Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, April 10, 2023

Christians playing into Gender Ideology against said Ideology

I have seen a lot of Christian brothers falling into a cleverly laid out trap lately. Denouncing things as effeminate and effiemimancy as if it is a replace word for anything one does not like or agree with. Or as if sin is associated with being feminine. 

This is a sad site as the notion of feminine and masculine being addressed towards people and not grammar is a newer phenomenon that is largely tied to the likes of those behind transgender ideology. 

It was not until the 1950s that you get the idea of humans having a gender. We have a sex and the very notion of a "gender expression" and its gendered terms like effeminate man or masculinezed woman is tide to these same forces.  

From a stand point of Creation we are created male and female. Being masculine is tied to providing the male portion of being fruitful and multiplying. I shall not go onto details here. We all know what I mean. This does not have any tie to what society calls masculine or feminine "gender expression." 

As once again Gender as a function of biology is not what exists in God's creation. It is sex and sex roles that God created in Genesis. This does not mean that sex roles are not real they are. However, they are not masculine roles or feminine roles. They are male and female roles. 

Throwing out effeminate as a short form for whatever it is you really do not like is like a bully on a schoolyard calling people they disagree with or do not like names. It is also a serious slur against males in God's Creation that do not fit into your neat little box of what you think a male should be as they go about their role as that male. 

Not all men have a super deep voice, not all men are tall, not all men have the strength of an ox despite being stronger than most women, not all men have the same hobbies, not all men have the same Christian Journey as you and disagreeing is not cause for claiming you can emasculate someone. 

This is very dangerous for this type of bullying is part of the psychological path to the very abominations we do not want men to engage in like homosexual activity and or feeling they are not men because they are different than other men. The mindset prior to homosexual enactment or cross dressing/true hatred of your maleness is often depression and not feeling like a real man. 

By acting like schoolyard bullies some Christians are part of the problem and not the solution. As someone saved out of the sort of lifestyle directly pointed to by the term effeminate in Corinthians it is largely an outcome of being treated as less than male as I was. I know the sort of things that cause men to truly attempt to abandon their sex role. 

Instead of using effeminate just say what you are against or just say coward if that is what you mean to say. Even that though depending the situation is not at all helpful to the Body of Christ. Sometimes, what you call cowardice is simply a differentiation of opnion. As long as it is within Christian Orthodoxy, differentiation will occur. It does not make one a coward.