Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Frazzledrip Debunked

Varney: Joe Biden's campaign is in trouble

PBA Bowling US Open 10 30 2019 (HD)

Trump Honors Green Beret with Highest Military Award for Saving Comrades...

Anti-Gun Politicians Try To Tax Self-Defense

White House releases statement after House approves impeachment resolution

Sovereign Citizen Bingo 2: Angry Cops

Albertans react: Should Jason Kenney withdraw from Canada Pension Plan? ...

Rep. Mark Meadows says Democrats are 'sucking on lemons'

Bill Schnoebelen Debunked

McCarthy to Democrats: 'Why Do You Not Allow the People to Have a Voice?

Steve Scalise: Impeachment Resolution Contains ‘Soviet-Style Rules’

GOP Leaders Respond to Impeachment Vote


Judge Poirot Court Cases

Old Time Radio Hercule Poirot

Television related Biographies

Video & Arcade Top 10

Sovereign Citizen Bingo with penguinz0 COME PLAY!

CBC passes on criticism of new Quebec anti-extremist immigration values ...

Why the Middle Class is Better Off Than You Think

Impeachment resolution passes the House in 232-196 vote


High transit fees cause riots in Chile; UN Climate Conference given the ...

cop mistakes gun for taser

Gutfeld on Obama calling out cancel culture

Higher Priority: Diversity or Working Infrastructure? PG&E The Woke Util...

Peter MacKay calls Scheer's federal election loss a missed shot on 'open...

Is MacKay planning to challenge Scheer for leadership of Conservative Pa...

MacKay: Scheer's election loss was like missing an open net on breakaway

McCarthy on why Schiff can't lead Trump impeachment inquiry

TCT Investigates: 'Good guys with guns in Detroit'

woman CASTS SPELL on cop!!!

Donald Trump Jr.: Not your grandpa's Democratic party anymore

Trump Judicial pick breaks down in tears at hearing

Halloween 2019: News anchors in tears as meteorologist shows up in mysti...

Marc Morano: Chile wants to blame their green energy riots on high oil p...

Rep. Crawford: You know Adam Schiff is lying if ‘his mouth’s moving’

Conway reacts to the 'confusion' over House impeachment vote

Rep. Collins: Dems will be forced to go on record over impeachment

Sen. Kennedy: Whether you like Trump or not, we all believe in due process

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Sexual Journey in and out of the GB community

When I was 19 I began identifying as bisexual after my experiences being raped by one Ivan Pjanic this was due to two different aspects of the experience. One being my reaction climaxing during unwanted anal and oral penetration. The other that I was curious about what the experience would be like to receive oral pleasure when the topic was brought up by the young man that would become my rapist.

Prior to meeting Ivan Pjanic I never once thought of being with another male in a sexual situation. One day he mentioned that he had some thoughts about us being sexually active and he began getting me to get off while he watched on camera.

It was not until I moved out to BC that I both first experimented with him giving me oral sex and then was raped afterwards. I have gone into details in a previous article series.

I was literally groomed into the LGB community by influence of a cunning, well manipulating grooming of a bicurious sexual predator. When I got back to PEI I met yet another groomer and predator that was known for using, brainwashing and manipulating guys into the G and milking their new identity for all it was worth.

He struck when his prey was at his most vulnerable in my case when my first girlfriend had left me. I was brainwashed by a book as well. A book by the name of "Coming Out to yourself." A book that gets you to repeat to yourself you are gay in mirrors and such mind numbing things. Essentially self brainwashing.

Having swallowed Keegan's kool aid and also having brainwashed myself into thinking my experiences were indicative of being gay I began to affirm and live a gay life.

However, something was negging in the back of my mind and there were numerous times I would imagine myself with a woman despite all the grooming and the continued affirmations of not being into the opposite sex.

So, I went from the G to the B once again, but, overtime my mind and my genitalia were no longer interested in men. My manhood literally was becoming  completely flaccid towards men and my sexuality was changing overtime. I was becoming no longer B either. Instead I was becoming totally heterosexual I became straight.

On my 30th Birthday I came out to a select group of trusted people as being neither B or G and not part of said community after all. I came out as Straight and 100% heterosexual. I am one of the many people whom had found themselves being heterosexual as I got into my 30s whom used identify as bisexual or homosexual. Through natural change overtime as we got older.

I am myself proof of the fluidity and flexibility nature of sexual orientation and that change from a GB to a heterosexual does happen and can happen. Not out of bigotry or religious indoctrination, but, just naturally. I am not alone by far most people in all large sized longitudinal studies of same sex attraction lose their attractions for mostly or completely opposite sex attraction by their 30's cross both of the sexes. Without any sort of therapeutic aspect at all or bigotry or self-phobia or anything of the kind.

