Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Alexander Hamilton "Freedom Fighter or Statist?" with Robert Begley

Alexander Hamilton often gets a bad rap. Some people claim that he’s the father of central banking. Some say he’s responsible for other rights-violating aspects of the U.S. government. Some even call him a statist. In this presentation, Robert Begley addresses these claims head on and sets the historical and moral records straight.

Begley will show that in addition to fighting relentlessly to establish and maintain political freedom in America, Hamilton worked in myriad ways to make America an economic powerhouse—a powerhouse that would soon give rise to a level of human flourishing undreamt of by people in Hamilton’s time.

Mr. Begley will deliver this lecture dressed as Hamilton—and with a smattering of “good rap” drawn from Hamilton: An American Musical.