Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

This is Getting Out of Control

What Happened When Mount St. Helens Erupted? - Dr. Kurt Wise

Obadiah Complete King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Wed Aug 28th 2024 - John DeVries

Why the Human Body Did NOT Evolve

How Did the Early Church Use the Septuagint?

Signs & Omens New Age Deception (New Age to Jesus)

What Exactly is the Septuagint?

Ex-Witch Reveals LA’s Dark World of Sex Cults and Blood Offerings

Jeremiah Complete 1-52, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Lamentations Complete 1-5, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Hosea Complete 1-14, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Daniel Complete 1-12, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Joel Complete 1-3, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Origins of Wickedness was in The Garden and not in The Illuminati or Global Goverment ideology.

It is easy for a Christian to fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole with how much the Mainstream media lies to us. However, the answer is not to embrace hypotheses that might or might not be true and to make one particular group in power to be the bane of all evil.

The truth is we as The Body have had an enemy and do have an enemy that has always existed since he fell from heaven. His name is Satan/Lucifar the Devil. The majority of those spouting conspiracy theories are in under his evil hierarchy by denying God and The Atonement on the Cross that Christ provisioned for them.

This is why pretty much all Conspiracy Theories end up blaming The Evil Jewish Bankers. Making the true enemy very happy as he attacks God's Chosen People the Jews and their Nation Isreal for all the ills of the world. Rothschild; if he was the person that was financing the Bevarian Illuminati was not doing so because he was Jewish. 

If anything he was spitting in Jehovah/Yahweh's face turning his back on his Jewishness and becoming anti zionist just like the Conspiracy Theorists that hate those darn rich Jews. Ones Jewish religion should never be blamed; if there even is or was a true group of conspirators getting behind evil acts. 

However, I am convinced it is wrong to even be spending ones time looking into what might be a true conspiracy because ultimately they all go back to the evil that was birthed by The Evil One. Evil and true Satanism did not start with any specific secret group it is natural to the depraved heart of all men that have not chosen to repent and believe in response to God's Free and Simple Grace.

The World under Satan, your own Flesh and and The Devil all really do conspire together to make sure you never hear and repent from hearing The Gospel in this Church Age. They want to bring you down into the hell with them which they know they will eventually go when Christ returns. They want you not to be Raptured and not to inherit the Kindom. Nor make it onto the New Heaven and New Earth.

The answer is to stay in God's Word and to keep your eyes on the true and beautiful things of above not of The Earth. Do not get dragged down the conspiracy road. The majority having delusional and wrong beliefs does not require a large scale conspiracy. Simply depraved hearts and heads ignorant of God's True plan for the Church Age.

Qanons are crazier than liberals by a long shot

The Church, and Last Days Deception... (David Wilkerson)

The New Age Infiltration of the Church (Warren B Smith)

Greg Reese - Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers

The New age movement - The same lies Satan the Serpent taught to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Former New Age Practitioner Exposes Demonic Forces & The Occult

Veterinarian Testimony - Pets Dying From Vaccines

The New Age Fully Exposed (The Trendiest Lies of Satan!)

UFOs: A Demonic Deception

The Age of the Earth : Geological Evidence by Kent Hovind

The New Age Belief, Alien Deception, and It's Connection To The Antichrist (Full Documentary by Chris White)

G. Edward Griffin - Communism

Idolatrous New Age Patriotic Nationalism (I favor Trump, but, saying Trump is a Second Coming or a Savior is Antichrist and Satanic).

I do not agree with everything in this documentary, but, the idea that New Agers/Faux Christians are swarming behind Trump and this QAnon crud is very true. We need to not assume that just because someone called out the Covid19 scare or other things they are not in unsaved heathen in Satan's Hierarchy. We should never forget that The Devil is the lower g god of This World and no matter what team a person claims to be on if they are not In Christ, repented and believed on Jesus Christ for Salvation they are still dominated by Their Flesh, The World System and The Devil/Devil's fallen Angels. 

The changing face of The Weapons of The Devil's Warfare (whether the people whom push them realize it or not).