In my case I was part of the local Rainbow board that put on local events. I even represented LGB people and PEI Pride in the Halifax Pride parade one year. I support now as always individuals right to sexual autonomy and oppose any measures to force or coerce people to change their sexual orientation or preferences.

US immigration House Hearing with Ken Cuccinelli

Independent voters choose Trump over Biden: Study

Blaire White | Trans Athlete: "Women Who Can't Beat Me Are LOSERS"

DDF GhostHunting | Reacting To Comments PT1

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Meghan Murphy on freedom of speech

Man With No Driver's License Claims Trooper Is Just Harassing Him

WHY DOES THIS EXIST? Testing 2 YouTubers Craft DIY Kits - Karina Garcia ...

SovCit Suffers The Consequences Of Breath Test Refusal

Judge Faith - Too Legit to Evict (Season 1: Episode #34)

Full Episode- Scott Vs. Davis: #Freaky

SciManDan| Evolution Denier Can't Science...(Not Even a Tiny Bit)!!

SciManDan | Taking on The Biggest Evolution Denier On YouTube!!


The political stakes for the three branches of government in the US

The DACA Debate: Justices get the final say on Dreamers

Shane Killian |Slate-d for Censorship

Rubio: Voters didn't send their representatives to DC to impeach Trump

PBA Player's Perspective: Norm Duke on the 2011 U.S. Open

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Americans who refuse to be americans (sovereign citizen) fails and compi...

Entitled millennial snowflake gets owned by hotel owner

40 YEARS for Sovereign Citizen Florida Man who Made Fake Court to Steal ...

Tahlequah Fire & Police break window to remove sovereign citizen for tra...

Sovereign Citizens Getting OWNED By Police 3!!!!! (Window Smashing AGAIN!!)

Sovereign Citizens Getting OWNED By Police 2!!!!! (Window Smashing)

Piano Improvisations - Luke Faulkner

SciManDan | Science Top 5: Fastest Animals on Earth!

Cops Bust SovCits Window As He Prays To Donald Trump

'It's a great day for America': Pence on death of ISIS leader

Worst Plug & Play Console Ever 2 - Rerez

Worst SNES Classic Ever 2 - Rerez

Worst Soulja Boy Consoles Ever! - Rerez

Worst Sega Console Ever! - Rerez

Transgender vs. Lesbian Live Debate || Louder With Crowder

Trump talks impeachment fallout on 'Hannity' | FULL INTERVIEW

Lindsey Graham praises Trump in death of ISIS leader

'Incredibly disappointing': Andrew Scheer sits down to reflect on Electi...

Worst Ever: Venturer Into Darkness - Rerez

Milo Yiannopoulos, Steven Crowder and Christina Hoff Sommers at UMass

Steven Crowder Demands Answers of YouTube's Gabbard Censorship | Louder ...

Ben Shapiro Slaughters Socialist & Socialism - Compilation

TRANSGENDER DEBATE: Crowder Argues Science vs. Julie Rei Goldstein | Lo...

REBUTTAL: TYT's Abortion Lies! | Louder with Crowder


Check Twitter for full screen recordings showing that YouTube altered Tulsi Gabbard's search results in the U.S. when she was trending on Friday, and then reverted back after the trend died down!

Dr. Jordan B Peterson on Femsplainers

Femsplainers ( is “the gossipy, smart, witty conversation you’d have if all of your girlfriends (and some of your guy friends too!) were experts on the hot topics of the moment. High spirited and high minded, we don’t argue or whine but seek to get to the heart of the matter, over cocktails (or wine).” We taped in front of a live audience at AEI, the American Enterprise Institute (

Ms. Hoff Sommers is the author of Who Stole Feminism? ( and The War Against Boys ( (a NY Times Notable Book of the Year) as well as Freedom Feminism ( , One Nation Under Therapy ( (with Dr. S. Satel), and The Science on Women in Science ( She is resident scholar at AEI, studying the politics of gender and feminism, as well as free expression, due process, and the preservation of liberty in the academy. She has written for The Journal of Philosophy, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Wall Street Journal, The NY Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, Slate, The Daily Beast, and The Atlantic, and is host of the popular video blog, The Factual Feminist.

Ms. Crittenden is the author of What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us (, a novel, AmandaBright@Home ( (the first modern work of fiction serialized in the Wall Street Journal) and a cookbook, From a Polish Country House Kitchen ( Pulitzer-prize winner Anne Applebaum). She is a contributing editor to the Huffington Post, and has published in the Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the Daily Telegraph. A former columnist for the New York Post, Ms. Crittendon has appeared on NBC’s Today show as well as CSPAN, MSNBC, PBS, CNN, and NPR.

