Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Why I fully embrace being A Confessional Reformed Christian Fundamentalist
Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? That should not be so. I am a Confessional Reformed and 110 Grade Calvinist. I am so because Calvinism/Reformed Theology is The Gospel as presented in The Bible. The Canons of Dordrecht and its proceeding articles on Unconditional Election, Total Depravity, Limited or Definite Atonement, Irresistible Grace or Effectual Calling and Preservation of the Saints are all taught straight from the Bible.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Yes, Christ did teach all non-Christians are damned.
Today, someone mentioned to me that they did not believe non Christians were hell bound heathens. However, Christ taught over and over again that you are born a child of Wrath and destined for Hell. Everyone because of what Adam and Eve did being our head as a human race are destined for hell. They get the justice they deserve unless God has chosen you to be saved from Eternity Past.
He has Chosen only those whom are in Christ and thus Christians Via the regeneration of the New Birth have been predestined for Heaven. Anyone that dies without being Born Again and thus becoming a Christian are indeed headed for hell. As eternal destruction and punishment is what we all deserve as we are conceived a Comic Traitor and none of us are naturally good in the sense of holy goodness compatible with being in God's presence in Heaven.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber."
In case you think this is only an English Translation error the original Greek Language points out it was the definitive I am. As in only him and no other way. As he is the I AM as in the God-Man and God himself incarnate into flesh.
"I am – In the Greek language, “I am” is a very intense way of referring to oneself. It would be comparable to saying, “I myself, and only I, am.” Several other times in the Gospels we find Jesus using these words. In Matthew 22:32 Jesus quotes Exodus 3:6, where God uses the same intensive form to say, “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” In John 8:58, Jesus said, “Truly, truly I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.” The Jews clearly understood Jesus to be calling Himself God because they took up stones to stone Him for committing blasphemy in equating Himself with God. In Matthew 28:20, as Jesus gave the Great Commission, He gave it emphasis by saying, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” When the soldiers came seeking Jesus in the garden the night before His crucifixion, He told them, “I am he,” and His words were so powerful that the soldiers fell to the ground (John 18:4–6). These words reflect the very name of God in Hebrew, Yahweh, which means “to be” or “the self-existing one.” It is the name of power and authority, and Jesus claimed it as His own.
The way – Jesus used the definite article to distinguish Himself as “the only way.” A way is a path or route, and the disciples had expressed their confusion about where He was going and how they could follow. As He had told them from the beginning, Jesus was again telling them (and us) “follow me.” There is no other path to heaven, no other way to the Father. Peter reiterated this same truth years later to the rulers in Jerusalem, saying about Jesus, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The exclusive nature of the only path to salvation is expressed in the words “I am the way.”
The truth – Again Jesus used the definite article to emphasize Himself as “the only truth.” Psalm 119:142 says, “Your law is the truth.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminded His listeners of several points of the Law, then said, “But I say unto you . . .” (Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44), thereby equating Himself with the Law of God as the authoritative standard of righteousness. In fact, Jesus said that He came to fulfill the Law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17). Jesus, as the incarnate Word of God (John 1:1) is the source of all truth.
The life – Jesus had just been telling His disciples about His impending death, and now He was claiming to be the source of all life. In John 10:17–18, Jesus declared that He was going to lay down His life for His sheep, and then take it back again. He spoke of His authority over life and death as being granted to Him by the Father. In John 14:19, He gave the promise that “because I live, you also will live.” The deliverance He was about to provide was not a political or social deliverance (which most of the Jews were seeking), but a true deliverance from a life of bondage to sin and death to a life of freedom in eternity.
In these words, Jesus was declaring Himself the great “I Am,” the only path to heaven, the only true measure of righteousness, and the source of both physical and spiritual life. He was staking His claim as the very God of Creation, the Lord who blessed Abraham, and the Holy One who inhabits eternity. He did this so the disciples would be able to face the dark days ahead and carry on the mission of declaring the gospel to the world. Of course, we know from Scripture that they still didn’t understand, and it took several visits from their risen Lord to shake them out of their disbelief. Once they understood the truth of His words, they became changed people, and the world has never been the same."
This means that God is ultimately the reason we are saved or not. God determines Whom is saved or not by either giving them grace via regeneration which is in common parlance called being Born Again or leaving them in their natural human nature and bound for justice in hell. No one gets injustice by God. The Non Christian gets the justice they deserve in eternal punishments in hell. The Christian gets mercy by being made into a New Creation in Christ. However, no one gets injustice.