Christ Is NOT King yet!

There is an ongoing saying within some areas of the church that is inherently inaccurate and heresy. That is that Christ is King; as in On David's Throne now. The truth is He is not yet King, but He wil be when he comes back during His Millennium Kingdom. We are not currently nor does God want us to be administering a Theocracy in this Church Age.

We are to fullfil The Great Commision which is to spread the Gospel and save people out of This World which is currently under the Prince of the Power of the Air or The Devil/Satan whom is the little g god of this World. Only Christ on His Second Coming will bring in true justice and lasting peace. 

We are on the Titanic and sinking. Our political stance should be to tread water and man the life boats looking for Our Blessed Hope. The Rapture of the saved from this World to Heaven to return after The Great Tribulation with Our Lord when he is placed on David's Throne in Isreal. Theocracy, Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism or Christian Nationalism is an unbiblical heresy and to be avoided at all costs. 

Christ is High Preist in Heaven and not King yet. However, He will be and on that day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord and now King. The unsaved will go to the Lake of Fire knowing the truth and the saved will inherit a 1000 year Kingdom; followed by a neverending New Heaven and New Earth with Him. 

What it means to be a consistent Christian Conservative


What it Means to be a Conservative

My heroes are the people who have stood up for the traditional values and institutions that created our civilization. The people I cannot stand are the people who hate and undermine those values and institutions.  

Conservatives seek to maximize virtue, prudence, and personal responsibility. Conservatives believe that…

Hard work and thrift can solve most social problems as long as virtue is present.Civilization starts to decay when people give vent to their base desires

Hard work and thrift are impossible when self-discipline is absent. Those who elevate their base desires over virtue inevitably come to hate the values and institutions that contradict their sloth, self-indulgence, and decadence

This hatred of values and institutions undermines civilization and pushes humanity back toward barbarism

Those professions that risk or sacrifice themselves to defend our values and institutions – such as the police and the military – provide the best models for what we all should be.

Those who favor base desires over virtue will naturally tend to look down on these professions. They will likewise sneer at the churches and people of faith who are the main advocates for virtue. 

Conservatives also realize that state power can be used to undermine the values and institutions that make civilization possible. This is why they favor limitations to protect the freedom of expression and the exercise of religion. 

They also oppose programs that discourage work and self-responsibility, or that attempt to re-engineer society from the top down. Such efforts are immodest and imprudent. However, some conservatives think that self-expression must be legally limited whenever it threatens to undermine virtue.  

What would things look like in a conservative world?

The conservative vision seeks to leverage what has worked before to achieve even better results in the future. 

The conservative view does not oppose progress. Rather, it recognizes that innovations fail more often than they succeed. Thus, real progress – especially social progress – comes slowly and at the margins. Civilization does not make leaps. It advances step by careful step. 

More importantly, real progress cannot be predicted, managed, or engineered by politicians and bureaucrats, even if they award themselves the label progressive. 

Mere labels cannot guarantee improvement. Only virtue can do that. More often than not, attempts to force things to be better will actually make things worse. That is why the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is also why tried and true values and institutions must serve as the foundation upon which innovation and progress are constructed. 

In a conservative world, each year will be slighter better than the one that came  before. The conservative focus on virtue will permit simple hard work, thrift, and prudence, to steadily build the wealth we need to solve most social problems. It will be a world of security and stability, prudence and modesty, law and order. 

Poverty can only be solved through wealth creation, and that requires hard work, prudence, and thrift. 

Substance abuse can only be solved by abstinence, without which hard work is impossible.

Ignorance is likewise cured through hard work. This is better achieved through self-discipline than by self-indulgence. 

Bigotry is best combated by permitting people to disassociate from bigots rather than by allowing the bigots to hide by legally silencing them. People must be allowed to feel the consequences of their own bad actions. 

Security and peace can only be achieved by being well-prepared for war. And we can best combat crime by honoring the risks police take to protect us. 

Thus, a conservative world would be one of increased affluence, more sobriety, greater knowledge, sequestered and shamed bigotry, and enduring peace, both at home and abroad. 

