Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Contra Free Thought, Outrage, and the Alt Right (Claire Lehmann)
A couple of days ago a new interview by The Rubin Report was put up with the name "tolerating even the most dangerous ideas." It was claiming that free expression means that one needs or should tolerate even the most vile ideas coming from people. Which is completely inaccurate and totally misunderstands what free speech means. Speech being free refers to people being free to use their own or volunteered resources in order to speak to other people.
It refers to the government and it's constraint against being able to stop citizens from using their own or volunteered resources to say anything they wish to say. It does not say anyone needs to give you their property to let you speak to any specific audience they do not agree with you speaking to. It says that the government cannot stop someone from using their own property or someone else's with permission of the property owners for saying something. It does not say said person has a right to anyone actually showing up or anyone providing them with a location to speak their ideas.
Nor does it say that ideas are not powerful and that certain ideas are not indeed harboring dangerous philosophies which would be bad to be spread within the population. It is in fact free speech for someone or a group of people to peacefully persuade the audience away from a dangerous idea. It is also free speech and expression itself to be able to say no to someone using others property to spread ideas considered to be objectively bad to spread under their watch. It would be in fact a form of banning free speech if the government were to step in to make sure that someone could be forced to have to let dangerous ideas be sanctioned through the use of ones property to spread idea pathogens like those that Alt-Right members spread.
The Alt-Right is an evil entity which preaches a Whites only Ethnostate with a spectrum of views; ranging from bribing all minorities to leave the West for other Nations right up to Genocide. These are views that are not to be "tolerated" in any civilized and/or rational population. Free Speech is not toleration it is simply the idea that people can use their own resources or volunteered resources to speak. As long as one is not giving out legitimate threats or inciting infringements of rights such as initiating violence, fraud, rape or other forms of harm against others. It does not mean individuals or cooperating individual citizens in any geographical area need to tolerate any specific ideas under a "properly limited government."