It is not whether, but, which.
Often, when you bring up a whole life and worldview based around Biblical Christian Ethics and values you will be called many names. You will often hear that we are a democracy or a secular republic if you are in the US. That to acknowledge Christ as King and Lord over every area of life would be imposing religion on people.
The problem is all communities are religious as mankind is homo religious or created to Worship and thus we all are religious. The question is are you Worshipping the true God or a false god? Are you supporting the spread of the Kingsom of God or the Kingdom of Darkness?
All law is inherently theocratic as they have a source in your ethical system and morality has a source of one's morals that source is your god of your system and thus what you are Worshipping. The question again is it a True Theocracy as in following The True God or faux theocracy of believing and following a false god?
Theocracy which many run from is simply the word for Rule By God. Not Rule by a specific church or denomination in the Name of God. It means adhering to The True God and His laws His rules for us. I am absolutely a Christian Theocrat, I want the World to be following The True God and His law in all aspects of life including The State.
The idea of a sacred/secular split in the World including law making is a novum or novel unbiblical idea. It is in fact I would go even further and say a political heresy to not want The Nations ruled Under God's Rules and statutes. The entire of life is Under Christ and He is King of all spheres of life that includes having mandates for The State.
It is ultimately not whether we have a Religious system of law making and rule keeping, but, instead which one. Yes, that means I do want a Christian Canada and that Christianized Canada would be a Christian Theocracy. Yes, that means Biblical Laws and punishments directly from God's Word. However, there is a spectrum of punishments available within the pages of God's Law Word.
There is plenty of discussion to be had about what punishments and when that are in line with God's Law Word. The term usually used for this viewpoint is theonomy. Theo means God and the nomos is law. So, God's Law. You can be a theonomist of which I am one and not have to agree with every other theonomists viewpoint on punishments.
Just because one theonomist might say something that might make you say what on Earth. That is not an indicator that Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction proper is wrong about all Laws being those from God's Word. It is simply the view of that person and possibly that person's supporters. It is not a repudiation of Theonomy or Christian Nationhood proper.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Monday, May 22, 2023
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Hierarchy is built into God's Creational Order.
A lot of people think of hierarchy as a bad thing and some even a consequence of the Fall in the Garden of Eden. However, this is not the case the idea that there is a natural hierarchy in the creation order God made. God first made the Man made in his likeness and then breathed life into him. Giving him a nature intended for taking biblical dominion in other words leadership and stewardship over all the Earth. Next he put Adam to sleep and made woman out of his rib. Adam as the head of the woman than got to name her woman as she came from him. This naming is a form of authority and thus hierarchy over the woman that was just made.
The hierarchy starts with God Himself, then Christ, then Man, then Woman and Then Children. This is called Biblical Patriarchy or broad complementarianism. This is why women are not be the leaders in The Church, in The Home (within marriage), or in any sphere or area of society in general. Women are incredibly important within societies, but, they are to be help mates to the men. Their natural role as women are to be submissive to the men whom are to lead in a Godly manner. It is written right into the very creation of women in The Garden that men are the creational head and not women.
The head role of men includes in civil governance as women were never meant to be in the Military or be Police Officers. It is instead the nature of men to as the head of society protect and provide for the women and children. Putting women in roles meant by creational nature for men we are simply putting women into harms way. Neither were women supposed to be civil representatives as The States job is not to nurture you it is to enforce justice and that is why God Grants civil government to exist. It is an apparatus which by its very nature is the man's role of force against individuals and groups whom threaten the protection of the society.
There is a Godly role for Godly Rulers; Godly men that run civil governments which follow God's Law Word and, yes, when necessary get violent and use force to enforce it. Man's Dominion Mandate or Creation Mandate if you prefer; was not removed after the Fall at all. We are to have dominion and be fruitful, multiplying and filling the whole Earth with God's Glory. Doing so, ruling, through leading, protecting and providing for our families and from there out over all aspects of society. Women have their important roles in this as well. However, their role is never to lead men, but, to be help mates for them and to help nurture the children. Living, quiet and humble lives in submission to the Godly Men. The best example that comes to mind is being submissive to Godly Husbands.
Friday, May 19, 2023
God's Predestination includes everything in Creation from beginning to the end.
There is an idea out there that something or anything is ultimately outside God's predestination. This is incorrect he ordains everything that has and will come too pass for The Praise of His Glorious Gace and the Pleasure of His Own Good Will. It is sometimes hard to see this when things seem bleak in the world.