For more videos from Christina Hoff Sommers and the rest of AEI’s scholars, subscribe to their YouTube channel:

NOTE: AEI operates independently of any political party and does not take institutional positions on any issues. AEI scholars, fellows, and their guests frequently take positions on policy and other issues. When they do, they speak for themselves and not for AEI or its trustees or other scholars or employees. More information on AEI research integrity can be found here:

Does gun control work? (1995) | THINK TANK

Worst Ever: HyperScan by Mattel - Rerez

THE FACTS: "Transgender" Child Caught in Legal Battle | Louder with Crowder

President Trump Announces ISIS Leader Killed in US Military Raid

Friday, October 25, 2019

CASH or TRASH? Testing 4 Walmart Premium Craft Kits Bath Bombs, Candle D...

Blaire White | 7 Year Old Forced To Transition By Mom?

Stossel: 2020 Candidates’ Worst and Best Ideas

Stossel: The Fight Against Food Trucks

Stossel: Tax Myths

Stossel: In Defense of Capitalism

Stossel: Free Stuff 2020

Stossel: Let Them Vape

If you support the “vaping ban”, you’re a...

Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain

Stephen Fry and Richard Dawkins in Conversation

Enlightenment Now | Steven Pinker | RSA Replay

Daniel Dennett - The Genius of Charles Darwin: The Uncut Interviews

Steven Pinker - The Genius of Charles Darwin: The Uncut Interviews

Stephen Fry & Steven Pinker on the Enlightenment Today

Jordan Peterson | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

Jordan Peterson: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars

Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege

You're free, stop whining | Ben Shapiro LIVE at The George Washington Un...

On Her Journey From Left to Right | Candace Owens | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Racism, the Black Family, and Victimhood | Tommy Sotomayor | POLITICS | ...

Anti-Feminist Professor | Janice Fiamengo | WOMEN’S ISSUES | Rubin Report

Candace Owens ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 10-15-2019

On Donald Trump, Censorship, and Free Speech | Milo Yiannopoulos | POLIT...

Red Pilling, Sex, and Constructive Dialogue | Laci Green | YOUTUBERS | R...

Identity Politics, Gamergate, and the N-Word | Some Black Guy | YOUTUBER...

Discrimination and Disparities | Thomas Sowell | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Kanye West, the Media, & New Conservatives | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Ru...

Why Reparations Will Not Help & Founding Blexit (Pt. 3) | Brandon Tatum ...

SciManDan | Flat Earth is Finally Finished With One Video!!

Marc Short: Americans have the right to know if DOJ was playing politics

Hannity: Hillary wants to come back and be humiliated again

Tulsi Gabbard: This is what's so dangerous about Hillary Clinton

Canada Election: Andrew Scheer considers party's future post-election

Graham unloads on House Dems after fiery press conference

Senator Graham: Impeachment process is dangerous

Ingraham: Unmasking the liberal pretenders

Official Awful Games Done Quick Highlights | AGDQ 2019

Levin calls out Democrats' 'tyrannical' impeachment process

Kennedy: We cannot tolerate free speech restrictions

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Greatest Hits Of The 60's - Best Of 60s Songs

Andrew Scheer's full election-night speech

Preston Manning: PM should take advice from Premiers Kenney and Moe

Legalize, regulate, tax and free adult drug markets

There are many opinions about drugs within the Conservative movement and we do not all agree on the best ways forward with regards to the issue.

However, I still maintain that is making the drug market legal vs a dangerous and criminal black market. Specifically for adults, with the proper regulations of care and with the same sorts of fair sales or consumption based tax as on other items is the best way to move ahead. The drug war is an unmitigated disaster when it comes to dealing with the very real societal and individual issues drugs can cause.

I recommend a two pronged attack or plan of action. The first is to do the legalization while freeing the market for drugs. Freeing the market does not mean an unfettered lassiez faire unregulated market. It means using the least intrusive and most efficient methods of regulation, while not monopolizing the delivery of drugs to government or bureaucratic actors. Much like how some provinces have alcohol sold by private entities not governmental monopolies.

I am both for well maintained and efficient required regulations and also for the market being freed of any barriers that would monopolize drugs or nationalize the drugs. This does not mean I am for drugs being sold anywhere and everywhere either. It means that not only political cronies should be a part of the drug market.

The exact details of how it would be done will need be worked out among those in charge of facilitating the legalization. Discussions will have to be had as to how we can best balance as much economic freedom for the legal drug markets and regulate them to make sure the market is safe; customers secured from undo harms.

Freer the market the freer the people is a dictum on which I still stand. However, the saying of that dictum was not referring to a totally unregulated and lassiez faire market with no oversight or regulations. It is usually associated with Ronald Reagan; a man whom did deregulate, but, he never condoned or supported no regulations. Nor did he pursue anything like lassiez-faire.