Types of conservatives

National Conservatives – Donald Trump, Pat Buchanan

Traditionalist Conservatives – Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, Tim Scott, Mike 


Paleo Conservatives – Ronald Reagan, Robert Taft, and Pat Buchanan have all 

been described as paleo-conservative

Libertarian Conservatives – Barry Goldwater, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Milton 

Friedman, Thomas Sowell 

Important conservative heroes and accomplishments

President Ronald Reagan is revered by conservatives for his commitment to limited government, free markets, traditional values, and a strong national defense. His key achievements include implementing supply-side economics by reducing tax rates, and causing the end of the Cold War through a defense build-up that bankrupted the Soviet Union. 

Senator Barry Goldwater was the Republican Party’s 1964 presidential nominee. Conservatives credit him with bringing conservatism to national relevance. His book “The Conscience of a Conservative” was influential in shaping modern conservative thought.

Economist Milton Friedman was a Nobel laureate with libertarian views. He had a strong influence on many conservatives and his ideas on monetary policy, free trade, and deregulation had a significant impact on legislation. He helped create the volunteer military, the earned income tax credit, and the system of free-floating international currency exchange. 

William F. Buckley, Jr. was a conservative intellectual, author, and the founder of National Review, which has long been the premier conservative intellectual journal. He played a crucial role in articulating and popularizing conservative principles, emphasizing limited government, free markets, and traditional values. He had a strong libertarian bent reflected in his opposition to many victimless crime laws. 

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was highly regarded by conservatives for his defense of conservative legal principles, including originalist interpretation, limited judicial activism, and the preservation of individual rights.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rolled back welfare state socialism in the UK, privatized many government businesses with good results, and reduced the overall role of the state in the economy.

Thomas Sowell is a libertarian conservative economist, social theorist, and historian. He has challenged the official narrative on subjects of race, culture, education, history, and the true record of free markets versus state intervention. 

Edmund Burke was an Irish member of the British Parliament. Many consider him to be the father of modern conservatism. His writings, such as “Reflections on the Revolution in France,” emphasized the importance of tradition, stability, and gradual change in preserving social order.

Russell Kirk was a prominent conservative intellectual, author, and political theorist. He published his most seminal work, “The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot,” in 1953. He traced the intellectual roots of conservatism and highlighted the importance of tradition, order, and virtue in preserving a healthy society. He emphasized the value of limited government, individual freedom, and the free market, but cautioned against unchecked capitalism and argued that economic efficiency had to be balanced with the moral and social well-being of the community.

Important conservative organizations

The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1973. It conducts research and promotes conservative policies in areas such as limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional values, and a strong national defense. 

The Federalist Society was founded in 1982. it promotes a textualist and originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. It provides a forum for conservative legal scholars, lawyers, and judges to discuss constitutional law. It also advocates for the appointment of conservative judges who adhere to the principles of limited government and judicial restraint.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) was founded in 1871. It works to defend the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It also promotes firearm safety, education, and training. 

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) was founded in 1985. It promotes lower taxes and limited government. ATR is best known for its “Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” which asks politicians to commit to opposing any net tax increase.

The Club for Growth was founded in 1999. It supports pro-market candidates in  primary elections, aiming to influence the Republican Party’s direction. The organization promotes pro-growth policies such as tax cuts, deregulation, and entitlement reform, with the goal of advancing economic freedom and prosperity.

The Young Americas Foundation (YAF) was founded in 1969. It is the largest conservative outreach and training organization for young people. It also operates the Young Americans for Freedom chapters on universities. 

Important conservative books

The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk was published in 1953. It is often regarded as the foundational text for modern American conservatism. Kirk outlines the intellectual history and principles of conservatism, emphasizing the importance of tradition, order, and moral values as the bedrock of a stable society.

The Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater was published in 1960. It provides a political manifesto for American conservatism. Goldwater articulates his beliefs in limited government, individual liberty, and free-market capitalism. This book laid the intellectual groundwork for Goldwater’s presidential campaign in 1964, which then paved the way for Ronald Reagan’s election as president in 1980. 

