Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Remembering Humility in a time of stopped distract

As I lay me down to sleep tonight the need for Humility rang through my head. I have been making a lot of pronouncement about the ideal this and that lately. We need to all remember that we are not in charge, but, God is.

I might have my ideas about what would be the best whatever it may be. However, if God did not decree it from Eternity Past it will not come to be. We all need to continue to rest in God's Providence knowing He reigns over all things from His Throne in Heaven.

He is sovereign over His Creation and as His Creatures we are not sovereign over anything. We can come up with all kinds of lofty ideas. Yet, God will not let our lofty ideas come to life unless He too decreed that said idea would come to pass. God's Providence is the ultimate cause of all things and I mean ALL things. There is not a maverick quark, or quantum unit, or higs boson, atom or molecule. ALL THINGS are part of God's pre-creation Eternal Decree.

No matter what it turns out the secondary cauee of a situation is. The primary cause which used the secondary cause for His Purposes is God. This is especially true to remember in a situation like this hurricane. God Decreed this to be to the own glorious praise of His Glorious Grace and His own purposes.

We need to understand how small we are in the Big Picture and how Holy, Holy, Holy other God is from his Creation. This storm should also remind us of the Wrath we all deserved from our conception. Of our Totally Depraved nature as the offspring of Adam and Eve. We sin because we are conceived as sinners. Human nature is to be born a son of Wrath and a slave of Satan.

We literally come into this world, if not regenerated in the womb, as a son or daughter of the Devil and on their team. Due to what happened in The Garden of Eden. We are born traitors and rebels to God though original sin. We all deserve; death, hell, and eternal damnation. It is by God's Sovereign Free Grace and His choice alone that he Saves some to be His Children.

We need to be humble and accept that God knows what He is doing and He is in charge. We are not in charge and have no right to demand Him not to or to do something. He will answer our prayers His way and on His terms not ours.