Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, May 28, 2023

It is not whether, but, which.

Often, when you bring up a whole life and worldview based around Biblical Christian Ethics and values you will be called many names. You will often hear that we are a democracy or a secular republic if you are in the US. That to acknowledge Christ as King and Lord over every area of life would be imposing religion on people.

The problem is all communities are religious as mankind is homo religious or created to Worship and thus we all are religious. The question is are you Worshipping the true God or a false god? Are you supporting the spread of the Kingsom of God or the Kingdom of Darkness? 

All law is inherently theocratic as they have a source in your ethical system and morality has a source of one's morals that source is your god of your system and thus what you are Worshipping. The question again is it a True Theocracy as in following The True God or faux theocracy of believing and following a false god? 

Theocracy which many run from is simply the word for Rule By God. Not Rule by a specific church or denomination in the Name of God. It means adhering to The True God and His laws His rules for us. I am absolutely a Christian Theocrat, I want the World to be following The True God and His law in all aspects of life including The State.

The idea of a sacred/secular split in the World including law making is a novum or novel unbiblical idea. It is in fact I would go even further and say a political heresy to not want The Nations ruled Under God's Rules and statutes. The entire of life is Under Christ and He is King of all spheres of life that includes having mandates for The State.

It is ultimately not whether we have a Religious system of law making and rule keeping, but, instead which one. Yes, that means I do want a Christian Canada and that Christianized Canada would be a Christian Theocracy. Yes, that means Biblical Laws and punishments directly from God's Word. However, there is a spectrum of punishments available within the pages of God's Law Word. 

There is plenty of discussion to be had about what punishments and when that are in line with God's Law Word. The term usually used for this viewpoint is theonomy. Theo means God and the nomos is law. So, God's Law. You can be a theonomist of which I am one and not have to agree with every other theonomists viewpoint on punishments. 

Just because one theonomist might say something that might make you say what on Earth. That is not an indicator that Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction proper is wrong about all Laws being those from God's Word. It is simply the view of that person and possibly that person's supporters. It is not a repudiation of Theonomy or Christian Nationhood proper.