Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Hierarchy is built into God's Creational Order.

A lot of people think of hierarchy as a bad thing and some even a consequence of the Fall in the Garden of Eden. However, this is not the case the idea that there is a natural hierarchy in the creation order God made. God first made the Man made in his likeness and then breathed life into him. Giving him a nature intended for taking biblical dominion in other words leadership and stewardship over all the Earth. Next he put Adam to sleep and made woman out of his rib. Adam as the head of the woman than got to name her woman as she came from him. This naming is a form of authority and thus hierarchy over the woman that was just made. 

The hierarchy starts with God Himself, then Christ, then Man, then Woman and Then Children. This is called Biblical Patriarchy or broad complementarianism. This is why women are not be the leaders in The Church, in The Home (within marriage), or in any sphere or area of society in general. Women are incredibly important within societies, but, they are to be help mates to the men. Their natural role as women are to be submissive to the men whom are to lead in a Godly manner. It is written right into the very creation of women in The Garden that men are the creational head and not women. 

The head role of men includes in civil governance as women were never meant to be in the Military or be Police Officers. It is instead the nature of men to as the head of society protect and provide for the women and children. Putting women in roles meant by creational nature for men we are simply putting women into harms way. Neither were women supposed to be civil representatives as The States job is not to nurture you it is to enforce justice and that is why God Grants civil government to exist. It is an apparatus which by its very nature is the man's role of force against individuals and groups whom threaten the protection of the society. 

There is a Godly role for Godly Rulers; Godly men that run civil governments which follow God's Law Word and, yes, when necessary get violent and use force to enforce it. Man's Dominion Mandate or Creation Mandate if you prefer; was not removed after the Fall at all. We are to have dominion and be fruitful, multiplying and filling the whole Earth with God's Glory. Doing so, ruling, through leading, protecting and providing for our families and from there out over all aspects of society. Women have their important roles in this as well. However, their role is never to lead men, but, to be help mates for them and to help nurture the children. Living, quiet and humble lives in submission to the Godly Men. The best example that comes to mind is being submissive to Godly Husbands.