Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fireside Chat Ep. 104 - Communism: So Much for "Good Intentions"

What’s more important? How you behave or how you feel? Dennis explains why good intentions are irrelevant if they don't match up with our actions. • What You Say In Private Vs. Public • How You Behave Is Most Important | 5-Minute Video - Fix Yourself • Advice For The Newly Engaged • What Makes A Good Therapist? • Your Spouse Should Be #1 In Your Life 0:00 When Dennis Went To Dallas 1:02 Dennis’s Commitment To Fireside Chat 2:00 Practically Everything Has A Downside 2:38 What You Say In Private Vs. Public 4:27 If You Think Trump Is A Racist 6:33 How You Behave Is Most Important 10:21 Good Intentions Inspired Communism 12:12 What’s Wrong With Profit? 13:27 Advice For The Newly-Engaged 15:37 Does Dennis Like Cats? 16:59 What Makes A Good Therapist? 18:02 What Makes A Bad Therapist? 20:07 When Dennis Went To A Therapist 23:36 Good People Think About Goodness 25:30 Your Spouse Should Be #1 In Your Life 29:12 Does God Have A Sense Of Humor? 29:59 If Your Child Doesn’t Believe In God 32:20 Thank You For Being With Me