Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Contra the transtrenders: Sorry, not sorry there really are only 2 genders/sexes and toddler style breakdowns do not change the truth!

I decided I just had to chime in on this whole trans-trending bullshit that is going on lately. I have had about enough of these people whom have no idea about biology or psychology 101 for animals spouting their bullshit. No, I do not care whom I make cry or whom I cause to be "triggered." You are either male or female, that is it there is only 2 genders. You either have a male body/brain combination, or a female body/brain combination or a serious mental/medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. Those are the three things that exist only those 3. There is no third or fourth genders; that is a person with a serious, very serious medical/mental condition and not a new gender.

Transsexualism or transgender-ism is a serious, and I mean serious medical/mental health issue. It is not someone whom wants to wear dresses when they have a penis. It is someone whom literally is Dysphoric of their body based on their gender. It is a DSM-5 recognized Mental Health Issue, it is not "normal." OK, it is a very serious condition for those whom have it. The entire premise of it relies on their only being 2 genders as well. For if there were not then a transsexual, trans-gendered person would not need to transition or take hormones. For there would be no need to do either thing. 

Sorry, but, anyone whom claims to be Non-Binary as in neither male nor female is full of shit. There is no such thing as having no gender. You have one; we all do. For most people; the vast majority that is aligned with your genitalia. If you do not identify you have a mental/medical condition you are not a new gender. This could be actual gender dysphoria or some other gender identity related disorder that might not be the same thing, but, have similar symptoms. It could be something that needs transitioning. Or it could be purely something that needs lots of intensive therapy. Both things happen and it could go either way. 

However, if you claim to not be either gender and ALSO as these bastards are doing claim NOT to have gender dysphoria you are full of shit. Or you have some other GID, Gender-Identity Disorder or Discordance and just do not want to admit it. You are either one of two things; also having a serious mental/medical issue and denying it causing you harm. Or you are lying and you are just delusional. Yes, some people are just delusional and these people are them. Gender is not a spectrum OK! It just is not. It is binary like a computer's memory it is male or female.. it is binary. You can express that in many different ways, but, expression is not the same as gender identity! Although the two can be linked! 

I do not care how "triggered" you are from human biology this is just the facts of nature. Men (discounting Gender Dysphoric people) have penises and women vaginas. This is tied together in most men and women with different brains, differences in hormones and their flow, and so much more. It is tied to a lot of things and it is not socially constructed it is biologically constructed. Even the cultural aspects are the results of biological decisions that kept our species going and exist for a reason. Evolutionary Psychology explains it all; both the nature and nurture aspects worked together to keep our species alive. 

This is where gender roles come from as well; they are not invented by the patriarchy or some nonsense. They are evolutionary constructs and can be seen even in the smallest of children. For example newborn male babies look at things not people. While newborn females look at people; this is biological and physiological occurring way before any cultural influences. Female babies exposed to abnormal levels of hormones also do this like baby boys do. The vice versa same for newborn baby boys with abnormal hormones in the womb. Indicating proof positive there is two hardwired genders; even if there are many individuals that differ within the same gender. There are only two; hardwired genders and not a gazillion. 

If you express yourself differently that is not the same as having a different gender. That is not the same thing as not being male or female. That is not same thing as being a non-binary douche. That is what you are a douche that wants to be a special snowflake because just being a person of an actual gender that is different in some manor you need to trash your own gender. To the point of claim to be no gender because to admit you are male or female, but, oh my god an individual is just too fucking old fashioned and conservative for you. Too traditionalist or even "oppressive." You people make me sick! Actual gender identity issues are a serious matter and you make all trans people look like they are just whiny babies. Not suffering an actual mental health issue. 

You are not a Ze, or a Zirk these are not real words nor are they "gender pronouns." We have two pronouns that are real, "him, and "her," or "he," or "she." They, them, zirk, zeeg, arl, erk, and whatever the fuck else you make up is just that made up trash. It should not be taken as seriously at all. On top of it stop demanding people use proper pronouns when you do not even use real pronouns. How is someone supposed to know when you are biologically one gender or another that you are a "ze?" It is bullshit, complete, total and utter. Quit whining about being misgendered because someone properly identifies your actual gender that you have. 

There is nothing other than men and women; women and men. Whether CIS and concordant like most humans or Trans and discordant. There are only two things you can be, psychologically, biologically, reproductive, chromosomal, there are two. Male or female and nothing else! You might be unique, but, you are not a new gender. You probably are not all that unique either you are probably more typical to a man or woman than you even realize. You are just an individual and not a label; which is not a bad thing. Men exist, women exist and that is it! You are one of them! Quit being a douche.