Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Non heterosexual identities are unlike sex truly a social construction

This is a follow up to my article on the mistake of playing into the "gender expression game." This time I am likely to ruffle people's feathers some more. The idea that anyone IS homosexual or bisexuality is just as much of a social construction as transgender ideology is.

Just like applying femine and masculine to the person of male sex or female sex is a recent construction so to is the roots in one's psychology of same sex attraction not being acknowledged. The idea that you ARE your sexual attractions and thus it is part of your identity is also more recent. 

This is why the KJV and other older translations just say abusers of themselves with man kind, sodomites for male same sex abominations. The act is as old as time. The Word homosexual as an identity is not. Following what I said before, it was the 40s and 50s with sickos like Kinsey that really brought in even the word homosexual for same sex activity. Before that, it was simply male sodomy and lesbianism did not even have a word for itself.

The whole lie that 10% of the population have same sex thoughts comes right from this time frame. Which was given to us by Kinesy whom interviewed pedos and others in prison for sexual offenses. He even did experiments raping children, but, I will not go into more details. The point is that by falling for the previous trap you also are falling into a trap set by abominations in all aspects of sexuality.

The truth that Christians acknowledge is that no one IS homosxeual they commit homosexual acts and have homosexual desires. Yet, there is a serious lack of understanding the psychological forces behind why these ideas even enter into these people. Yes, it can be due to being reprobates, but, what about all the people that did not want them yet get the thoughts? 

Psychological understanding of the human mind and how it handles trauma explains much of this. Whether it is bullying trauma. Trauma from sexual abuse or from anything that effects the person can cause these sorts of thoughts. Acknowledging this does not say they are not abominations in thought as well as deed. However, there is reasons for them.

I find a serious discounting of psychological ideas as being somehow nessecarily anti God or Anti Soul and this is not true. Even if mainstream psychology is filled with bologna that does not mean human psychology is not important. The truth is when we considered homosexual thoughts a mental distress or disease we were right. For many it is mental health issues that cause their mind to sexualize their own sex. 

The irony is the psychological path to healing shows that the very shunning of people for their differences in their individual personality at a young age is a driving factor for this mental disease. All sexual and sex based diseases like homosexual behavior, thoughts and the Trans stuff are largely based on ill treatment by others causing mental dis-ease and thus sexualization as often a coping mechanism for their treatment. 

Ryan Anderson in his wonderful book, "When Harry Became Sally." Touches on this very topic. Insisting that all boys or girls are the same not individuals was something that detrans people and ex gays/lesbians often point to as the beginning of their detached feelings from their sex norms that do matter. Such as," maybe I am not a boy/girl" or, "maybe I am gay." He argues very well that Christians and traditionalists need to get rid of their definitions being so strict they cause people to doubt their sex roles.

By acting as they are, they could just continue the vicious cycle that psychology shows can cause the very thoughts and actions that God tells us are abominations to Him. Whether you consider the Bible to teach a Holy Patriarchy or complementarianism neither require that we all are a undefined blob. That is not treating people as the member of Christ's Body whom are saved out of such lifestyles that is separating the Body based on social constructions made by reprobates.