the military's policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".[18]

The idea that right wing equals Religious Theocracy or anti-gay is wrong. There is nothing in rightist as defined as the defense of properly limited government. Or in the case of the Anarcho-Capitalist far-far right of center a stateless private property based society. Which is or should be considered equated to anti-lgbt rhetoric nor policies. In fact, it was these rightist whom are responsible for the push towards same-sex legal equality. With the Libertarian movement from its inception in the 70's being for full equality under the law and even same sex unions being supported by the courts. The Canadian Libertarian Movement was started by a Gay High School English teacher whom was an avowed Objectivist. (I might do an article about that after.)