The second prong of the plank is to also have lots of information and education be disseminated on the dangers of drugs and why not to to do them. Along with this should be more resources which could be private or public or both set aside for help with mental health and addictions.

This would lead to a much more positive future for the country when it comes to the issue of drugs.

Canada Election: Jason Kenney discusses outcome of 2019 federal election

DAN HUNT IS A B***H dot com: Defend rude speech now! | Ezra Levant

What You Aren't Being Told About The Policing Crisis(Pt. 2)| Brandon Tat...

Climate Catastrophe Cancelled (2007)

Is There Still a Debate Over Climate Change? | Alex Epstein | ENVIRONMEN...

Fireside Chat Ep. 104 - Communism: So Much for "Good Intentions"

What’s more important? How you behave or how you feel? Dennis explains why good intentions are irrelevant if they don't match up with our actions. • What You Say In Private Vs. Public • How You Behave Is Most Important | 5-Minute Video - Fix Yourself • Advice For The Newly Engaged • What Makes A Good Therapist? • Your Spouse Should Be #1 In Your Life 0:00 When Dennis Went To Dallas 1:02 Dennis’s Commitment To Fireside Chat 2:00 Practically Everything Has A Downside 2:38 What You Say In Private Vs. Public 4:27 If You Think Trump Is A Racist 6:33 How You Behave Is Most Important 10:21 Good Intentions Inspired Communism 12:12 What’s Wrong With Profit? 13:27 Advice For The Newly-Engaged 15:37 Does Dennis Like Cats? 16:59 What Makes A Good Therapist? 18:02 What Makes A Bad Therapist? 20:07 When Dennis Went To A Therapist 23:36 Good People Think About Goodness 25:30 Your Spouse Should Be #1 In Your Life 29:12 Does God Have A Sense Of Humor? 29:59 If Your Child Doesn’t Believe In God 32:20 Thank You For Being With Me

"Freedom of Speech on American Campuses" - Mollie Hemingway


“Investigative Journalism and the Obama Administration” - Sharyl Attkisson

"Political Corruption: Can the Swamp Be Drained?" - Kimberley Strassel

Fireside Chat Ep. 105 - The Gender Identity Experiment

During this week’s Fireside Chat, Dennis talks about Air Canada removing any mention of “Ladies and Gentlemen” from their flights. Many companies feel a societal pressure to follow new gender rules in order to “act moral." However, caving to the pressure of the LGBTQ lobby is damaging to society. • Ladies And Gentlemen Is Offensive • A Radical Gender Experiment • Democrats Are Extreme In Everything | 5-Minute Video: Left Or Liberal? • Watch Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla’s New Movie, "No Safe Spaces": 0:00 Welcome, Otto Is Out 0:41 Dennis Loves Learning About Others 3:19 “Ladies And Gentlemen” Is Offensive 4:32 Who Has No Gender Identity? 5:30 A Company’s Pressure To Act Moral 6:45 A Radical Gender Experiment 7:51 Camille Paglia On The Radio 9:06 Most Trans Make Peace With Their Sex 9:50 Hillary And Chelsea Clinton 10:50 People Need A Cause To Live For 13:15 Democrats Are Extreme In Everything 15:45 The Importance Of Knowing History 17:10 The Importance Of Friendships 20:54 Grandparents Can’t Talk About God 26:20 What Do Women Need To Feel Loved? 31:53 Check Out No Safe Spaces

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why 'Free College' Is a Terrible Idea

Geraldo on 'most pathetic example of Trump Derangement Syndrome' yet

White House hits back at Amb. Bill Taylor's closed-door impeachment test...

Tucker: Hillary spreads vicious lies about fellow Democrats

Hannity on Democrats' 'Soviet-style' impeachment inquiry

Trump is speeding up economic development in coal country: Rick Perry

Trudeau wins election, but loses popular vote | Federal election in 60 s...

Arrest ME?! Do You Know Who I Am?!


Ex-Police Officer: The Truth About Policing & Race (Pt. 1) | Brandon Tat...

"The Scariest Night Of My Life" DEBUNKED

Why I no longer support PEI Pride nor watch their Parade

The last two years I have not watched the Pride Parade and there is a good reason for it. Pride endorses and supports misinformation as well as just plain junk science.

They have embraced the idea that biology does not exist; that your maleness or femaleness is not a matter of biological sex. That transgenderism/transexual  feelings of being something other than your natal sex is normal as opposed to being a mental state incongruent of the facts of your sex. Gender Dysphoria or gender identity disorders are not normal. They are a serious mental condition of distress an illness or disorder.

