Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Masculine strivings and sexual normativity

Recently I did a podcast with my friend and Brother in the Faith Nathan on Godly Masculinity. In it we discussed the link between emulating Christ and Manhood. We concentrated on the masculine attributes of Christ and on gladly assuming our sacrificial responsibility as men.

During the conversation Nathan for about 15 seconds mentioned externals and how some are so obsessed with things like does someone wear pink or not. As men emulating Godly men was not the main topic as much as emulating Christ it was brief and skipped over as it should have been.

However, one should not assume that Godly men learning from other Godly men is not important. Nor that externals do not matter at all. In fact, externals do matter, but, without the right internal behavior and thinking externals are meaningless. This is why we pointed out not to follow the UnChristian Man-o-Sphere.

The thing is that when the internal changes through God's Amazing Grace ones externals do change as well. Internal and being Christlike inside comes first and then the externals will come through time. Through God's Amazing Grace. Christlike Godly thinking will coincide with Godly outside over time.

Men saved out of sodomy is a great example. As we are changed on the inside from our previous abomination towards the sexual normativity of God's Design, so, too does our external charteristics over time change also by God's Grace. From that "Sodomite" alarm some have to being just an individual one of the Godly Guys.

You will start to listening to the New Man's Masculine strivings and away from the following of your nasty sinful old man. Through the continuing Amazing Grace of The Lord in Sanctification towards maleness normativity in all areas not just your sexual attraction. Thus causing a change in externals as well through God's Grace.

Emulating other Godly and Righteous Men is a part of that masculine striving as well. As other men strive to emulate Christ and you emulate them your inner masculine strivings will be given its need to not be broken from the world of Godly men.

To bully someone and make them feel less than a man is not the way to help men be men. Instead be a good example both internally and externally and Sheppard the man into his Godly Manhood. The psychological conversion of those whom have lost their same sex attraction with therapeutic help shows the importance of understanding you are a man and can be one of the guys to leaving homosexual sodomy as a lifestyle.

This same is required in your masculine strivings in general. If you are shut out of being manly because of your past and how it might effect your externals currently you will shut down and not bother even believing you can ever be. Instead men need encouragement they are a man and can be as manly as any Godly Man as they become more sanctified. Not told they are just too unmanly to be one of the guys.

After all the saved man is a new creation in Christ and that new creation desires to follow what God wants of men. Thus one's masculine strivings will be felt through the Grace of God. You will turn from your old man with its possible sex bending ways. Towards your new man which strives now to follow God's ways externally and internally.