Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, September 4, 2022

General Equity is the ideal form of Government (Narrow Is The Way Podcast #1)

The ideal form of government supported by the Historical Reformed/Confessional Biblical Christianity is known as General Equity. However, many people might not know what that is. For this reason I decided to do a primer on the form of governance put forth Biblically. 

First we need to distinguish between three forms of Law put forth by the Holy Bible. One was ceremonial which enforcement consisted of using State Power for people to adhere to the ceremonial requirements of Jewish Israel. The second was the Mosaic Israel Judicial Code which consisted of for example stoning for breaking laws given explicitly to Israel under Moses. Neither of these two forms of God's Law was or is binding on all people for all time.

However, God's Moral Law started with the first people Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and, was later written on stone tablets as The Ten Commandments. This Moral Law is itself consisting of two sections. The first being about the requirements related to honoring God by acknowledging only Him and is called the First table of the law. The second table is related to how you honor Him by treating those around you and honoring Him in doing this. 

The Moral Law of God which is grounded in this being His Creation and thus His Rules are still, always was and always will be binding on all governing of Nations and Society. The Government is setup by God to punish evil and reward Good. God's Moral Law is the only Objective and truly Transcendent way of knowing Good and Evil. 

The First table is enforced by not putting any State Power in the way of freedom to practice and live out a Godly life in a public as well as private manner. It is enforced by keeping freedom of Religion and expression. It is not enforced by forcing everyone to be Christians. We cannot legislate someone believing in Christ and accepting Him as Lord and Savior. 

That is the first table though and to do with worship and Churches. The Second Table is a different story the governing bodies are to enforce the second table related to society and how we treat others. This requires a process known as finding the General Equity of the things considered God's Moral Law and enforcing any laws associated with the second table. For example; you need to have railings around a height because not having them can lead to negligent homicide by people falling off or at least injury. This is a continuation of the Parrapet around your roof rule which was enforced in the Old Testament in Israel, but, we still enforce it because it is part of the broader thou shall not murder principle NOT just because it was in the Mosaic Law code. Nor do we use the Judicial or Civil Law of that time to look for what the punishment should be.

However, Murder still would receive the Modern equivalent of the punishment used in the OT as it was set forth before following Noah's Flood that murderers shall have their blood be shed. Which means the government should use the death penalty for these crimes. I would add for sexual offenses such as rape also to entail death as a penalty. 

When it comes to the ideal economic system; the truly consistent one with the Biblical idea of private property is a free or free(d) Market (Free Enterprise/Capitalist) economy. There would be a lot less regulations and taxes would be considerably lower. As the Government needed to enforce General Equity would be much more limited and smaller than any of our current Centrally Planned systems. As anything that did not go against God's Laws would not need to be enforced as a law at all. This would lead to a Nation that is following God's Law without ending up in a merger of Church and State. 

Some people might think I sound like a Christian Reconstructionist, but, I am afar from such a person. Christian Reconstruction stole the term theomomy or theomomist; which etymologically simply means God's Law. They then used it as a another name for their idea that all of the Isreal Mosaic Law still stands including punishments, all without exception including ceremonial and judicial civil penalties. Van Till whom was one of the first users of the term theomomist was a Natural Law person not a supporter of anything of the kind. 

Thus, the Traditional Reformed Confessions are thenonomic in the Van Tillian sense;  you have two options God's Law (theonomy/theonomic) or being your own God and making up a law made my men (autonomy). Yet, they are not in anyway a form of The Theonomy movement and not supportive of remaking a Christiananized World prior to Christ's return.