I fully agree with those whom disagree with the T being associated with or being in anyway a natural ally of the LGB. LGB are sexual orientations or preferences. They are not being delusional and thinking you are something you biologically are not is a delusion. There is 0 evidence of any such thing as being born in the wrong body.

Gender Dysphoria is a very real mental illness and we have plenty of evidence of this. It should be humanized, but, not normalized as being OK to want to mutilate your own body or pump it full of dangerous cross sex drugs.

We need to be looking into ways of getting people over their Dysphoria and ways to have them accept and learn to love even their natal sex. Most kids with the conditions desist and get over their Dysphoria using watching and waiting techniques.

In the insightful words of one of the panelists at the Concerns from the left event about transgender ideology, "it used too be the religious right tried to change your preferences to suite your body, but, now even worse the left supports life changing body modifications to match your traits."

I cannot attend events giving them moral sanction whom supports a movement that is so dangerous for peoples mental health. I have great compassion for gender identity issues, but, that does not mean it should be lifted up as a harmless when it is not.

Michelle Cretella, MD: Gender Dysphoria in Children: Science, Ethics & Controversy

As an Atheist and man of reason I disagree with the plea to Theism at the end of this video presentation. I in no way endorse returning to a "theological" world view as mentioned at the end of this video. However, her meta analyses of the science of Gender Dysphoria is sound. Nor do I agree with somehow pressuring people to be heterosexual either which would be supported by the "
theological" world view mentioned at the end of the talk. I am posting this only for the excellent overview of the science of gender identity issues. I in no way morally or otherwise sanction any other belief systems the speaker might have outside of the issue of condition of Gender Dysphoria. 

Sexual violence against children INCLUDES forcing/pressuring/indoctrinating/influencing them to identify as the opposite sex.

Sexual violence against children INCLUDES forcing/pressuring/indoctrinating/influencing them to identify as female - and take hormone inhibitors - when they "like the color pink." Or to influence a little girl into thinking they are actually a boy or need to be a boy because they are into boys things. In the age of Gender Identity being such a pushed thing any non-conforming activity by a young child could be considered "evidence" of them being in the wrong body. Adults teach them about Transsexualism/Transgenderism at such a young age they can easily become confused and gain a Gender Dysphoria from the ideas they get fed from their parents and grown up peers.

Rapid onset Dysphoria is occurring at an alarming rate especially among young girls. Whom become convinced any sort of insecurity or difference between them and other girls is a sign they are not a girl. Then they without any sort of medical diagnoses as being Gender Dysphoric before will take on a Trans or Non-Binary Identity. Erasing their girlhood and erasing their femaleness for a trans-boyhood or an It-non-human identity. At the the same time boys with similar insecurities in their boyhood develop a Dysphoria and need to erase their boyhood for a trans-girlhood. However, there seems to be more girls than boys.

Most children with Gender Dysphoria will become comfortable and desist in their Dysphoria by the time they have gone through their puberty years. 98% of boys and 89% of girls with the condition will not have it once their hormones from their sex take full effect on their brains and bodies. However, the condition if psychologically maintained by people insisting their personality is that of the other sex from outside might be maintained passed this point. I consider non-conformity being considered the sign of wrong bodies to be a massive psychological abuse of these poor people with this condition.

There was a time a feminine boy was just that and a masculine girl was called a tomboy. Now they are called Trans Children and ushered into taking hormones and sometimes even surgeries on their young bodies. The number of people whom are actually helped by hormones and surgeries are inflated by badly done studies without any proper controls. As well as the lack of longitudinal long term studies of the same individuals over time. As well as losing the information that is available. Neither are those whom de-transition later in life ever taken into account.

I fear we are making/inducing the condition of being Dysphoric more and more worse these days. The numbers are conflated because we no longer stop and think, "why?" Why does anyone not want to be the sex they were born as? If you never ask why you never know if there is a way for said person to be comfortable in their own bodies. It used too be the LGB population were asked to alter their personality to conform to their bodies sexually by the Religious Right. Now the regressive left thinks that your body needs to be halted in its development from puberty and then mutilated through sex reassignment surgeries if your personality is too much like members of the opposite sex.

The Gender Identity ideology is dangerous to everyone regardless of their orientation. Being sex atypical is not the same thing as not being the sex that you are. Non-Conforming people should not be manipulated into thinking their Gender Identity is different from their biological sex. No matter how extremely atypical and non-stereotypical their behavior or interests might be. Whether you are non-conforming and turn out to be LGB or whether you are atypical and heterosexual. Our biological sexes and understanding what makes you male or female matters more than ever in the age of Unhampered Gender Identity ideology. I will tell you this it is not liking Pink or Blue.

