Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Religious Right is/was simply Socially conservative classical liberalism (fiscal conservatism) and not a threat to Democracy/nor connected to QAnon vile.

Apparently, the acceptance of biblical and broadly socially/Christian conservative values on social/cultural issues is the same thing as being a QAnon Theorist. At least that is what is claimed in the newest screed against Christ and His Church from a Progressive Antichristian author. How does one go from one to the other? By taking the Bible to mean what it says and taking its prophecy literally AKA dispensational truth. 

In a recent book The Moral Majority is blamed on causing the roots of QAnon for having a Biblicist view of revelation and the coming Antichrist (The Great Tribulation). QAnon believes that Donald Trump is secretly going after Satanic Child Abusers whom drink something call Adrenochrome (an actually existing chemical misappropriated into their hypotheses) from these children's trauma. The two viewpoints have zero things in common. QAnon smacks of classic false Anti-Semitic blood drinking beliefs of the haters of Jews throughout history. Dispensational Truth recognizes that Israel (The Jewish State) is part of the Biblical Prophecy and the Jews are still God's Chosen People in the End Times. 

The Moral Majority was simply nothing more than a Social Conservative and Biblical pushback at the birth pangs of the modern Progressive movement in the Socially Liberal policies of the past before it. I am a Social Conservative whom agrees with every single social/cultural issue The Moral Majority fought for. I am also a Biblical Dispensational unabashed Christian Fundamentalist. However, QAnon conspiracy hypotheses is absolutely nutty and I want nothing to do with that group of Wackos.

What is not mentioned and totally pushed under the rug was that Social Conservatism as defined by The Moral Majority was literally a form of classical liberal Constitutional Republicanism. Which embraced Lassiez-Faire Capitalism or going towards it in all areas not found (and sometimes even in) within their Social Agenda. They supported State's and Locality Rights, Parental Choice and Constitutional Federalism and supported the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. That relied on Representative Democratic processes and a peaceful transfer to their social agenda. 

QAnon literally pushes for civil war within Western Civilization and the breaking up of The United States in a Great Divorce. They are not a group that supports Representative Democratic Processes and peaceful change to a more Conservative Social Agenda. I do not support some sort of violent overthrow of the current forms of Government to bring in a Conservative Social Agenda.  

Biblical Dispensational Truth is not in anyway connected to QAnon either. What these people really are mad about is because those with different social and cultural values than them would dare wish to peacefully through elections wish to support a Social Agenda they happen to disagree with. So, how better to tar those with Culturally Right of Centre/Right social views than to lump them into a group of dangerous and possibly violent reality deniers.

What is showing is their depravity and allegiance to a hierarchy other than God's. They have refused to repent and believe on Christ and what he has done for the Whole World including them. Which means they are in the hierarchy of an entity called Satan they are doing his bidding and following their depraved hearts. Unlike QAnon which talks about a hierarchy of Satan that has little to no evidence. They are in the very hierarchy that QAnon mistakes wacko nonsense for.

One does not need to be worshipping the evil one to be in his hierarchy they only need to not be Born Again. This means there does not need to be any grand conspiracy to have the World be an evil place that contains vile activities. I am not saying the claims of QAnon are true, but, simply pointing out the irony of people pointing out people pushing Satanic conspiracy when they are doing the bidding of the true evil one that bears that very name.     

Once the believers are Raptured those left behind will in fact find their really is an Antichrist coming. There really is a New World Order coming and they will be the very ones going through The Great Tribulation The Moral Majority used too warn about. I pray that these people do indeed repent and believe on Christ and what he has done for us all. That they join us in the Rapture and do not end up going through the Great Tribulation. 

Christian Conservatism is NOT Christian Nationalism and should not be mistaken for it. Social Conservatives are simply a specific strain of the broader Small/Limited Government classical liberal Order. We are Constitutionally Conservative/classically liberal Christians that think that Capitalism combined with a culture of life and family is required for a properly ordered Freedom for all of our neighbors. We support a Constitutionally Limited Republic with federalism and local/National sovereignty in the US and a Constitutionally Limited Representative Democracy in Canada (my Home and Native Land).

We support the classically liberal value of full freedom of all religions with separation between Church and State. That does not mean that you need to hide your faith when voting or making decisions over things like what you want in the education system. We all have the right in elections to vote our values and Christians value The Word of God above all else. Which means that will influence what policies one would support. However, we do not get to take over things and force them on people we have the classically liberal value of voting in our policies via the Democratic process. 

Ultimately though our Great Commission as Christians is not to force our values into a Party to make sure we get what we would like to see voted in. I am not a registered Conservative Party of Canada nor a registered People's Party of Canada member. I am a registered Christian Heritage Party member whom does not put any faith at all in us ever being elected as this Church Age progresses. My fiscal policy views are along a spectrum running the gauntlet from the CHP's Economic Platform to a great swath of right-Austrian fiscal views.

Austrian meaning Austrian Economics or classically liberal economics and support of getting the State as out of the market and freeing the market as much as possible. For example; I am pro Pure and True Free Trade (VS our current Global Government Free Trade Agreements) with allied Nations that are not hostile to us or in some way a threat to Canadian Civilization. I am also Pro-Closed/Strictly and Tightly Secured National Borders with a Canadian Values test/strong heavy vetting of any one wanting to come into the Country.

My immigration view shows my social conservatism, while my view on Global Capitalism among allies is classically liberal and aligns with a Ron Paul styled lowercase libertarian Republican in the US. The Canadian lowercase right-libertarian fiscal viewpoint within the broader Canadian Christian conservative movement.

A True Blue Conservative fiscally from the Canadian Conservative Party. Or economically very much in line with the Ontario Libertarian Party/Freedom Party. As well as aligned fiscally with the People's Party of Canada as much as the Christian Heritage Party. I am so pro-choice on issues that are outside the social realm that I would support opt in or opt out choices for Citizens for any government funded and controlled area such as healthcare and education. 

In fact, The (mainstream) Religious Right has always supported deregulation, privatization and freedom of choice with a market of healthcare, education and so forth. Many of what we have favored have been getting the State out of peoples lives. We are a Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Faith and Pro-Freedom movement. Or as as the Honorable Stephen Harper put it, "Faith, Family and Freedom." We are not a Theocratic or Theonomic movement and shun theocrats as being out too lunch.

We are simply a variant of classical liberal thought that recognizes the importance of Ordered Liberty VS allowing Anarcho-Tyranny. The Moral Majority and mainstream Religious Right members have if anything been for more choice outside of the cultural issues we align with than most of the current mainstream Conservative Party of Canada or even the People's Party of Canada. 

I would vote for a social conservative with the economic agenda of The Libertarian Party of Canada and be completely comfortable with Lassiez-Faire Capitalism outside of those areas (or on some issues even within) that encompass my Social Agenda. So to did all the founders of The Moral Majority. We also fully support Locality and State's Rights to setup their own socially conservative legislation where it would be unconstitutional to do something at the Federal Government level supporting wherever possible decentralization.

I ask you what does any of these views have in common with QAnon? The answer is nothing at all. Most important of all dispensational fundamentalists understand that This World is not our home we are in it, but, not of it. Thus we do not spend our time scheming and stroking our beards (if we have them) about dominating The World. Christ Jesus the Lord will bring in His Kingdom after The Great Tribulation and after the Tribulations true New World Order. We do not take over the World we are to preach The Gospel and save people worldwide out of The World which is under the dominion of Satan into the Grace/True Liberty in Christ.