The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945 by George H. Nash was published in 1976. It gives an in-depth analysis of the post-World War II conservative intellectual movement. Nash explores the ideas and individuals who shaped the conservative resurgence, including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, and Milton Friedman.

The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom was published in 1987. It critiques the state of higher education in the United States. Bloom argues that the prevailing moral relativism on college campuses is eroding the foundations of Western civilization. He emphasizes the importance of a classical education as the antidote to decadence. 

The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America by Arthur C. Brooks was published in 2015. It presents a compassionate conservative vision for addressing societal challenges. Brooks argues that conservative principles, such as free enterprise and limited government, can help alleviate poverty and promote individual opportunity. He emphasizes the importance of human dignity, community, and entrepreneurship.

The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek was published in 1944. It has been an influence on both the conservative and libertarian movements. Hayek, a Nobel laureate, argues against the collectivist ideologies of socialism and fascism and predicts that “liberal” planned economies are likely to evolve in a totalitarian direction. 

Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman was published in 1962. This is another book that has influenced both the conservative and libertarian movements. Friedman, who was also a Nobel laureate like Hayek, advocates for free-market capitalism, limited government intervention, and individual liberty to solve social problems.

My score on the Worlds Smallest Political Quiz (Description)


My score on The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz (Chart)


My Political Compass Test Scores


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Teen Girls "Manifesting" Taylor Swift Tickets!!!

Don't Miss This INCREDIBLE Story of Redemption

The Flat Earth Phenomenon – Dr. Heinz Lycklama

2 Chronicles Complete 1-36, King James Version (KJV) Read Along

Straight, white males need not apply

Lately there has been an evermore increase in a lack of people with certain characteristics getting jobs in our local economy. Men, normal and not degenerate males; are being discriminated against in the job market. By non degenerate I mean the normal opposite sex attracted male. Those whom are not confused about their place in the Creation Order and comfortable with the sex/gender God conceived them as. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or similar quota systems are not concerned about including straight males in their hiring pool. Especially, if you have a lesser amount of melanin in your system. 

Let me reiterate that race is a social construct and not a creation thing. We all simply have different levels of melanin in our system which alters how our skin looks between darker or lighter. Unlike sex/gender which is not a social construct, but, is a difference that exists within the Creation Order itself. Ones sexuality is also from God's Creation order. The term and idea of homosexual or transsexual as a label or socially constructed identity that was made up with the emergence of psychology especially people like Sigmund Freud and Kinsey. 

Same sex attraction is a Sin; coming from The World, The Flesh (the depravity of mankind) and The Devil. It is not natural or normal for humankind. It goes against the Creation Order that conceived those that identify with this particular sin as an identity and embrace their evil temptations. SSA people need loving help being told they are not their temptations and to leave their lifestyle. They should not be embraced as being their attractions by culture anymore than adulterers should be embraced as adultery attracted people. 

This does not mean we should bully or treat with hate people stuck in this particular sin. These people need Jesus Christ and not hate or bashing or bullying. Humanization and normalization are not the same thing. We went from dehumanization that some people with SSA experienced to normalization. The two things are not the same thing. As someone whom God Saved from such a sin and lifestyle I have first hand experience from both within that community and from also the broader conservative Christian community. God's Love and Holy Spirit saved me and not being bashed over the head. 

I wanted to emphasize the above because when I lodge complaints about the lack of straight, white and male employment I will no doubt be called horrible names by some people. I will be called a homophobe (a made up term by the LGBTQIA... lobby way back in the 80's). I will be called by some a racist despite not even believing race exists. I will be called Patriarchal as if Biblical and Godly Patriarchy is bad (see last article). 

However, that does not terminate the issue at hand. That our job pool has been taken up by diversity, equity and inclusion hires. Which discriminates against straight (read normal), white (people who happen to have less melanin in their skin), men (people born with male chromosomes regardless of if you are mentally stable in regards to your biological sex or not). We get told we are just lazy and none of us want to work. This is not correct at all. Or that none of us have sent out our resumes. Which is also bunk my friend. 

