Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Friday, September 21, 2018
Trump, Tariffs and signs of American Tyranny
This passed week Amy Peikoff gave a News Sandwich with some very bad news smack dab in the middle of it. It turns out unless it gets turned around by Congress a new system is on its way next month. The system known as "The Presidential Alert System." It will be Trump being able to obtain and then contacting all of them on their devices as a text message. This will give him direct access to the American people supposedly only for times of emergency.
However, we are talking about a President whom has publicly lauded as praiseworthy the idea of a President for life from various tyrannies around the world. He already has shown he is against freedom in his views on trade not being free across borders. He has the most anti-freedom to immigrate agenda of Presidents there has been since decades. He claims to be all about fighting the War against Islamic Theocracy, but, yet he plays nice with the Saudis one of the biggest sources for the funding of the groups that want Western Countries wiped off the face of the Earth.
He actually supports the idea of regulating Facebook and Twitter to the point they are no longer even owners or controllers of their own property. He refuses to cut spending that could be cut for needless areas of the Military budget and his Wall makes all of his tax cuts (which I fully supported) meaningless. You cannot cut taxes and have it be meaningful without also cutting the spending you are doing as well. His tariffs are also undoing any of the good things his numerous regulatory red tape and other cutting measures he did. Tariffs act like a tax as any economists can tell you.
Yet, this is coming from a consequential view of the matter. I find something much deeper at stake and that is the state of morality within the American Government. It is immoral not just impractical to have ANY Tariffs at all on goods. Just like it is immoral to not let immigrants that have passed screenings for having communicable diseases, having committed a crime or being associated with terrorist ideologies into the USA. Free trade for all; Unilateral and complete free trade is the only moral trade policy for a Nation to have. Free, but, screened immigration is the only moral immigration policy for a truly moral and free Nation.
The USA is already not free under this President and already having its individual rights squashed. It would be stupid of anyone to believe his new system will not be used for mischief. This sounds like something right out of Atlas Shrugged, or Anthem or We The Living. Ms. Rand would be rolling in her grave if she was seeing what Trump was doing to the USA. Ones only hope is that Congress and The Supreme Court take a different course before next month. Trumps Agenda needs to be stopped and the USA Constitution needs to reign supreme once more. The USA needs to return to a proper rule of law away from Trumps rule of men.