Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, June 29, 2017

My Magna Opus about human sexuality. Essentials and fundamentals concertized.

I have decided to delete a lot of my previous posts about human sexuality and replace all of them with one concrete, fundamental and essentalized article containing a summary as well as all of the sources I found containing the information we have on the subject. I have removed from the article any of the subjective personalization on the subject based on my own experience and identity instead using only a summary of the actual facts we have. To show what is true and what is just narrative building by the LGBTQ +  lobby. 

At this time many people think we have an exact and full scientific theory of human sexuality that is built around the idea of being born straight, gay, bisexual or transsexual. Specifically, when it comes to non-heterosexuality and also specifically exclusive homosexuality as well. As well as definite answers on bisexuality vs homosexuality and its unchanging hardwired natures. However, the actual evidence shows there is multiple factors that can cause one to have a certain non-heterosexual preference, experience and overall orientation. There are several different things one looks at when they are talking about human sexuality. Identity and behavior are both looked at when studying orientation. Preferences, behavior and identity; all of these are looked at when it comes to sexual orientation.

The narrative that is said to be is as follows; one is born and wallah they are gay, straight, bisexual, or transsexual. That one is born and then there is an unchanging fixed "sexual orientation" for all time. That sexuality is not fluid or flexible within the non-heterosexual demographic. That it is a fixed thing that is with you for all people from birth. However, this is not the case persay in the information we actually have. Also, as part of this same narrative is the idea that all heterosexuals have never had same gender or sex experiences. The facts counter this as well with many people whom are heterosexual identifying by their 30's whom identified as bi or in some cases even homosexual in the past. This is based on a meta-analyze of the best Longitudinal Studies of people whom identify their sexual orientation.

This shows that some people in the :LGBTQ+ demographic are not immutable when it comes to thir orientation identity and in fact change over time. Some from gay to bi and others from gay to straight. As well as others moving from mostly heterosexuial to bisexual. Or others from bisexual to exclusively homosexual. This of course does not denote that there is no pre-birth component persay to orientation. but. does show that such pre-birth components do not persay remove heterosexual typical opposite sex attractions in the person in which same gender attractions appear. Our current data shows that most people with sexual and/or romantic desires for the sames sex also feel the same way on average for members of the opposite sex. Making the majority of sexual orientation that is non-heterosexual bisexuality and not the exclusively homosexual demographic as has been thought of in the past.

There has been numerous in-womb experiences that have been pointed to as to reason one might be born with a same sex attraction most can be summarized as follows; same sex attraction comes from an experience in the Moms Womb by which gay men are feminized and lesbian women are masculinized through the improper and abnormal levels of Androgens in the womb. For men this might be linked to a specific gene that was found by a Dr, Hamner back in 1993 and found to be present in test subjects in another study back in 2014. This gets all the headlines and the idea of fixed orientation gets confirmed. Including being called the discovery of the gay gene.

However, there is nothing in the evidence to indicate the gene is specifically intending to make that man homosexual as opposed to say bisexual as most into men have turned out to be. So, even if it was all this genes doing it is still not a gay gene, but, an Androphilic gene which gives the man an attraction to males. However, for most of the men into men population does not remove the Gynophilic attraction to women that a typical heterosexual male has. Further more only 30% of same sex attraction in men has been found to be tied to genetic differences. With the rest coming from environmental factors. According the very research pushed as the discovery of a causal mechanism in genes. Epi-genetics has also been pointed to as the cultprit starting in 2012.

However, there has been a fundamental flaw in all of this research. The denial of human sexual flexibility or fluidity. Also, the denial at least when it comes to men of the existence of bisexuality. All of the research was predicated on the idea that all non-heterosexuals are determined from this experience to be exclusively homosexual and never sexually fluid or bisexual. It has been assumed until recent discoveries that you gay if you are non-heterosexual. That fluidity was not real and that bisexuality was not the norm. We now know bisexuality is precisely the norm for most non-heterosexual humans and most likely if one knows anything about our history as a species always has been. This does not mean exclusively homosexual people do not exist. They do and it does not mean there is not some small minority of non-heterosexuals born with an actual fixed homosexual template of desire. There certainly is, but, not most people. The norm for our species is for men and women to be attracted to each other even in the face of/complimentary to desires for the same gender.

Not only this, but, it is for a good deal of people a changing template of desires. A changing template of desire this is fluid and not determined to be homosexual at all. In fact, most same-gender attracted people end up in opposite-gender and heterotypical relationships that would be "otherwise straight" to anyone that was looking at them from outside their life. To the tune of 80-90% of all same-gender attracted people in survey data that uses meta-analyze finds them in "otherwise straight" relationships and either identifying as bisexual, mostly heterosexual (Mostly Straight), or even exclusively heterosexual. This is based on Pew Research, CDC numbers and also the meta-analyzes I mentioned previously.

What about people that do not end up in this category? Of course the minority within the minority will always be homosexual and will not be bisexual or transition into a heterotypical relationship. These folks do have a static and fixed homosexual orientation that does not experience any change. So, some people are hardwired in an exclusively homosexual manor and that is just the way their life will be. We are not at this time sure, however, why some people are wired for fluidity and to be able to be what we call bisexual while others are not. We know it is not all just in the genes though. As mentioned previously only 30% of same sex loving/sexuality is tied to genetics for men (if the gene even is for that). Meanwhile no such mechanism has been found for women at all. There seems to be some mechanism by which those whom are exclusively homosexual either lose or never began forming the ability to bat for either team in the bedroom.

Also, the Androgen explanation is also confusing as well. For several studies on various parts of homosexual and bisexual mens bodies shows them to be more masculine than a straight male. Including in their hearing and Auditory Evoke Potentials. As well as in their Penis being bigger in studies than heterosexual mens. Which would indicate that somehow both exclusive homosexuals and bisexuals were if anything hyper-masculinized in the womb. Which makes one wonder why homosexuals are homosexual and not bisexual. After all Androgens also have been said to cause female bisexuality and lesbianism. Indicating more Androgens makes one prone to liking women. One hypothesis is that some areas of the brain of homosexuals males got this boost of Androgens while in gay people other localized areas got hypo-masculinized meaning feminized essentially.

However, it is also possible that exclusive homosexual men might have gotten the same treatment genetically and in womb as the bisexual, but, something else turned off any opposite sex desire template. The Epi-genetics idea would indicate certain things got disabled from Epi-genetic markers and this made them exclusively gay. Or it might be something else as well. Epi-genetic changes in a person can also come from the environment, so, external factors outside the individual could have through Epi-Genetics altered the way their genes were expressing namely revoke a originally wired bisexual desire template for a gay one. This could be a whole host of things and the sources I link to at the end of this article will provide an entire list for you.

It is entirely possible that exclusive homosexuality was not the intention for these peoples same-gender desire template and all same-gender desire minus other interacting factors is bound for bi-ville. Or maybe they were born that way as just plain gay, but, we do not know what causes it completely,. We simply know these minority of a minority exist, but, why who knows? Really in the end it does not matter. Anymore than it matters that most same-gender desire is of a bisexual nature or the high amount on board the mostly heterosexual train. I take a liberty stance on the issue of sex and sexual behavior, identity, orientation and preference. Every consenting adult should be able to smash what they like and love whom they love irregardless of their Journey to their current destination.

Scrutinizing Immutability: Research on SexualOrientation and U.S. Legal Advocacy for SexualMinorities–-a-survival-advantage-for-early-man/
Lisa Diamond on sexual fluidity of men and women Orientation and the Auditory System