Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Social Conservatism and The Mainstream Christian/Religious Right as a Spectrum of views. Politics/Government is not the solution Christ is!

Following on my previous article on social conservatism as a strain of classical liberalism I thought I needed to explain things a bit further. The truth is there is a spectrum of beliefs on the Christian Conservatism/social conservative right-wing. It is a spectrum that goes from Lassiez Faire Capitalists with Socially Conservative Cultural/legislative values to Nativist and complete trade protectionists. Being Lassiez-Faire on fiscal matters is not the only compatible economic values with right wing social values. 

People whom would agree with me on social policies would disagree with me on my right-Austrian leaning fiscal views. Some Conservatives disagree on how they would be OK with adding to legislation their moral values as well. Some would not allow any Federal Government legislation allowing only for States and Localities to introduce local legislation on Cultural matters locality by locality. Others are more comfortable or even would only support these policies if done with Federal actions for curtailing things that would cause chaos and remove Ordered Liberty if allowed to be done only locally in their opinion.

There are also differences on things like Foreign Policy and National Defense. Some are more isolationist in their perspective and usually fall under the label of Paleo-Conservative. Continuing the Non Interventionist and Isolationism of their Old Right pre-WWII classical liberal forbearers. Differences on foreign aid and even differences on if a Minimal Income for all Citizens is compatible with Conservative values.

As a Biblical Dispensational Fundamentalist; I do not see our work in this world to make a Kingdom Now. We are to spread The Gospel and save souls out of this World which is currently under the sway of the Devil. Not to use our ability to vote to try and create a utopian ideal based on purist views. This is why I am comfortable with a spectrum of views and willing to support any of the spectrum to a certain extent. However, I do stop short of supporting just each and any view. 

For example; the Non Interventionist and Issolationist Foreign Policy of the continuation of the Old Right classical liberals. (National Defense requires intervention to stop risks to national security, protect free trade between allies and fight against Terrorists/general Threats from abroad). However, those skeptical of free trade and prefer protectionism with strong tariffs are within their right in a classically liberal order to implement such measures.

I am actually fine with both Economic Nationalism (VS free trade between allies) or Economic Trade between allies along with my Cultural Conservatism. I could vote for either one as I understand where both views are coming from and neither one absolutely needs to be the one that is in power for me to be happy. In fact, no conservative needs to be in power for me to be happy. As we are not to try and take this world over. 

This world will be someday burnt Up and a New Earth recreated. Whether you have a New Creation Model or some other model of how the New Earth will be made. J. Vernon McGee is right to say we ultimately are on a sinking ship our World is the Titanic. We are not polishing brass; only treading water while we wait for God to totally bring the ship down. We ultimately loose down here in This World. No matter how much we temporarily take care of the common good of The world as it remains intact.

We win in the Millennium and New Earth/New Heaven. We loose up until Christ returns and need to be watching for the Imminent Blessed Hope of our Rapture out of This World not to remake the World into a Kingdom of our making. When Christ returns at the end of the 7 Year Great Tribulation He will setup a direct Theocracy the True Kingdom of God/Christ on This Earth from a renewed and replenished/repentant Israel in Jerusalem for 1000 yrs. 

We need to be more busy spreading the Gospel than worrying about politics and voting in the right people or not. The Gospel is our Great Commission not taking over the World and making it a Kingdom Now as Postmillennialism and some amillennials say it is. We need to look for that which is above, which is true good and beautiful not for Satan and evil under every rock. Or look to any States in this world to be our savior only Jesus Christ is able to save out of this world. Politics is not the answer God's Word and The Gospel of Salvation is.