Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Straight, white males need not apply

Lately there has been an evermore increase in a lack of people with certain characteristics getting jobs in our local economy. Men, normal and not degenerate males; are being discriminated against in the job market. By non degenerate I mean the normal opposite sex attracted male. Those whom are not confused about their place in the Creation Order and comfortable with the sex/gender God conceived them as. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or similar quota systems are not concerned about including straight males in their hiring pool. Especially, if you have a lesser amount of melanin in your system. 

Let me reiterate that race is a social construct and not a creation thing. We all simply have different levels of melanin in our system which alters how our skin looks between darker or lighter. Unlike sex/gender which is not a social construct, but, is a difference that exists within the Creation Order itself. Ones sexuality is also from God's Creation order. The term and idea of homosexual or transsexual as a label or socially constructed identity that was made up with the emergence of psychology especially people like Sigmund Freud and Kinsey. 

Same sex attraction is a Sin; coming from The World, The Flesh (the depravity of mankind) and The Devil. It is not natural or normal for humankind. It goes against the Creation Order that conceived those that identify with this particular sin as an identity and embrace their evil temptations. SSA people need loving help being told they are not their temptations and to leave their lifestyle. They should not be embraced as being their attractions by culture anymore than adulterers should be embraced as adultery attracted people. 

This does not mean we should bully or treat with hate people stuck in this particular sin. These people need Jesus Christ and not hate or bashing or bullying. Humanization and normalization are not the same thing. We went from dehumanization that some people with SSA experienced to normalization. The two things are not the same thing. As someone whom God Saved from such a sin and lifestyle I have first hand experience from both within that community and from also the broader conservative Christian community. God's Love and Holy Spirit saved me and not being bashed over the head. 

I wanted to emphasize the above because when I lodge complaints about the lack of straight, white and male employment I will no doubt be called horrible names by some people. I will be called a homophobe (a made up term by the LGBTQIA... lobby way back in the 80's). I will be called by some a racist despite not even believing race exists. I will be called Patriarchal as if Biblical and Godly Patriarchy is bad (see last article). 

However, that does not terminate the issue at hand. That our job pool has been taken up by diversity, equity and inclusion hires. Which discriminates against straight (read normal), white (people who happen to have less melanin in their skin), men (people born with male chromosomes regardless of if you are mentally stable in regards to your biological sex or not). We get told we are just lazy and none of us want to work. This is not correct at all. Or that none of us have sent out our resumes. Which is also bunk my friend. 

I personally in the passed two years put out dozens and dozens of resumes and applications. Out of those I have had 1 interview in that whole time. Which is not because I have no work experience nor because I have no work ethic. Heck, I am someone that does not even believe we should maintain the Welfare State as something that exists. As I am a consistent fiscal conservative/economic classical liberal/fiscal libertarian. I have no love of being on social assistance and I pray God gets me off of it every night before I go to sleep. 

I do not want to use up the taxation that could be used for those that really have no ability to work. (The only just reason for any safety net in society). However, clearly something is stopping resumes from locals and people with a lack of melatonin from getting chances at employment. I am not the only one noticing this. I have overheard in whispers this same issue being noted by all kinds of people from the greater Charlottetown community. 

This does not mean we should discriminate against people of other levels of melatonin. However, it does mean we need to remember that white people are people too. Especially, straight, white males the biggest group at a disadvantage with DEI style hiring policies. Anti-Heterosexual, Anti-White and Anti-Male discrimination is still discrimination. In many places in North America and around the world straight, white, males need not apply for anything.