I personally in the passed two years put out dozens and dozens of resumes and applications. Out of those I have had 1 interview in that whole time. Which is not because I have no work experience nor because I have no work ethic. Heck, I am someone that does not even believe we should maintain the Welfare State as something that exists. As I am a consistent fiscal conservative/economic classical liberal/fiscal libertarian. I have no love of being on social assistance and I pray God gets me off of it every night before I go to sleep. 

I do not want to use up the taxation that could be used for those that really have no ability to work. (The only just reason for any safety net in society). However, clearly something is stopping resumes from locals and people with a lack of melatonin from getting chances at employment. I am not the only one noticing this. I have overheard in whispers this same issue being noted by all kinds of people from the greater Charlottetown community. 

This does not mean we should discriminate against people of other levels of melatonin. However, it does mean we need to remember that white people are people too. Especially, straight, white males the biggest group at a disadvantage with DEI style hiring policies. Anti-Heterosexual, Anti-White and Anti-Male discrimination is still discrimination. In many places in North America and around the world straight, white, males need not apply for anything.

The order within The Body of Christ is Godly and Biblical Patriarchy

Within the last 100 years the word patriarchal has become associated with an evil and oppressive force that must be fought. Truth is that The Bible preaches and teaches that God Ordained Biblical Patriarchy or broad complementarianism not egalitarianism. 

For one God is a Masculine deity and not a feminine God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all He's and no she's. Second of all God made woman from the Adam's rib and Adam the man named woman, woman for she came out of the rib of man. 

The evolutionary hoax or lie that woman are simply evolved apes discarded this truth and separated women from the role ordained to them by God in the Garden of Eden. Evolution also lies about the role of men by giving them two options submissive feminism or do no wrong Alpha male status.

The truth is the role of women to be submissive in the Body of Christ to Godly men in authority was created with the very creation of Earth and the universe itself when God created them male and female. 

The order God wants is God first, then men, women and children in that order. The men are first as they protect, provide and spiritually lead the women and children. They are ahead because they bare even more responsibility and are to protect those under them not abuse or mistreat them.

The idea that female submission to male headship is evil and abusive is a lie of the Devil. Men whom abuse women are acting in an anti patriarchal way as they are not protecting and providing for them. They are doing the exact opposite of their patriarchal role. 

Biblical Patriarchy is God's Hierarchical setup and not man's. It is far different from the hierarchy of Alpha Male sex abusers or macho goons. Biblical Patriarchy is beautiful and should be the model for any Godly society whether small or large. Within the the Church men lead and Patriarchy is the way. GODLY Patriarchy is the answer to our messed up chaotic culture not the problem.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fully Embracing Being KJV-only. However, rejecting separatism and judgment.

First thing I want to distinguish between being KJV Only and being a KJV only-ist. One is you and or your groups or Churches standing on the KJV as God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children. 

The other can be the idea that the translation itself is somehow secondarily inspired. Not just accurately translated from the Received or Confessional Text. It can also mean that you think non KJV users are heretical and damned. As well as, pushing for separation from Churches that do not use the KJV. 

I am absolutely in camp A, but, definitely not B. I find after much prayer and research that the KJV is God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children. That no others have been made which surpass it nor do updates add things. If anything modern translations are missing passages due to Modernism and The Modern Critical Theory of textual translation. 

I do not agree with people whom would or do push for me to biblical separation from others over the King James issue or position. Nor, do I think it is appropriate to judge fellow Christians faith/Born Again status based on their lack of KJV use. Thus I am solidly KJV Only, but, I am not that type of King James Only. Or a Kings James Only-ist; in that I am not joined in someway to a movement or the more radical members of that group. Nor do I agree with the nuttier defenders of the KJVO position. For their number is many and their views are not charitable at all.

Charlottetown Bible Chapel PEI

Wed - Aug21st

04. Numbers Complete 1-36, King James Version (KJV) Free AV Bible Read Along

Holy Bible: Book 18 - The Book of Job - KJV Read Along HD 4K Audio Text

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Entire Book in One Video: The Hebrews Series pt 1

This Video About Bible Genealogies Will BLOW Your Mind | Ken Ham

Former NAR insider slays the myth of NAR denial

Former NAR insider Responds to the American Gospel NAR roundtable (Part 1)

The Issue with Kenneth Copeland's Watch Collection...

