Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Force is required to have a stable society

The problem with our current States is not the use of force, but, illegitimate use of force. All stable society requires a law code and a justice system forces people to not do unjust things. It is wrong that the secular and atheistic Libertarian philosophy sees force itself as an evil. As opposed to comparing the justified use of force (including initiating it when nessecary) to when it is unjustified.

All law codes, even the most local and even a completely market based one requires force to enforce it. This includes initiating force against some people and groups. For example; one does not wait till there is casualties to stop someone who's product will kill someone from being able to introduce it to the marketplace. This is initiating force before the party or parties have initiated force from their end.

Working to eliminate the sexul slaveries of the commercial sex industries (pornography included) does not wait and cannot wait for them to entrap a person into it. Renewing the normality of Creation ordinance in sexuality and gender cannot wait until someone in said group threatens violence. Even local ordinances require force to back them up.

Force is anything which stops someone from doing something they want.
Which means all murderers, rapists, thieves, and so forth will always need to be forced to not get what they want. Or a society could not exist.  I would argue that civil governments should be using force to defend God's Abiding Moral Law and use force as much as needed to keep society and civilization stable.

Which means I agree that force should be used when someone aggresses against their neighbors. However, the Non Aggression Principle making only retaliatory force legitimate ignores the legitimate use of initiating force when that is the only option. We must initiate force for example to stop someone from harming others before they do if we have ample evidence they will.

This would need to happen even in an anarchic-Libertarian world. Every time you enforce the NAP on people you are using force and forcing a moral code on them. ALL laws legislate morality on a society. The question is, "is it God's Law or Man's Law?"

I would want to make adultery enforced against, but, I do not agree with being in everyone's bedroom to do it. However, it should be enforced in society. When someone makes accusations of adultery and there is ample evidence one does not wait for the guilty party to initiate physical force to force them into court. They will be brought to court and it dealt with there even if the Court was private and not State ran.

I think we need to do something about sexual immorality. At some point of enough of it force needs to be used. Sexual immorality can be enforced against at the extreme ends of the spectrum by the use of as much force as nessecary. Most of it would be done via courts and not a prison system. However, forms of it that contain sexual assaults and harassment or worse would call for police getting involved. Which equals the use of force.

Another example is drugs. Even if you disagree with the War on Drugs you would not want Harroin vending machines out in public spaces where Children can get at them. To support this being stopped is to support the initiating of force against anyone being able to do such things. I personally do not think the solution to any issues with the Drug War is to just have a free for all where there are no drug laws at all.

Coveting cannot be legislated against as that would be thought crime. However, acting on that desire by taking peoples stuff is a form of policing coveting as much as policing the stealing that comes from it. Similarly, blaspheming in speech cannot be policed, but, acting on it by resurrecting blasphemous statues or Publicly endorsing Satanism or False God's can be without enfringing on anyone's rights.

Again, I would prefer all of this to be as localized and decentralized as possible. However, I do support it being enforced by whatever civil magistrate exists where all other non governmental means are unable to deal with the issue. I am not against force. I am in favor of force used properly. That is the main difference between a Christian Libertarian with a Concice integrated Biblical Worldview of society and a standard Libertarian that would support say The Libertarian Party with its NAP foundations.