However, just because His plans make no sense to us at times from a man up to God point of view that does not change the truth. The very seat I sit at and the very restaurant I am in was foreordained by God to be this seat and this restaurant from Eternity Past. However, I also uncoerced and within myself truly wanted to go here and sit at this spot.
He does not make us puppets by making us do something we do not want. Yet, He still did predetermine this to happen exactly as it happened from Eternity Past. There is not an autonomous maverick quark in His Creation His Predestination is the primary cause of all things. While our own wants and desires at this time and space in this level of reality is the secondary cause.
This includes Predestination and ordination of evil, but, the evil doesn't come from Him he simply uses the Evil in the Universe for His own Purposes there is no Evil in God Himself. Same with sin, God Forordaines and Predestinated all sin in the Universe without himself sinning or being the author of said sin. The creatures he is forordaining are the ones with the sin in them. God forordains and Predestines sin, but, does so sinlessly and while hating Sin to its core.
This means we can relax and trust, keeping our faith in The Lord knowing whatever happens He really does have the Whole World in His Hands.
The Word Dulos of those In Christ literally means Slave.
It is often misunderstood what it means to be regenerated and Born Again into the Body of Christ. Usually the common idea is that you are now free. Which is correct that you are now freed to fight against your old man/woman and to conquer any sin in your life. However, you are not free as most people think of it as in no longer being a slave.
Instead, you have switched Masters from Sin, the Flesh and the Devil to God. He is our new master and the one we had in Adam before The Fall in the Garden of Eden. Word often translated as Bond servant of Christ is in fact the Greek word for slave. We are slaves to Christ and thus no longer a Child of Wrath enslaved to Sin and Satan.
There is no such thing as serving no spiritual master you either are a slave of God or a Slave to Satan. A Slave in the Godly Kingdom or a slave to the Kingdom of Darkness of Satan and his minions. Only God can through His Regeneration and New Creation through being Born Again switch you out of the Kingdom of Darkness and bring you to be his Slave in the Kingdom of God.
Godly Division is important and The Lord himself taught it.
"Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
"Mark 13:12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
Luke 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
People often do not take into account Christ's own words on how he did not come to bring peace between people. He came to bring a sword and that sword is the Holy Scriptures in our Spiritual Warfare toolkit. Therefore properly exegetical theology and doctrines are ones which come from the The Holy Scripture. Logically doctrine and theology is important and thus ones views on various things are important. Is it something found in the the Scriptures? Is it the proper interpretation of said issue which is checked by comparing scripture with scripture? This is the seedbed of proper Godly Division between viewpoints and between the Godly and the Ungodly. Between the Truth and Between the False.
Doctrine does matter and theology does matter. There is True Biblical based Doctrines and theology. There is also False Theology and False Doctrine. There is a strict cut with the The Sword of the Spirit the Scriptures between that which is True Religion AKA Biblical Christianity and False Religion of whatever stripe. God, himself divides people as He saves those Whom He will and leaves to Eternal Destruction and Punishment those whom He wills. Having known from eternity past before the very creation Whom He Who Chose to Save before they were even born and Whom He Chose to instead to leave to get what we all deserve in Hell forever.
He determines and separates the Sheep from the Goats; the Saved from the Heathen and Reprobate through Choosing to Save Some and leaving the rest in their depravity receiving the consequence of that depravity. The most Godly Divider is God Himself and all mentions of Unity in The Bible is referring to Unity in The Mind of Christ. This means Unity requires us to agree with Biblical Christianity as found in one place and one place only The Holy Bible, The Scriptures. This is why we are to be barrens and cross check ones worldview on any issue with what is written in Holy Scriptures. Then ignore or listen to said person on said issue based on their adherence to Biblical Christianity which is True Religion."Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Monday, May 15, 2023
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023
Why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible
I decided to make a post explaining why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible as my main Bible translation. Lest you think I hate other versions I do not. I used the NKJV for quite some time as my sanctuary Bible. I also have used the MEV and ESV for my sanctuary Bible. Yet, I have kept coming back to the KJV for my main study bible. There is a reason for this.
The language is the most beautiful and majestic form of the Textus Receptus or Traditional Text. As well, it is the translation that our Reformed Faith has used historically and confessed was an accurate English Translation of the Received Text Base. As a Confessional Bibliology proponent I hold that God's Words are persevered and kept pure in all ages. This means that I hold that our Bible that Protestants have used for ages was an accurate English translation. Not that the translation itself was inspired, but, that the text base we always had in the languages translated to the English in the KJV was preserved as His accurate words.
