Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Importance of Spreading the Full Gospel Message

Sometimes it is misunderstood that since God unconditionally elects the Saved and choses to not elect the reprobate that we as Christians have no place in the process of redemption. This stance which is really Sub Calvinist and unbiblical is often called Hyper Calvinist. 

This is a horrible name as it is not Reformed or Calvinistic in anyway. The truth is that we are to spread the gospel as that is how the elect not yet in space and time regenerated find out about The Gospel. Yet, we do not do the saving only God can regenerate a depraved heart. 

However, the news is good because of what happened on the Cross. It happened because of our depravity and only God himself could atone for what we deserved. He took everything on the Cross we deserved of God's Wrath because he desired to save some from that said wrath. 

None of us deserve salvation as Adam was God's Head in covenant with us. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God when tempted by The Evil One. Thus depraving through original sin all of us. The remedy to come under the heads-up of New Adam or Second Adam Christ Jesus whom did pass the test. 

His righteousness is imputed to us and our guiltiness was imputed to Him. Making those saved have both a continuing sinner nature and also now Saint. We will live a Godly Life to the best of our ability. Never perfect, but, we continue to strive to live holy lives. For by nature God is Holy and we are not. 

That is the Gospel in short and I plead with you to repent and confess. To submit to Christ's Reign and live accordingly. Your eternal destiny very well may hang on this very post.