Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, April 17, 2023

Public Blasphemy is to be punished according to God's Moral Law

This is going to get me in trouble with some, but I am going to defend it anyway. Public Blasphemy Laws should exist as Public Blasphemy breaks the commandment to not have any other gods before the True God Yahweh/Jehova. You should not get away with committing this as it is a crime punishable under God's Law Word. 

This is God's world, and His law is the one we are under. The State is to be The Sword of enforcement of God's Law Word. Blasphemy  breaks that law and is thus punishable by the Civil Magistrates. We can argue amongst ourselves what the punishment should be, but, it should be punished either way. 

God's Law Word is not optional for The Nations in God's World they are His commanded standards for The Nations until Christ Returns. Where He is silent they should not get involved, but, are required by God's Law to get involved in enforcing His Law Word on His people. As Christ is the true King and is reigning from Heaven as I type these very words. 

The idea of separation between State and God is illegitimate and should never have been accepted. Separation of Church and State is not the same as separation of God and State. There is no right to run the Goverments separated from God's Law Word. Blasphemy against the Most High God should be recriminalized no matter which party is the one in government at the time.