The AV/KJV was and still is an accurate English Translation of the Original Greek and Hebrew as found in the Traditional/Confessional Text. Unlike Modern Textual Criticism; Reformation Textual Criticism does not doubt that God Preserved His Words in the historical confessional Greek and Hebrew Text it was not corrupted. The Received Text used as the base for translations before the entrance of Modern textual criticism was Preserved by God to make sure His Word down to the very jots and titles was preserved for All Ages and Kept Pure. There is no reason to hate on the KJV as not being an accurate translation of God's preserved Received Text.
Quite the opposite of what hyper anti KJV influencers in Christian thought teach. The Received Text matches what we find in the Majority of all finds of manuscripts and papyri. Meaning God really did preserve His Word down to the jot and title in the Confessional Text Base. In fact, TR and Majority Text Bibles are the most accurate translations. Due to the text base used and its accurate translation means that the Authorized Version/King James Version is also one of the most accurate English Bibles available still. I would say anything in the TR Tradition; found in the KJV Family and MEV are the most accurate English Bibles. In addition; The Gideon's have a wonderful TR ESV that accurately translates confessional renderings missing from the other rendition of the English Standard Translation.
Modern English Versions and Gideon's English Standard Translations are harder to find. So, if you wish to use modern English renderings of the Received/Confessional text and cannot find them I would recommend to stick with the New King James Version. I am not as some extremists do saying ESV or NASB or even NIV is Satan's Bibles. ESV is the one that my church uses as a pew bible. I do not accuse them of not preaching God's Word because of using a Modern Critical Text version. Despite my issues with the translation methodology.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Monday, May 8, 2023
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Being a Partial Preterist Postmillennial in a largely Amill Church
Some may or may not be aware that I have or had left Amillenial Eschatology for a Postmillennial view of of the future. I had switched my views from Historical Amill to Historical Postmillennialism a bit back. This was because I did in fact find Scriptures that pointed towards an optimistic time in the future before the return of Christ. Some may not have realized this though as I do not make a big thing about it. This is because my local Church is majority Amillenial and I see no reason to cause a divisive spirit among my Family in Christ.
There are other Postmillennial out there though that do not seem to think that keeping away from a divisive spirit is important. With them I immensely disagree and think not causing division among our Brothers and Sisters in Christ over the Amill VS Postmill disagreement is very important. Since I switched to being Postmill I also have found myself to also be a Partial Preterist when it comes to certain sections in Revelation. I want to emphasize "Partial" Preterism as Full Preterism is heretical and unbiblical. Again this is not something I made a thing out of.
For those that are in my local Church this does not make any difference to how we get along or my thought of them. The Amill/Postmill debate is not important to the Gospel and how we see each other as Family of Christ. I am also in Favor of a Christian Nation that bases it's laws on The Biblical Laws of God. That is, this is my view of the "ideal" future Canada. A Christianized Canada or ReChristianized Canada. I would tend to distance myself from the term Christian Nationalist though due to some of the people claiming said name.
My ethics are staunchly theonomic though; that we are still under God's Abiding Law including The OT Laws where the New Testament has not terminated them. This does not mean I agree with every iteration of theonomy or theonomist. Gary North wanted future Governments to bring back stoning for example. Which I staunchly disagree with! However, I do agree that theonomic ethics as applied to Civil Magistrates is the "ideal" future Christian Nations. I also as a Postmill think God will through His Spirit give us an optimistic Theonomic Government in the future. It will be The Work of God, however, and a gradual bottom up process over time not a top down "take over." Or revolt or rebellion.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Masculine strivings and sexual normativity
Recently I did a podcast with my friend and Brother in the Faith Nathan on Godly Masculinity. In it we discussed the link between emulating Christ and Manhood. We concentrated on the masculine attributes of Christ and on gladly assuming our sacrificial responsibility as men.
During the conversation Nathan for about 15 seconds mentioned externals and how some are so obsessed with things like does someone wear pink or not. As men emulating Godly men was not the main topic as much as emulating Christ it was brief and skipped over as it should have been.However, one should not assume that Godly men learning from other Godly men is not important. Nor that externals do not matter at all. In fact, externals do matter, but, without the right internal behavior and thinking externals are meaningless. This is why we pointed out not to follow the UnChristian Man-o-Sphere.
