Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, May 5, 2023

50 Shades of Satan; Why Christian Grey type Masculinity is The Devil in Disguise

One of the biggest looks into demonic counterfeits of Godly Virtues is the love by so many of the "50 Shades" and other BDSM based stories. In our Feminized and Radical Feminist world women still want men to be men. However, this series and others like it present a perverted Ungodly and Twisted Evil form of the things women want in a man. Women want men that have masculine strivings and they do want men to man up. To quit acting like little boys and be men. This means they want leadership and provision. 

The Grey character and other male characters like him written by women are because they are searching for men that are men still. Yet, instead they find demonic and evil forms like Mr. Grey or any other number of Bad Boys. From the smooth Game masters to outright BDSM Sadists like in so much fiction. This is not true masculinity though and it is not the Godly Manhood men should be striving to be. Much like James Bond being a villain not really a hero for his licentiousness. Manliness has nothing to do with these counterfeit evil forms of domination and submission.

Biblical Manhood does call for Biblical Dominion, but, that is far different from the sort of sick twisted things that most men get up to. Biblical Dominion is leading, guiding, preaching, teaching, providing, and of course protection. If you are not prepared to be A King than get out of the Ring of Men that women want. If you want to be a Sadist than you are an abusive and evil Antichrist/Satanic man. At the same time Biblical Dominion by Godly men also requires Biblical Submission on the part of women. Something feminism in all its forms has totally aimed at the foundations of. 

Feminism is the female Satanic equivalent of the Satanic counterfeit masculinity. It is a totally ungodly idea that men are evil, that true Biblical Patriarchy is evil and of course that submission is evil. The Devil and his Demonic Fallen Minions are no doubt lurking in the shadows of both of these movements. The Red Pill Man-o-sphere and the Feminist Radical Egalitarians are both ultimately from the same wicked source. There is no compromise Saved, Regenerate Sanctifying Godly men can make with either of these movements without compromising their Righteousness and engaging in Pagan/Occultist/ Satanic evil. 

The sort of submission that God intends for women is not abusive and treating them like trash. It is to take on their role in the Creation Order of being the Glory of Man. To be good mothers, nurturers, home keepers, and all around help mates as designed by God in the Garden of Eden. To gladly follow their King and to submit to their Husbands. A glad submission and joyful submission to the man God Gave them. While men take on their role joyfully and pick up the sacrificial responsibilities of leading the Woman God Gave Them. This is not abusive as both of them are ultimately submitting to Christ the Lord and God's intended Creation Order. 

Men do not get your advice from the Pagan and Satanic Man-O-Sphere and seduction communities. Women do not get your advice and role models from the Satanic and evil Feminist-O-Sphere, Get your role model from Christ himself and from the Great Godly Men/Women of The Scriptures. As in all Things God's Word is the Truth and every other avenue a demonic liar.