Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Social Justice Lunatics add Black & Brown to the Pride flag as representations of race.

So, Black Activists have decided to fuck with the Pride Flag by adding two new colours to it. A bland and brown strip representing blacks and browns in skin colour. It is so ludicrous as nothing in the flag represents race of any kind. Each of the colours represent something different and they are as follows;

Nothing in the Pride flag is marked as any specific race, sex, ethnicity or national origin. As much as I am not a fan of the Pride movement (at least in the 1st world) I know what the flag represents. It has nothing to do with any sort of demographics that have to do with race. There is no need to take the flag representing Pride and add in colours representing ones race. It is itself racist and separates the races into separate teams.

I might shit talk LBGT communities and Pride organizations over various things. However, that does not mean Black Activists should be coming in and wrecking things by adding in racism politics to Pride. There is already enough identity in Pride as it exists already. The last thing that needs to happen is for more identity politics to be added on top of what is already present in the broader Pride movement.

This is the curse of gays accepting the Social Justice Warriors and their progressive stack bullshit. The gbl will be pushed under the bust for the sake of Trans-trenders and for the sake of the bed they have built with nut case zealots. Black activits LEAVE the Pride Flag alone! For fucks sake and feminism leave gay/bisexual men alone too! Fuck off with your Social Justice far leftism you are cancer on everything you touch! Fuck off fuck off!