Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legalize, regulate, tax and free adult drug markets

There are many opinions about drugs within the Conservative movement and we do not all agree on the best ways forward with regards to the issue.

However, I still maintain that is making the drug market legal vs a dangerous and criminal black market. Specifically for adults, with the proper regulations of care and with the same sorts of fair sales or consumption based tax as on other items is the best way to move ahead. The drug war is an unmitigated disaster when it comes to dealing with the very real societal and individual issues drugs can cause.

I recommend a two pronged attack or plan of action. The first is to do the legalization while freeing the market for drugs. Freeing the market does not mean an unfettered lassiez faire unregulated market. It means using the least intrusive and most efficient methods of regulation, while not monopolizing the delivery of drugs to government or bureaucratic actors. Much like how some provinces have alcohol sold by private entities not governmental monopolies.

I am both for well maintained and efficient required regulations and also for the market being freed of any barriers that would monopolize drugs or nationalize the drugs. This does not mean I am for drugs being sold anywhere and everywhere either. It means that not only political cronies should be a part of the drug market.

The exact details of how it would be done will need be worked out among those in charge of facilitating the legalization. Discussions will have to be had as to how we can best balance as much economic freedom for the legal drug markets and regulate them to make sure the market is safe; customers secured from undo harms.

Freer the market the freer the people is a dictum on which I still stand. However, the saying of that dictum was not referring to a totally unregulated and lassiez faire market with no oversight or regulations. It is usually associated with Ronald Reagan; a man whom did deregulate, but, he never condoned or supported no regulations. Nor did he pursue anything like lassiez-faire.

The second prong of the plank is to also have lots of information and education be disseminated on the dangers of drugs and why not to to do them. Along with this should be more resources which could be private or public or both set aside for help with mental health and addictions.

This would lead to a much more positive future for the country when it comes to the issue of drugs.