The Western Porn Industry Is Poisoning the Planet

In 2016, the Washington Post ran a story titled “Reddit tried to introduce a remote Kenyan tribe to porn. It did not go as expected.” Upon encountering Western porn, apparently, the Maasai chiefs “thought it was fake and not real life, like a cartoon.” The story provoked much hilarity amongst Westerners online: Just imagine not having porn! The reactions, needless to say, were far more revealing than intended. 

Defenses of Marriage from all over the political spectrum

Debunking CEO pay redistribution

Greenpeace founder slams David Suzuki and the "environmentalist/Save The Earth/Gaia/Mother Nature Death cult."

Sunday, August 18, 2024



Sun, Aug 18, 2024 PM - Serge Leger

Scientific Facts vs. Christian Fairytales?

Social Conservatism and The Mainstream Christian/Religious Right as a Spectrum of views. Politics/Government is not the solution Christ is!

Following on my previous article on social conservatism as a strain of classical liberalism I thought I needed to explain things a bit further. The truth is there is a spectrum of beliefs on the Christian Conservatism/social conservative right-wing. It is a spectrum that goes from Lassiez Faire Capitalists with Socially Conservative Cultural/legislative values to Nativist and complete trade protectionists. Being Lassiez-Faire on fiscal matters is not the only compatible economic values with right wing social values. 

People whom would agree with me on social policies would disagree with me on my right-Austrian leaning fiscal views. Some Conservatives disagree on how they would be OK with adding to legislation their moral values as well. Some would not allow any Federal Government legislation allowing only for States and Localities to introduce local legislation on Cultural matters locality by locality. Others are more comfortable or even would only support these policies if done with Federal actions for curtailing things that would cause chaos and remove Ordered Liberty if allowed to be done only locally in their opinion.

There are also differences on things like Foreign Policy and National Defense. Some are more isolationist in their perspective and usually fall under the label of Paleo-Conservative. Continuing the Non Interventionist and Isolationism of their Old Right pre-WWII classical liberal forbearers. Differences on foreign aid and even differences on if a Minimal Income for all Citizens is compatible with Conservative values.

As a Biblical Dispensational Fundamentalist; I do not see our work in this world to make a Kingdom Now. We are to spread The Gospel and save souls out of this World which is currently under the sway of the Devil. Not to use our ability to vote to try and create a utopian ideal based on purist views. This is why I am comfortable with a spectrum of views and willing to support any of the spectrum to a certain extent. However, I do stop short of supporting just each and any view. 

For example; the Non Interventionist and Issolationist Foreign Policy of the continuation of the Old Right classical liberals. (National Defense requires intervention to stop risks to national security, protect free trade between allies and fight against Terrorists/general Threats from abroad). However, those skeptical of free trade and prefer protectionism with strong tariffs are within their right in a classically liberal order to implement such measures.

I am actually fine with both Economic Nationalism (VS free trade between allies) or Economic Trade between allies along with my Cultural Conservatism. I could vote for either one as I understand where both views are coming from and neither one absolutely needs to be the one that is in power for me to be happy. In fact, no conservative needs to be in power for me to be happy. As we are not to try and take this world over. 

This world will be someday burnt Up and a New Earth recreated. Whether you have a New Creation Model or some other model of how the New Earth will be made. J. Vernon McGee is right to say we ultimately are on a sinking ship our World is the Titanic. We are not polishing brass; only treading water while we wait for God to totally bring the ship down. We ultimately loose down here in This World. No matter how much we temporarily take care of the common good of The world as it remains intact.

We win in the Millennium and New Earth/New Heaven. We loose up until Christ returns and need to be watching for the Imminent Blessed Hope of our Rapture out of This World not to remake the World into a Kingdom of our making. When Christ returns at the end of the 7 Year Great Tribulation He will setup a direct Theocracy the True Kingdom of God/Christ on This Earth from a renewed and replenished/repentant Israel in Jerusalem for 1000 yrs. 

