Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, September 23, 2022

Romans 13 must not be rebelled against in the name of getting a Christian Nation.

When people see my political worldview it would be easy to assume I support not obeying the Government we currently have at all. This would be a mistake as Roman's 13 clearly states we are to submit and obey to all governmental laws that do not instruct us to go against The Holy Bible and God's Word. I do not support some sort of violent revolution or rebellious overthrowing of the current regime.

I am for peaceful transformation from the bottom up and not rebellion or revolting. I agree that we need to abide by all laws that do not order us to go against God's word. Thus, I agree with the command to submit and obey all authorities outside of when they order you to go against something found in The Holy Bible. It does us no good to end up in prison or dead if we wish to gradually change towards the goal of a more Christian Nation. 

Besides it is a command and not a suggestion to obey and submit to all authorities whenever possible as all authorities are setup by God Himself or torn down by God Himself.