Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Being a Partial Preterist Postmillennial in a largely Amill Church

Some may or may not be aware that I have or had left Amillenial Eschatology for a Postmillennial view of of the future. I had switched my views from Historical Amill to Historical Postmillennialism a bit back. This was because I did in fact find Scriptures that pointed towards an optimistic time in the future before the return of Christ. Some may not have realized this though as I do not make a big thing about it. This is because my local Church is majority Amillenial and I see no reason to cause a divisive spirit among my Family in Christ. 

There are other Postmillennial out there though that do not seem to think that keeping away from a divisive spirit is important. With them I immensely disagree and think not causing division among our Brothers and Sisters in Christ over the Amill VS Postmill disagreement is very important. Since I switched to being Postmill I also have found myself to also be a Partial Preterist when it comes to certain sections in Revelation. I want to emphasize "Partial" Preterism as Full Preterism is heretical and unbiblical. Again this is not something I made a thing out of. 

For those that are in my local Church this does not make any difference to how we get along or my thought of them. The Amill/Postmill debate is not important to the Gospel and how we see each other as Family of Christ. I am also in Favor of a Christian Nation that bases it's laws on The Biblical Laws of God. That is, this is my view of the "ideal" future Canada. A Christianized Canada or ReChristianized Canada. I would tend to distance myself from the term Christian Nationalist though due to some of the people claiming said name. 

My ethics are staunchly theonomic though; that we are still under God's Abiding Law including The OT Laws where the New Testament has not terminated them. This does not mean I agree with every iteration of theonomy or theonomist. Gary North wanted future Governments to bring back stoning for example. Which I staunchly disagree with! However, I do agree that theonomic ethics as applied to Civil Magistrates is the "ideal" future Christian Nations. I also as a Postmill think God will through His Spirit give us an optimistic Theonomic Government in the future. It will be The Work of God, however, and a gradual bottom up process over time not a top down "take over." Or revolt or rebellion.