Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dr. Jordan B Peterson on Femsplainers

Femsplainers ( is “the gossipy, smart, witty conversation you’d have if all of your girlfriends (and some of your guy friends too!) were experts on the hot topics of the moment. High spirited and high minded, we don’t argue or whine but seek to get to the heart of the matter, over cocktails (or wine).” We taped in front of a live audience at AEI, the American Enterprise Institute (

Ms. Hoff Sommers is the author of Who Stole Feminism? ( and The War Against Boys ( (a NY Times Notable Book of the Year) as well as Freedom Feminism ( , One Nation Under Therapy ( (with Dr. S. Satel), and The Science on Women in Science ( She is resident scholar at AEI, studying the politics of gender and feminism, as well as free expression, due process, and the preservation of liberty in the academy. She has written for The Journal of Philosophy, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Wall Street Journal, The NY Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, Slate, The Daily Beast, and The Atlantic, and is host of the popular video blog, The Factual Feminist.

Ms. Crittenden is the author of What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us (, a novel, AmandaBright@Home ( (the first modern work of fiction serialized in the Wall Street Journal) and a cookbook, From a Polish Country House Kitchen ( Pulitzer-prize winner Anne Applebaum). She is a contributing editor to the Huffington Post, and has published in the Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the Daily Telegraph. A former columnist for the New York Post, Ms. Crittendon has appeared on NBC’s Today show as well as CSPAN, MSNBC, PBS, CNN, and NPR.

For more videos from Christina Hoff Sommers and the rest of AEI’s scholars, subscribe to their YouTube channel:

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