Contra the transtrenders: Sorry, not sorry there really are only 2 genders/sexes and toddler style breakdowns do not change the truth!

I decided I just had to chime in on this whole trans-trending bullshit that is going on lately. I have had about enough of these people whom have no idea about biology or psychology 101 for animals spouting their bullshit. No, I do not care whom I make cry or whom I cause to be "triggered." You are either male or female, that is it there is only 2 genders. You either have a male body/brain combination, or a female body/brain combination or a serious mental/medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. Those are the three things that exist only those 3. There is no third or fourth genders; that is a person with a serious, very serious medical/mental condition and not a new gender.

Transsexualism or transgender-ism is a serious, and I mean serious medical/mental health issue. It is not someone whom wants to wear dresses when they have a penis. It is someone whom literally is Dysphoric of their body based on their gender. It is a DSM-5 recognized Mental Health Issue, it is not "normal." OK, it is a very serious condition for those whom have it. The entire premise of it relies on their only being 2 genders as well. For if there were not then a transsexual, trans-gendered person would not need to transition or take hormones. For there would be no need to do either thing. 

Sorry, but, anyone whom claims to be Non-Binary as in neither male nor female is full of shit. There is no such thing as having no gender. You have one; we all do. For most people; the vast majority that is aligned with your genitalia. If you do not identify you have a mental/medical condition you are not a new gender. This could be actual gender dysphoria or some other gender identity related disorder that might not be the same thing, but, have similar symptoms. It could be something that needs transitioning. Or it could be purely something that needs lots of intensive therapy. Both things happen and it could go either way. 

However, if you claim to not be either gender and ALSO as these bastards are doing claim NOT to have gender dysphoria you are full of shit. Or you have some other GID, Gender-Identity Disorder or Discordance and just do not want to admit it. You are either one of two things; also having a serious mental/medical issue and denying it causing you harm. Or you are lying and you are just delusional. Yes, some people are just delusional and these people are them. Gender is not a spectrum OK! It just is not. It is binary like a computer's memory it is male or female.. it is binary. You can express that in many different ways, but, expression is not the same as gender identity! Although the two can be linked! 

I do not care how "triggered" you are from human biology this is just the facts of nature. Men (discounting Gender Dysphoric people) have penises and women vaginas. This is tied together in most men and women with different brains, differences in hormones and their flow, and so much more. It is tied to a lot of things and it is not socially constructed it is biologically constructed. Even the cultural aspects are the results of biological decisions that kept our species going and exist for a reason. Evolutionary Psychology explains it all; both the nature and nurture aspects worked together to keep our species alive. 

This is where gender roles come from as well; they are not invented by the patriarchy or some nonsense. They are evolutionary constructs and can be seen even in the smallest of children. For example newborn male babies look at things not people. While newborn females look at people; this is biological and physiological occurring way before any cultural influences. Female babies exposed to abnormal levels of hormones also do this like baby boys do. The vice versa same for newborn baby boys with abnormal hormones in the womb. Indicating proof positive there is two hardwired genders; even if there are many individuals that differ within the same gender. There are only two; hardwired genders and not a gazillion. 

If you express yourself differently that is not the same as having a different gender. That is not the same thing as not being male or female. That is not same thing as being a non-binary douche. That is what you are a douche that wants to be a special snowflake because just being a person of an actual gender that is different in some manor you need to trash your own gender. To the point of claim to be no gender because to admit you are male or female, but, oh my god an individual is just too fucking old fashioned and conservative for you. Too traditionalist or even "oppressive." You people make me sick! Actual gender identity issues are a serious matter and you make all trans people look like they are just whiny babies. Not suffering an actual mental health issue. 

You are not a Ze, or a Zirk these are not real words nor are they "gender pronouns." We have two pronouns that are real, "him, and "her," or "he," or "she." They, them, zirk, zeeg, arl, erk, and whatever the fuck else you make up is just that made up trash. It should not be taken as seriously at all. On top of it stop demanding people use proper pronouns when you do not even use real pronouns. How is someone supposed to know when you are biologically one gender or another that you are a "ze?" It is bullshit, complete, total and utter. Quit whining about being misgendered because someone properly identifies your actual gender that you have. 

There is nothing other than men and women; women and men. Whether CIS and concordant like most humans or Trans and discordant. There are only two things you can be, psychologically, biologically, reproductive, chromosomal, there are two. Male or female and nothing else! You might be unique, but, you are not a new gender. You probably are not all that unique either you are probably more typical to a man or woman than you even realize. You are just an individual and not a label; which is not a bad thing. Men exist, women exist and that is it! You are one of them! Quit being a douche. 