We need to be more busy spreading the Gospel than worrying about politics and voting in the right people or not. The Gospel is our Great Commission not taking over the World and making it a Kingdom Now as Postmillennialism and some amillennials say it is. We need to look for that which is above, which is true good and beautiful not for Satan and evil under every rock. Or look to any States in this world to be our savior only Jesus Christ is able to save out of this world. Politics is not the answer God's Word and The Gospel of Salvation is.

The Religious Right is/was simply Socially conservative classical liberalism (fiscal conservatism) and not a threat to Democracy/nor connected to QAnon vile.

Apparently, the acceptance of biblical and broadly socially/Christian conservative values on social/cultural issues is the same thing as being a QAnon Theorist. At least that is what is claimed in the newest screed against Christ and His Church from a Progressive Antichristian author. How does one go from one to the other? By taking the Bible to mean what it says and taking its prophecy literally AKA dispensational truth. 

In a recent book The Moral Majority is blamed on causing the roots of QAnon for having a Biblicist view of revelation and the coming Antichrist (The Great Tribulation). QAnon believes that Donald Trump is secretly going after Satanic Child Abusers whom drink something call Adrenochrome (an actually existing chemical misappropriated into their hypotheses) from these children's trauma. The two viewpoints have zero things in common. QAnon smacks of classic false Anti-Semitic blood drinking beliefs of the haters of Jews throughout history. Dispensational Truth recognizes that Israel (The Jewish State) is part of the Biblical Prophecy and the Jews are still God's Chosen People in the End Times. 

The Moral Majority was simply nothing more than a Social Conservative and Biblical pushback at the birth pangs of the modern Progressive movement in the Socially Liberal policies of the past before it. I am a Social Conservative whom agrees with every single social/cultural issue The Moral Majority fought for. I am also a Biblical Dispensational unabashed Christian Fundamentalist. However, QAnon conspiracy hypotheses is absolutely nutty and I want nothing to do with that group of Wackos.

What is not mentioned and totally pushed under the rug was that Social Conservatism as defined by The Moral Majority was literally a form of classical liberal Constitutional Republicanism. Which embraced Lassiez-Faire Capitalism or going towards it in all areas not found (and sometimes even in) within their Social Agenda. They supported State's and Locality Rights, Parental Choice and Constitutional Federalism and supported the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. That relied on Representative Democratic processes and a peaceful transfer to their social agenda. 

QAnon literally pushes for civil war within Western Civilization and the breaking up of The United States in a Great Divorce. They are not a group that supports Representative Democratic Processes and peaceful change to a more Conservative Social Agenda. I do not support some sort of violent overthrow of the current forms of Government to bring in a Conservative Social Agenda.  

Biblical Dispensational Truth is not in anyway connected to QAnon either. What these people really are mad about is because those with different social and cultural values than them would dare wish to peacefully through elections wish to support a Social Agenda they happen to disagree with. So, how better to tar those with Culturally Right of Centre/Right social views than to lump them into a group of dangerous and possibly violent reality deniers.

What is showing is their depravity and allegiance to a hierarchy other than God's. They have refused to repent and believe on Christ and what he has done for the Whole World including them. Which means they are in the hierarchy of an entity called Satan they are doing his bidding and following their depraved hearts. Unlike QAnon which talks about a hierarchy of Satan that has little to no evidence. They are in the very hierarchy that QAnon mistakes wacko nonsense for.

One does not need to be worshipping the evil one to be in his hierarchy they only need to not be Born Again. This means there does not need to be any grand conspiracy to have the World be an evil place that contains vile activities. I am not saying the claims of QAnon are true, but, simply pointing out the irony of people pointing out people pushing Satanic conspiracy when they are doing the bidding of the true evil one that bears that very name.     

Once the believers are Raptured those left behind will in fact find their really is an Antichrist coming. There really is a New World Order coming and they will be the very ones going through The Great Tribulation The Moral Majority used too warn about. I pray that these people do indeed repent and believe on Christ and what he has done for us all. That they join us in the Rapture and do not end up going through the Great Tribulation. 

