Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The order within The Body of Christ is Godly and Biblical Patriarchy

Within the last 100 years the word patriarchal has become associated with an evil and oppressive force that must be fought. Truth is that The Bible preaches and teaches that God Ordained Biblical Patriarchy or broad complementarianism not egalitarianism. 

For one God is a Masculine deity and not a feminine God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all He's and no she's. Second of all God made woman from the Adam's rib and Adam the man named woman, woman for she came out of the rib of man. 

The evolutionary hoax or lie that woman are simply evolved apes discarded this truth and separated women from the role ordained to them by God in the Garden of Eden. Evolution also lies about the role of men by giving them two options submissive feminism or do no wrong Alpha male status.

The truth is the role of women to be submissive in the Body of Christ to Godly men in authority was created with the very creation of Earth and the universe itself when God created them male and female. 

The order God wants is God first, then men, women and children in that order. The men are first as they protect, provide and spiritually lead the women and children. They are ahead because they bare even more responsibility and are to protect those under them not abuse or mistreat them.

The idea that female submission to male headship is evil and abusive is a lie of the Devil. Men whom abuse women are acting in an anti patriarchal way as they are not protecting and providing for them. They are doing the exact opposite of their patriarchal role. 

Biblical Patriarchy is God's Hierarchical setup and not man's. It is far different from the hierarchy of Alpha Male sex abusers or macho goons. Biblical Patriarchy is beautiful and should be the model for any Godly society whether small or large. Within the the Church men lead and Patriarchy is the way. GODLY Patriarchy is the answer to our messed up chaotic culture not the problem.