Gender Identity issues; their causes and treatments at present

It can be very controversial in this very Social Justice Warrior/PC age to even dare bring up the question of what causes one to dissociate mentally from their birth sex. Why do gender dysphoric people exist? What causes conditions of Gender Identity in-congruence to occur in a person? The answers to these sorts of questions the SJW types say we know it is like evolution they say. They say it is because you do somehow have the wrong body, but, that is not what the science says or shows.

The science is not settled on matters of Gender Identity related disorders and conditions of Gender Dysphoria. What is settled is that some people "feel" like they are the wrong sex. Why do they "feel" that is still up in the air and there might not even be just one cause of the outcome of this "feeling." There is a whole lot of different reasons why someone might not want to be their birth sex, and it is not so cut, and, dry what the best thing for each person with the condition is.

The causes for some has ranged from bullying all the way to generalized identity dissociation disorders. Some whom gained the condition have said their parents told them at a young age they wished their child was whatever the opposite of their sex was. There is a large overlapping of Atypical Neurological Disorders such as Autism and Identifying with the other sex as well. In addition, there is a very large sample of Sexual Abuse and Rape survivors among the very small population that has Dysphoric issues. This is a very scary thing when it comes to those whom are seriously concerned for peoples mental well-being and their safety from harm.

This article is not meant to denigrate in anyways those whom suffer from Gender Identity related conditions. It is not an anti-trans message, but, instead if anything a calling out that I wish we knew more how to help said population. Gender Identity conditions "formally Gender Identity Disorder" now known as Gender Dysphoria is a very serious and harrowing condition to live with. However, the truth is that we do not know all the causes or all the reasons people develop this condition. We just know some people do.

I wish I lived in a world where no one suffered a condition of not being congruent with their biological sex. However, that is not going to happen anytime soon if it happens at all. So, in the meantime we have other stop gap measures. We do in fact have forms of therapy and counseling specifically geared towards figuring out if one will need hormones or sex change to better their conditions. Most people with Dysphoric feelings do not have them through their entire lifetime and in fact most people do end up being better without even needing hormones or sex changes. Thankfully, it is only the most extreme cases that usually need these things and do not subside.

This was pointed out in The New Atlantis report and was called anti-trans for sating this. However, all it did was state the actual stats given by people like the American Psychiatric Association. According to the DSM-5, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty. Whatever the cause it is not a permanent part of most peoples identities and it recitatives as the term goes in therapy.

Other words much like how most people with same sex attraction change over time (also right from the APA) so too do most people that could have been Transsexual and transitioned if they did not become congruent. Once again I wish I could say we have a 2+2=4 when it comes to dealing with the condition we do not. There are some people for whom with our current level of medical advancement do end up needing transition surgery, changing pronouns and taking hormones. These are those lifetime transgender people. The T in the LGBT, but, the un-PC truth is that there is very little of them in any population even population of people whom have conditions related to their Gender Identity. Most people whom had gender dysphoria related issues as children grow up to be fine.

Lifetime Gender Dysphoria is incredibly rare and I feel very bad for people whom need to go under the knife and fill their bodies full of hormones just to feel comfortable in their life. If it is the only thing that will work than it is, but, I just wish we had other ways to make these people feel comfortable in our society without needing to have surgery or to take hormones. I am your "ally," but, I still wish we could find a less intrusive way to help these people. As having said condition must be a nightmare of the worst order.

Blair White, herself a Trans-Woman once got in hot water when she said she wished she could end the existence of Gender Dysphoria in peoples lives. This was mistaken to mean she meant she wished Trans people were dead or something such nonsense. She said what I am saying that she wished there was a non-surgery, non-hormonal, non-intrusive and less dangerous way to help people with Gender Identity issues heal so as to feel complete. The idea that people thought she was literally saying she should die or something is ludicrous in the extreme.

Saying you wished for a seriously debilitating mental/medical condition to cease to exist is not saying people with it should die. We all want Cancer to stop existing or at least be minimized. So, what is wrong with saying you wish less people would be inflicted with a medical condition that causes them to literally want to kill themselves at a higher rate than almost any group you can calculate in the population. Ask anyone suffering Gender issues if they wished there was a way to snap their fingers and accept their Birth sex and most of them would say, "sign me up and save my life." I wish I could snap my fingers and all the Gender Dysphoria suffering people would be healed and love their bodies.. not hate them to the point of self-mutilation and suicide.

They do not need to stop having atypical interests or switch how they express. However, they would lose the condition that made them need to change their bodies to be happy having those interests and those expressions. They would lose the misery of the Dysphoria and just be their unique individual selves without needing to go under the knife, take hormones or anything. That would be my dream for all people with Gender issues and in this way I do wish that the condition did not exist. Not the people that have it. No more than my desire that we conquered the causes of depression means I wished for the depressed to be genocide out of existence. I mean the condition and not the people.