The thing is that when the internal changes through God's Amazing Grace ones externals do change as well. Internal and being Christlike inside comes first and then the externals will come through time. Through God's Amazing Grace. Christlike Godly thinking will coincide with Godly outside over time.
Men saved out of sodomy is a great example. As we are changed on the inside from our previous abomination towards the sexual normativity of God's Design, so, too does our external charteristics over time change also by God's Grace. From that "Sodomite" alarm some have to being just an individual one of the Godly Guys.
You will start to listening to the New Man's Masculine strivings and away from the following of your nasty sinful old man. Through the continuing Amazing Grace of The Lord in Sanctification towards maleness normativity in all areas not just your sexual attraction. Thus causing a change in externals as well through God's Grace.
Emulating other Godly and Righteous Men is a part of that masculine striving as well. As other men strive to emulate Christ and you emulate them your inner masculine strivings will be given its need to not be broken from the world of Godly men.
To bully someone and make them feel less than a man is not the way to help men be men. Instead be a good example both internally and externally and Sheppard the man into his Godly Manhood. The psychological conversion of those whom have lost their same sex attraction with therapeutic help shows the importance of understanding you are a man and can be one of the guys to leaving homosexual sodomy as a lifestyle.
This same is required in your masculine strivings in general. If you are shut out of being manly because of your past and how it might effect your externals currently you will shut down and not bother even believing you can ever be. Instead men need encouragement they are a man and can be as manly as any Godly Man as they become more sanctified. Not told they are just too unmanly to be one of the guys.
Friday, May 5, 2023
50 Shades of Satan; Why Christian Grey type Masculinity is The Devil in Disguise
One of the biggest looks into demonic counterfeits of Godly Virtues is the love by so many of the "50 Shades" and other BDSM based stories. In our Feminized and Radical Feminist world women still want men to be men. However, this series and others like it present a perverted Ungodly and Twisted Evil form of the things women want in a man. Women want men that have masculine strivings and they do want men to man up. To quit acting like little boys and be men. This means they want leadership and provision.
The Grey character and other male characters like him written by women are because they are searching for men that are men still. Yet, instead they find demonic and evil forms like Mr. Grey or any other number of Bad Boys. From the smooth Game masters to outright BDSM Sadists like in so much fiction. This is not true masculinity though and it is not the Godly Manhood men should be striving to be. Much like James Bond being a villain not really a hero for his licentiousness. Manliness has nothing to do with these counterfeit evil forms of domination and submission.
Biblical Manhood does call for Biblical Dominion, but, that is far different from the sort of sick twisted things that most men get up to. Biblical Dominion is leading, guiding, preaching, teaching, providing, and of course protection. If you are not prepared to be A King than get out of the Ring of Men that women want. If you want to be a Sadist than you are an abusive and evil Antichrist/Satanic man. At the same time Biblical Dominion by Godly men also requires Biblical Submission on the part of women. Something feminism in all its forms has totally aimed at the foundations of.
Feminism is the female Satanic equivalent of the Satanic counterfeit masculinity. It is a totally ungodly idea that men are evil, that true Biblical Patriarchy is evil and of course that submission is evil. The Devil and his Demonic Fallen Minions are no doubt lurking in the shadows of both of these movements. The Red Pill Man-o-sphere and the Feminist Radical Egalitarians are both ultimately from the same wicked source. There is no compromise Saved, Regenerate Sanctifying Godly men can make with either of these movements without compromising their Righteousness and engaging in Pagan/Occultist/ Satanic evil.
The sort of submission that God intends for women is not abusive and treating them like trash. It is to take on their role in the Creation Order of being the Glory of Man. To be good mothers, nurturers, home keepers, and all around help mates as designed by God in the Garden of Eden. To gladly follow their King and to submit to their Husbands. A glad submission and joyful submission to the man God Gave them. While men take on their role joyfully and pick up the sacrificial responsibilities of leading the Woman God Gave Them. This is not abusive as both of them are ultimately submitting to Christ the Lord and God's intended Creation Order.
Men do not get your advice from the Pagan and Satanic Man-O-Sphere and seduction communities. Women do not get your advice and role models from the Satanic and evil Feminist-O-Sphere, Get your role model from Christ himself and from the Great Godly Men/Women of The Scriptures. As in all Things God's Word is the Truth and every other avenue a demonic liar.