Christian Conservatism is NOT Christian Nationalism and should not be mistaken for it. Social Conservatives are simply a specific strain of the broader Small/Limited Government classical liberal Order. We are Constitutionally Conservative/classically liberal Christians that think that Capitalism combined with a culture of life and family is required for a properly ordered Freedom for all of our neighbors. We support a Constitutionally Limited Republic with federalism and local/National sovereignty in the US and a Constitutionally Limited Representative Democracy in Canada (my Home and Native Land).

We support the classically liberal value of full freedom of all religions with separation between Church and State. That does not mean that you need to hide your faith when voting or making decisions over things like what you want in the education system. We all have the right in elections to vote our values and Christians value The Word of God above all else. Which means that will influence what policies one would support. However, we do not get to take over things and force them on people we have the classically liberal value of voting in our policies via the Democratic process. 

Ultimately though our Great Commission as Christians is not to force our values into a Party to make sure we get what we would like to see voted in. I am not a registered Conservative Party of Canada nor a registered People's Party of Canada member. I am a registered Christian Heritage Party member whom does not put any faith at all in us ever being elected as this Church Age progresses. My fiscal policy views are along a spectrum running the gauntlet from the CHP's Economic Platform to a great swath of right-Austrian fiscal views.

Austrian meaning Austrian Economics or classically liberal economics and support of getting the State as out of the market and freeing the market as much as possible. For example; I am pro Pure and True Free Trade (VS our current Global Government Free Trade Agreements) with allied Nations that are not hostile to us or in some way a threat to Canadian Civilization. I am also Pro-Closed/Strictly and Tightly Secured National Borders with a Canadian Values test/strong heavy vetting of any one wanting to come into the Country.

My immigration view shows my social conservatism, while my view on Global Capitalism among allies is classically liberal and aligns with a Ron Paul styled lowercase libertarian Republican in the US. The Canadian lowercase right-libertarian fiscal viewpoint within the broader Canadian Christian conservative movement.

A True Blue Conservative fiscally from the Canadian Conservative Party. Or economically very much in line with the Ontario Libertarian Party/Freedom Party. As well as aligned fiscally with the People's Party of Canada as much as the Christian Heritage Party. I am so pro-choice on issues that are outside the social realm that I would support opt in or opt out choices for Citizens for any government funded and controlled area such as healthcare and education. 

In fact, The (mainstream) Religious Right has always supported deregulation, privatization and freedom of choice with a market of healthcare, education and so forth. Many of what we have favored have been getting the State out of peoples lives. We are a Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Faith and Pro-Freedom movement. Or as as the Honorable Stephen Harper put it, "Faith, Family and Freedom." We are not a Theocratic or Theonomic movement and shun theocrats as being out too lunch.

We are simply a variant of classical liberal thought that recognizes the importance of Ordered Liberty VS allowing Anarcho-Tyranny. The Moral Majority and mainstream Religious Right members have if anything been for more choice outside of the cultural issues we align with than most of the current mainstream Conservative Party of Canada or even the People's Party of Canada. 

I would vote for a social conservative with the economic agenda of The Libertarian Party of Canada and be completely comfortable with Lassiez-Faire Capitalism outside of those areas (or on some issues even within) that encompass my Social Agenda. So to did all the founders of The Moral Majority. We also fully support Locality and State's Rights to setup their own socially conservative legislation where it would be unconstitutional to do something at the Federal Government level supporting wherever possible decentralization.

I ask you what does any of these views have in common with QAnon? The answer is nothing at all. Most important of all dispensational fundamentalists understand that This World is not our home we are in it, but, not of it. Thus we do not spend our time scheming and stroking our beards (if we have them) about dominating The World. Christ Jesus the Lord will bring in His Kingdom after The Great Tribulation and after the Tribulations true New World Order. We do not take over the World we are to preach The Gospel and save people worldwide out of The World which is under the dominion of Satan into the Grace/True Liberty in Christ.

Ever Reforming - Study of Church History