It is because so many amazing and beautiful individuals in this world suffer with this nightmare condition that I would like it gone. I do not hate trans people I want them to no longer suffer. They can be as Queer in their bodies they were born in as they want and be not wanting to remove them. That would be my dream that all Dysphoric people just became the Queer people essentially and it was no longer a nightmare without end for those with serious long term Dysphoric issues. This is my dream a dream of happy, healthy people without a condition. That is not anti-trans that is anti-hell on Earth. Why would I not want a condition with such horrible amounts of self-harm and suicidaility not to be minimized or eliminated? I also hope some day we have come closer to a cure for Autism spectrum disorder as well. Does that make me anti-Autistic people? Not at all.

What I want is for all the people currently suffering any Gender related issues to be healthy, happy and feel whole without making life altering pretty much irreversible surgery be the only hope for them. People with Gender Identity related conditions deserve better from medicine than knives and in-taking foreign hormones whose effects we are still testing out in people. We need to find a better way to make these people able to live flourishing lives without the dangers of sex-reassignment surgeries and hormones. Not because I hate them, but, because I have a good will towards any of them that are sane, rational and good people.


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PragerU is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

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Neuroscience supports the existence of Free Will and it is not a delusion nor an Illusion

There is a very dangerous myth that is out there surrounding free will and neuroscience of the human mind. There are people whom are spreading misinformation out there and unfortunately one of them is Sam Harris. Someone whom in so many other ways has always been so great at defending the reality of The Universe against the unreality of theistic mysticism. Yet, on and on in the passed decade he has slowly faded into insanity which includes denying the existence of the self and the will of that self.

The idea that the self is not real is not scientific at all. The self is the way of identifying all of the processes within your brain between your ears. The fact that the self is a natural thing that is your brain and not supernatural does not mean the self does not exist. The nonexistence of a literal soul does not mean there is no mind as your mind is the workings of your brain. Thus your brain is that which mystics call your soul and that is itself the humans individual mind.

Within the workings of your mind of course is cause and effect. It is a naturalistic and materialistic in the meaning of the word vs immaterial nonexistence of a supernatural soul or spirit. However, that does not all mean we have no free will at all. In fact, quite the opposite we have in a sense been determined by the very nature of our homo-sapien brains to be free in our wills. In this sense there is for sure determinism in our nature.

We do have evolved psychologies and many of our predispositions and tendencies certainly are coming from this evolved nature of our psychology. No doubt many of those very true sex based differences between males and females have came from these evolved differences. Our instincts that we do definitely have come from this very evolved nature. However, the existence of these evolved traits of our both divergent and shared human traits does not in anyway equal us not having self-regulation, self-control or a will of our own. The existence in us as in all material in this world of a cause and effect does not mean we are predetermined by these instincts and lower order natures as it were.

Yes, evolutionary psychology is more than likely the least incorrect view of psychology that humans would fall into. However, the fact that there is cause and effect. The fact that were are determined in this way does not make us deterministic creatures in the sense of hard determinism and predetermined to be x, y or z. We are in fact as I mentioned earlier determined to be free and science is showing that this very evolutionary psychology is what causes that sense we have known as free will. Of course, where else would a will come from, but, evolution we are evolved animals it could come nothing, but, evolution.

We can know free will exists very easily and this is an experiment done by Daniel Dennett in his lectures on free will. Which is that if someone throws a ball at someone that person can either move and not be hit or not move and be hit dead on. The fact that you can choose to move or choose not to move is in fact a very fundamental evidence of at least a decent enough sense of freedom to matter to anyone. The fact that people could stay at his lecture or leave or not even have came is also an evidence of free will.

There is measurable free will and it literally can be measured in experiments. We have a will, we have self-regulation and self-control. We also above all else can choose to think about a matter or not to think, and, then to act accordingly. It is this that is one of our main freedoms of will as the animal we are as a homosapien. As long as one can choose to think or choose not to think of the consequences and then act accordingly we have as free of a will as we as a species would ever want. Free will does not mean there is no causes and no effects. It does not mean there is no predispositions and no tendencies or pushes or pulls of primordial pre-modernity within our minds at all.

We have all kinds of subconsciousness within our minds no doubt and no one that has ever defended the existence of free will would say otherwise. This does not invalidate the idea of freedom of will which is based primarily on the reality that we are not predetermined entities where everyone man, woman and child will always act the same way and will make many different decisions in their lives. Neuroscience does not as some have said disprove free will in fact neuroscience is proving the existence of this aspect of human nature more and more over time. Despite what the really delusional anti-free will hard determinism myth preaches; free will is alive and well.
