Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Christ Is NOT King yet!

There is an ongoing saying within some areas of the church that is inherently inaccurate and heresy. That is that Christ is King; as in On David's Throne now. The truth is He is not yet King, but He wil be when he comes back during His Millennium Kingdom. We are not currently nor does God want us to be administering a Theocracy in this Church Age.

We are to fullfil The Great Commision which is to spread the Gospel and save people out of This World which is currently under the Prince of the Power of the Air or The Devil/Satan whom is the little g god of this World. Only Christ on His Second Coming will bring in true justice and lasting peace. 

We are on the Titanic and sinking. Our political stance should be to tread water and man the life boats looking for Our Blessed Hope. The Rapture of the saved from this World to Heaven to return after The Great Tribulation with Our Lord when he is placed on David's Throne in Isreal. Theocracy, Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism or Christian Nationalism is an unbiblical heresy and to be avoided at all costs. 

Christ is High Preist in Heaven and not King yet. However, He will be and on that day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord and now King. The unsaved will go to the Lake of Fire knowing the truth and the saved will inherit a 1000 year Kingdom; followed by a neverending New Heaven and New Earth with Him.