Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The False Gospel of Rugged Individualism

There are many False Gospels in this world and they are all around us. Some more in the open and others more hidden. One which I think needs to be called out is the idea that only individuals exist. This belief is known as rugged individualism. The view that all societies are basically non existent. That even though people naturally form groups as part of God's Creation only individuals exist. That collectives never can be considered worthy of anything. This is a slimy way to sneak in the Satanic idea of do what thou wilt into a façade of a moral code. 

The truth is that community is very important and in fact no person is a rock. People if given freedom will not act like atomistic individualists, but, will naturally form into voluntary collectives and communities. By attacking groups and the idea of voluntary collectives the very bedrock of freedom are being attacked. Bedrocks such as Family and Churches are attacked for being institutions that are anti individual rights and thus to be in the way of freedom. Truth be told without strong Families and Churches we can never have freedom. If you get rid of these institutions States take over and their function is then usurped. 

Individualism taken to its logical extent leads to chaos. The opposite of forced collectivism is not a world of each individual being a law unto themselves. Their own God of The Machine. All people exist in a network of other people this is why free markets work. Collectivism is wrong not because it acknowledges our need of collective action. It is evil because it uses State Power to mold its own groups forcing people to act against their natural collective. In a freed society non coerced collective action and group forming around shared beliefs as well as interests would naturally emerge.  

It also neglects the fact that God Collectivizes people every time he Saves someone. All Born Again Christians make up the visible Body of Christ. God himself has groups people are in. You are either Saved or Reprobate. Either belonging to The Kingdom of God or The Kingdom of Darkness (The World). Being a Christian is not an individualistic enterprise it is a collective and communitarian one. 
 The False Gospel of individualism is inline much more with The Evil One than God.